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 May 2021 Kevin Zed
she had the audacity
to create me
with her own existence

she had the audacity
to subject me to life
with the promise of her love

she had the audacity
to spend her life
putting conditions on her love

i had the audacity
to love in shades of pink
as well as blue

i had the audacity
to drink in shades of red
as well as white

i had the audacity
to live
as well as she created me to

i had the audacity
to destroy me
with my own existence

she had the audacity
to mourn a life she created
with the promise of her love

the audacity
i am not the
daughter you wanted

i guess we both
let each other down
 Mar 2021 Kevin Zed
he may love me
for as long as i live

but i will always love you
the longest
my friendship
with my ex-fiancé
is the most meaningful
thing i’ve ever been
a part of
 Mar 2021 Kevin Zed
champagne bottles
litter the rock bottom floor
of a woman
desperately wishing
for enough bubbles
to make her float
i’ve been drinking
for four days straight

hoping that if i drink classy,
it means i’m not broken

i’m broken
 Feb 2021 Kevin Zed
i couldn’t depend on you
but i did

i can’t depend on you
so i don’t

that’s the difference
between the girl you met

and the girl that
you now know
 Dec 2020 Kevin Zed
you know my face
my laugh
and my story
by heart

but not my number

so do me a favor
and delete it
don’t call here anymore
 Dec 2020 Kevin Zed
 Dec 2020 Kevin Zed
my roses are yellow
and my violets are too
and my garden is just as beautiful
even if i grow it differently than you
i became
a truer amanda
this year

and i think that’s
to celebrate
 Dec 2020 Kevin Zed
no one
 Dec 2020 Kevin Zed
you always said
no one deserves me

i just never imagined
you could ever be
no one
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