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Katie Jan 2019
Pop rocks and wildfires
Deep drawn out comfortable silences

It’s not comfortable for some people
My juxtaposed nature breeds uncertainty

I am not subtle
I am not the in between

Waves crash and people stare in awe
Slowing to a lapping at the sand and peace settles in their bones

Can you see the good in both sides of me that way

I feel like a wildfire burning the world around her sometimes
But when I settle in I can be a gentle flame to light the night

In the end It’s all or nothing

Ride my waves and the calm is yours

I’ll sigh and warm the room around me with dreaming looks and half smiles
But be ready my dear when I want to run
Cuz I have a level of noise in my head and somedays I want to run to meet it full blast

Do you want to run with me?
Katie Jan 2019
Waiting in the crowd
Letting it all in
The life of an assembled group has a pulse
A strum that you can feel
And boy do I love the rush of a few hundred people hungry for something

Hungry and waiting for the first cords
That first song
Will it be their favorite

You can feel the nights they’ve spent in the dark
Radio up
Lacing their blood with the music

The days they’ve rolled down the windows and driven with that chorus on their lips like salvation

The evenings they pulled it from the jukebox
Conjuring it like their next trick

Feel the excitement in waves in the dim lit space
Smoke rolling lazily over the lights
People shifting
Emotions swelling
The moment the band steps on stage
Screaming out in a way they never can out there
And it’s like it’s always supposed to be
Their voices raise up
Joining a voice they know as well as their own
Bringing into the night the sound of a couple hundred hearts pounding in unison to the beat of their favorite drums
Katie Jan 2019
Oil paintings mixed with sand
Colors splashed and dripped
Fine forms
Abstract adoration
I want to run my fingers over these throbbing colors
Lick the reds that look like candy
Curl up in the grey window seats
Stretch out on the deep forest greens
Run through terra-cotta roofed worlds
Throw myself into a mixture blast splatter fantasy
My breath is snatched away by beauty
My eyes fill and open and never blink
My stillness is deceiving as I am flying in my mind
The world dims around me
I forget I have words that aren’t colors
And as the colors leave my mouth they really mean love
But love is not a word that holds value after years of corruption
So colors
So my purest desire
“So blue” sighed and whispered
Grey, white, blue, maroon, touches of green and black
Katie Jan 2019
Anxiety smooth slides over your lungs
Liquid coating them
All sneaky like till you take a breath
Eyes shooting open
Your subconscious playing your fears like a paper shadow lamp
Once you see it you wonder how that candle had been burning without you noticing
How those cut outs had been made while you were content
And what it’s gonna take to stop that merry go round from turning
Katie Jan 2019
Fingertips like historians marking down for the ages all they touch when we are together

Eyes open, never shuttered, taking in every color, shade, and shadow. An artist gathers her arsenal

Inhaling, scenting the air, a map of the places we go. Your scent becoming a bread crumb trail back to a warm place inside

Listening, recording the sounds that make up a landscape of now. The groove deepening

Painting layers of time

Reveling in the seconds

Pouring the hours over us like linseed oil
Katie Jan 2019
Scattered across apps
Glimpse of a girl who wants nothing and everything to do with the world
Choosing which scraps to show
What words leave an impact with out showing her hand

Ferris wheels
Mosh pits
Never stopping hips that cannot abide being outside that song

She can’t stop feeling everything

When she’s happy she flys
Never a question in her mind that doesn’t hold wonder

When she’s sad she is so so still
But it’s a still that vibrates
Katie Jan 2019
Rain pouring down into the street outside
Metal grinding above, a song of the wind
Police sirens a symphony
Mixing like a palette
A touch of Prussian blue
Accent with titanium white
Those city lights yellow ocher
Black trees anywhere against the sky
Just anywhere you like
It doesn’t matter
Just feel it
A soundtrack embedding into me
Grooves being made in a record of memories
New neural pathways
I don’t need soft noise to lull me
I don’t need warm skies
My desire for chilled walks with warm hands
Umbrellas held aloft and accepted when I could be soaked to the bone and be happy
My transient heart swells with a life that has a slight edge
It makes any fluctuations last where I know loss could seep through
Anything to pin a moment to a beating creature that never knows what will stay
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