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Kawa Apr 2020
We’re everything we’ve been through, everything we’ve touched and everything that has ever touched us.
Through every adventure, every escapade, each experience is defining, all that we’re is all that we know.
So what are we if not an accumulation of our memories, an agglomeration of all our knowledge.
Kawa Feb 2020
I guess things are only complex because we’re superficial.
This universe is only big because we’re small.
Life is only hard because we’re weak.
Kawa Feb 2019
Why would I bring to you dead flowers, when I can put you among living ones.
Kawa Jan 2019
“Falling in love” is a contradiction in itself, because in love there is only the rising, the ascending, not the falling.
You can not fall in love, but rather, rise.
Kawa Nov 2018
Handle a woman as a bee does a flower, extract her sweetness but do not damage her.
Kawa Jul 2018
She said after all maybe i am a gold digger and you’re the mountain that I chose to ascend, maybe I am here to explore and delve into your hidden inner world, so tell me, what treasure lies within your deepest caves, how far does your emptiness reach and what is it that I shall find in the end.
Kawa Jun 2018
Expose yourself to the natural radiations of life, the cosmic waves of energy, so that even when you’re in darkness, you’ll still be emitting light, become phosphorescent.
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