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Sep 2022 · 877
Katie Sep 2022
Did you smell my blood in the water,
fairweather friend?
That seed of resentment in your heart
I dont remember sowing it.
Jun 2020 · 133
So it goes
Katie Jun 2020
Virtue signaling and destruction abound
A uniting goal nowhere to be found
Too high on emotion for critical thought  
Pallets of bricks the anonymous bought

The stamping of boots upon human faces
Shadows fueling a war of the races
History repeated every four years
For votes from a populous motivated by fear
Jan 2020 · 91
mental loop
Katie Jan 2020
How do I stop whipping myself with the twisted memory of every new experience?
Jul 2019 · 189
kid pills
Katie Jul 2019
At 8 years old I was put on drugs
27 milligrams all just because
I couldn't sit in a chair 6 hours a day
and listen to their *******
Jul 2019 · 316
game of thrones
Katie Jul 2019
Expectations subverted

Narrative deserted

8 years of waiting

Wasn't worth it
Jan 2019 · 1.2k
Katie Jan 2019
All the moments get replayed
Every mistake I've ever made
Flashing through inside my head
Makes me wish I were dead.
Makes me wish I were dead.
Jun 2016 · 365
Katie Jun 2016
Someday when I'm dead I hope to see,
the people that made the people,
that made the people
that made
May 2016 · 336
To drink
Katie May 2016
I used to think to have a drink no matter where it be,
would bring me bliss that I would miss when sober thoughts haunt me,
but what I've found through many rounds
of shots what matters most,
is quality of company and most of all the host.
May 2016 · 220
Katie May 2016
Happy to be leaving,
Sad to be gone.
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
Katie Oct 2014
How lucky you are
To leave such a scar
To be the poison in my mind.
****** clichés
Oct 2014 · 319
Katie Oct 2014
I sometimes forget that you've forgotten me.
Jun 2014 · 852
Katie Jun 2014
something had snapped.
I had severed our bond on a whim
the cut became irreversible
and I watched my helpless efforts of mending it
fall into space
as the warmth flowed out of my body
until there was nothing left
in my worthless veins
and I was cold
and empty again
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
Katie Mar 2014
It's hard to hear all your flaws flow
from the mouth of the one
you love the most.
Sep 2013 · 1.8k
Katie Sep 2013
every day feels like a blank page
I stare into emptiness
as words fly into one ear
and out the other
always telling myself
that I'll make something
out of each new page I am given
that I might fold it into something new
but I'm always too afraid I might mess up
the structured square that is my life.
Aug 2013 · 2.7k
Katie Aug 2013
what a mean girl I am
throwing around words I half understand
letting them bump and bruise strangers
not thinking it might hurt them later

what an awful person they must see
a person no one wants to be
making promises she can't keep
and disappointing in the end

A perfect example of what not to do
doing things not well thought through
crude and cruel down to the bone
yet wonders why she's left alone.

— The End —