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Nov 2017 · 211
Khole Nov 2017
silly little people
and silly little thoughts
stupid little feelings
stupid ****** thots
nobody knows the pain im in
nobody sees the missing layers from my arms
nobody knows the tears i shed
nobody asks why im anxious or why i cry
nobody asks why im sad and want to die
Aug 2017 · 291
I'm tired
Khole Aug 2017
I'm sitting, laying actually, across a love seat.
There is a pillow under my knees and another under my head.
There is a blanket over my legs and torso.
My laptop is on my lap and music is playing quietly whilst I type.
The time reads 10:31 PM at this point.
The light in the kitchen isn't much but is bright all the same.
One of my housemates is laying on their couch.
With a laptop on the coffee table across from their gaze, listening to something I'm blocking out.
I'm hungry, but I don't want to make anything.
When I look down at my keyboard it takes my eyes a bit to see the letters.
Aug 2017 · 272
Broken record
Khole Aug 2017
There is a broken record under my pillow in a dream
There is shattered glass across the floor
There are pages ripped out of books
I'm shook

There are matches on my headboard
There is rope in the garage
There is a bottle full of pills
There is a tub full of water
There is a drawer full of knives
There is a river down the road
There is a key for the case of guns
There is a train coming at noon
What do I do? What do I do?
So many choices to choose.
There is a broken record under my pillow
Honestly I'm not sure what this is, but I try to post everything and anything that may or will come to mind.
Aug 2017 · 235
No one
Khole Aug 2017
No one can hear my muffled sobs as tears roll down my face
No one can see my quivering lip or my bruising hip as i sit in the too small space
No one can see the pain i'm in or when my nails dig in my skin
No one can hear the keyboard keys clack as i type out this allegory
No one can really tell why i'm here they just think its for the glory
May 2017 · 575
Khole May 2017
The roses are red, and the violets are blue.
Honey is sweet, and so are you.
The roses have wilted, and the violets are dead.
The honey jar is empty, and the tiles are stained red.

I can't be your Valentine, I've fallen to the floor.
I took too many pills , but I told you, "I don't love you anymore."
When I look in the mirror; blue drains from my eyes.
When I look down; red drains from my thighs.

I've woken up in a hospital room.
I did not die, I failed, now I'm doomed.
I look around, and then I see.
I can not move, I can't get free.

They've bound me tight to the uncomfortable bed.
I see a mirror, when I look my eyes are red.
Puffy from the night before.
Crying drowsily on the bathroom floor.

I look up and see the light.
I wish I could reach, it's way too bright.
A nurse walks in and greats me good day.
I listen to him start to say...

"The roses may be wilted, and the violets may be dead,
there might not be honey left, but I can sill be your friend."
May 2017 · 1.9k
anger is
Khole May 2017
anger is my restless eye
anger is his ****** thigh
anger is a constant pain
anger is crying in the rain
anger is silence as she cuts her wrist
anger is my ****** fist
anger is the broken wall
anger is a quiet hall
anger is a hidden face
anger is sobbing behind lace
anger is a heated power
anger is an ice cold shower
anger is something i want to hide
anger is my demon inside
May 2017 · 230
Ode to No One
Khole May 2017
Ode to the girl whose beauty would strike anyone down
The girl who means it when she smiles
The girl who can be happy even when she's a bit down
The girl whose voice will always make my stomach flutter
The girl who always gives second chances
And thirds
And fourths
And fifths
Ode to the girl who doesn't see my faults
The girl who will love me no matter what I do
The girl who will sit by my side whilst I cry
The girl who will make everything better
The girl who makes everyone want to be happy
And laugh
And smile
And love
Ode to the non-existent girl
Jul 2016 · 265
Khole Jul 2016
Don't turn to your God for how I have sinned
Jun 2016 · 261
Khole Jun 2016
You say I'm the reason all of my relationships go to ****.
When I broke up with you, and most of my past partners.
You wanted me back, and I left because of my fears.
I may be part of the reason, but defiantly not the only reason.
You took part in this disaster, so don't even pull that card.

**** honey, you're still trying? A'ight, sounds fun.
You try so hard all the time, and it always ends badly.
You text me and want to be friends, then we play the 'question game'.
You bring up past subjects, and resent ****-ups.

I left before it got worse
It was already bad...
Jun 2016 · 232
Khole Jun 2016
Feeling lost in this world
Never to feel free
Never to feel free
Feeling lost in this world
Jun 2016 · 306
4:00 AM
Khole Jun 2016
It's 4:00 AM and I'm bored as ****
My friends haven't answered my texts

I've been watching Netflix, so it's all okay
Without you it seems weird to do this

You were my only constant
And now your gone, out of my life

I get all of it, besides the parts I don't get
It's funny how you ignore me
Jun 2016 · 227
I Can't Rhyme
Khole Jun 2016
Silence is all I have to say

To that I never pray

I see you speaking

But do not hear you

You are kind heart-ed

And always frightened

As am I when alone

Except when I am home
Jun 2016 · 298
Khole Jun 2016
I find myself not understanding somethings.
Why people look to a man they can not see.
Why people base their lives on stories they were not in.
Why people keep trying after they fail.
Why people want love though it always ends badly.
Why people physically hurt them selves to make emotional pain go away.
Why people think they love someone who hurts them.
Why people keep on living, trying to stay alive, not wanting to die.
Why I want this one person.
Why I still go to school everyday.
Why I try and get good grades.
Why I try to look my best.
Why I try to please people.
Why I try and please you.
Why I love you.
Why I care.
Jun 2016 · 289
Khole Jun 2016
Hello, it's me again.
I see that you found another.
That's alright though.
I'll just love you from a distance.

I still miss you.
Why do you have to be so **** cute?
Why do you have to go and talk to me?
Why do you have to do these things?
As you do these things you can't help, I'm dying inside.

Distance ain't working no more.
I guess I'll just keep moving in.
As long as you do as well.
Jun 2016 · 290
Khole Jun 2016
It's never over until you give up.. I've given up. So now ill just Stay here and keep my feelings a secret. You don't need to know, they don't need to know, It's my own business. I still want you to know. Wanting differs from needing. That's alright though I'll just suffer in silences.   :D
May 2016 · 292
Khole May 2016
When you leave and set a date
I feel as if its all my fault
It is my fault
and I'm sorry about that
May 2016 · 269
before us
Khole May 2016
before everything
we were great friends
you were dating her
i thought you were cool
i liked you and you liked me
but we were both taken
when we were both single
we dated
i loved you
you loved me
i kissed her
and you found out
i ended it
you tried to fix it
but i couldnt let you back in and said lets just be friends
you couldnt take that and we fought
i told you, i hated you and i meant it
i told you, i didnt want to talk to you and i meant it
i told you, you were never the one for me and i meant it
i cant stop, loving you
i cant stop, wanting to walk up to you and say something
i cant stop, thinking you may have been the one i would marry
your with her
and your so similar
and shes sweet and pretty and nice
and shes my friend so i cant do anything about it
ill let you go
May 2016 · 254
Love Scares Me
Khole May 2016
When you look at me
I can't help but look away.
When you text me
I can't help but not respond.
When you talk to me at school
I can't help but walk away.
I love you,
but love scares me.
Us scares me.
You scare me.
It all scares me.
May 2016 · 316
Khole May 2016
I told you I didn't want to talk to you
All you did was keep typing
And all I did was not reply
You asked me why i was ignoring you
I told you four hours ago
To stop texting me
But you just kept on typing
I'm fine with it I've blocked you
You learned your lesson
Thank you
For ruining my life
I really do appreciate it
Goodbye to you and only you
Apr 2016 · 230
It wont get any easier
Khole Apr 2016
I've been in the darkness,
in and out.
So i know what your going through,
it wont get any easier,
it wont ease up.
You need to make the pain go away,
and don't let him hurt you
don't let him faze you,
you're wonderful,
don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Apr 2016 · 262
Khole Apr 2016
They say "home is were the heart is"
But my heart is at the bottom of the ocean
Apr 2016 · 213
Khole Apr 2016
You've seen the world
I've seen it too
You've tried hanging and jumping
I've tried too
But i haven't told you
But now we try together
To stay alive
What's now is better
What was then
Was in the past
What is now
Is are only worries
We are home
Apr 2016 · 257
Khole Apr 2016
the closet is open
but im still in the frame
ive tried to take steps
but just cant seem to move
she helped me this far
but he just seems to try and close it
i trusted you

— The End —