Who likes children these days?
I mean, they basically smell of peadophilia and poo.
So I find myself asking the question, what's worse a child or paedophilia?
i watched the film 'Matilda yesterday, and in one scene her negelctful adoptive parents leave her sitting in the sink covered in what is suggested to be poo.
Then it shows a sequence of her growing up.
just like poo decomposes *******
and just like many children are peadophiles in the making
because although they may not be neglected
they're thrown on the compost heap to grow
you know, compost? Like the big bags with the instructions, that's only vaguely mixed material, and is tended to according to the instructions or not at all.
So it goes, many adult peadophiles are just children
rolling around in the dirt.
(As much as anything that's a metaphor to say not the rich ones.)
I personally, enjoyed my childhood ****** abuse, so im assuming I was born a peadophile.
But then i don't beleive it's a mental disorder either as i don't believe in mental disorders - or even trauma.
I beleive in living life, and living a good one. In other words having fun.
Does that mean I'd ever harm a child?
Absolutely not.
As long as I'm making my own life choices.
Amen Ra.