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KaylaMarie Aug 2019
I gasp life-giving air into my lungs for the first time in a long time.
The trees provide a perfect shelter as they surround me on all sides.
Their roots are deep and the stability of this place is tangible in my bones.
It’s unfair to ask you to be my forest though.

The water crashes above the surface but I’m safe here under the waves.
The pressure covers me and grounds me into a sense of relief.
It’s calming enough to settle my anxious thoughts, it moves me steady.
I am swayed by the rhythm of the movement as the tides roll in and out.
It’s unfair to ask you to be my ocean though.

I reach the top and all of my hard works finally feels like it’s paid off.
I can look below and see how far I’ve come; I can see the victory of what I’ve accomplished.
This view gives me a new perspective of life and everything is starting to make sense.
It’s unfair to ask you to be the peak of my mountain though.

The drops hit my skin and I am reminded of what it feels like to be alive.
The timing is sometimes unpredictable but it makes me thankful that there is still some kind of consistency.
Now matter how many times it comes and goes, I know that it will always come back.
I know that it will bring beauty and growth and revive what once was dead.
It’s unfair to ask you to be my rain though.

The shutters are closed but the lights are on.
The boxes are finally unpacked and every item has found a place to dwell.
I never knew what it meant to abide, but I feel like I have finally found the definition.
This isn’t a place to come and go, this is a place I never want to leave.
It’s unfair to ask you to be my home though.

You can't be my forest.
You can't be my ocean.
You can't be my mountain peak.
You can't be my rain.
You can't be my home.

I'm sorry that I still ask you to be.
KaylaMarie Jul 2019
My hands have been tied behind my back for far too long
But I guess it doesn’t matter because everything has always been out of my reach anyway.
Maybe this is for the best,
There’s been too many times I’ve tried to grab onto things that weren’t mine to grab onto.
No matter how hard I try, you’re always slipping out of my grasp
Kind of like those grains of sand I could never keep in my hands.
They slowly find their way of escaping, just like you did.
They say what’s meant to be will find it’s way to you
But all my life the roads I've followed have lead me further from home,
If such a place even exists.
The ties around my wrists are starting to burn,
I can’t help but wish they were around my neck instead.
I probably shouldn’t say that out loud though.
I keep reaching out for you even though I know you’re not here
And I guess that’s why I’m thankful my hands are tied.
KaylaMarie Jul 2019
The shards of glass on your tongue are slowly making their way into my veins
You kiss me with deceit and speak to me in lies and yet I find myself mesmerized by the feeling of your lips.
KaylaMarie Jun 2019
The clocks are slowly creeping and I know that it’s been killing you
Don’t tell me how much time we’ve wasted waiting for unspoken words to come up for air;
I know you’ve been counting the seconds as they pass.
I keep coughing up old promises that got lost somewhere along our path
My lungs can’t handle the dust of our old dreams any longer.
Trying to swallow gravel isn’t as easy as it seems
But thankfully my throat is already numb from the words that have been buried there for years
I’m trying to keep my head above water but I can’t help throwing myself under knowing that you’re drowning too
It would make sense for me to try to save you but I’d rather us go down together because we’ve never succeeded living at peace above the waves.
This might make everything sound hopeless but you and I both know I’ve always had too much faith in us.
These seconds are all that I have left and I am trying to savor them before you’re pulled away again
All that I know is that I’d cross every ocean until one of them leads me to you.
KaylaMarie Jun 2019
I haven’t been able to write for a while and I find myself knocking on the door of my mind wondering when something will come out next
I’m waiting for a surge of inspiration or a burst of creativity
But I keep finding myself to be entirely hollow
Writing has always been bittersweet for me;
I think it’s because the pen in my hand will only work if there’s pain behind the ink
I guess you could say that I’ve been scared to write anything new because I’m tired of reliving those memories with every broken sentence I write.
You see, if I heal the pain, my pen runs out of ink and I lose the passion
But if I keep feeding the pen in order to keep writing, I lose my happiness.
My life has always felt that way though.
I’ve always been in a dark room unable to see.
And maybe I’ve always had the tools in my hand to fix the light
But how am I supposed to fix something if I don’t know where it is?
KaylaMarie Jun 2019
I’ve been clinging onto you so tightly
and yet my hands are still empty.
KaylaMarie Jun 2019
Tell me that you can't sleep because your arms are empty without me.
Tell me how your heart is starting to fade out because I'm not around.
Tell me about the days you crave your old cigarettes but you crave me even more.
Tell me that you never wanted to leave me.
Tell me that you wanted to stay.
Tell me that you need me the way that I need you.
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