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2.7k · Aug 2013
Katie Aug 2013
what a mean girl I am
throwing around words I half understand
letting them bump and bruise strangers
not thinking it might hurt them later

what an awful person they must see
a person no one wants to be
making promises she can't keep
and disappointing in the end

A perfect example of what not to do
doing things not well thought through
crude and cruel down to the bone
yet wonders why she's left alone.
1.8k · Sep 2013
Katie Sep 2013
every day feels like a blank page
I stare into emptiness
as words fly into one ear
and out the other
always telling myself
that I'll make something
out of each new page I am given
that I might fold it into something new
but I'm always too afraid I might mess up
the structured square that is my life.
1.5k · Mar 2014
Katie Mar 2014
It's hard to hear all your flaws flow
from the mouth of the one
you love the most.
1.4k · Oct 2014
Katie Oct 2014
How lucky you are
To leave such a scar
To be the poison in my mind.
****** clichés
1.2k · Jan 2019
Katie Jan 2019
All the moments get replayed
Every mistake I've ever made
Flashing through inside my head
Makes me wish I were dead.
Makes me wish I were dead.
897 · Sep 2022
Katie Sep 2022
Did you smell my blood in the water,
fairweather friend?
That seed of resentment in your heart
I dont remember sowing it.
875 · Jun 2014
Katie Jun 2014
something had snapped.
I had severed our bond on a whim
the cut became irreversible
and I watched my helpless efforts of mending it
fall into space
as the warmth flowed out of my body
until there was nothing left
in my worthless veins
and I was cold
and empty again
397 · Jun 2016
Katie Jun 2016
Someday when I'm dead I hope to see,
the people that made the people,
that made the people
that made
361 · May 2016
To drink
Katie May 2016
I used to think to have a drink no matter where it be,
would bring me bliss that I would miss when sober thoughts haunt me,
but what I've found through many rounds
of shots what matters most,
is quality of company and most of all the host.
351 · Jul 2019
game of thrones
Katie Jul 2019
Expectations subverted

Narrative deserted

8 years of waiting

Wasn't worth it
349 · Oct 2014
Katie Oct 2014
I sometimes forget that you've forgotten me.
245 · May 2016
Katie May 2016
Happy to be leaving,
Sad to be gone.
218 · Jul 2019
kid pills
Katie Jul 2019
At 8 years old I was put on drugs
27 milligrams all just because
I couldn't sit in a chair 6 hours a day
and listen to their *******
161 · Jun 2020
So it goes
Katie Jun 2020
Virtue signaling and destruction abound
A uniting goal nowhere to be found
Too high on emotion for critical thought  
Pallets of bricks the anonymous bought

The stamping of boots upon human faces
Shadows fueling a war of the races
History repeated every four years
For votes from a populous motivated by fear
118 · Jan 2020
mental loop
Katie Jan 2020
How do I stop whipping myself with the twisted memory of every new experience?

— The End —