Only love can ride the currents of time. Spread on the wings of the divine. A powerful force that soars free As soft as a feather. As gentle as a breeze
A little girl with braids in her hair . Her sparkling eyes, and joyfull smile . She sits in a garden teaming with life . Her guardian angel sits by her side . She raises her hand to touch the breeze. And to her surprise a white dove flys down to greet . A peaceful creature ,her new best friend. It lays upon her hand with grace. A timeless bond a fleeting sight . A moment wrapped in gentle light .
A elderly gentleman. Stands by the flowers. Not knowing which ones to buy. He takes in the colors, the beautiful scents . For his beloved. A single red rose he picks .
A beautiful green medow all bursting with bloom. White jasmine that glitters like due drops in June. A oasis of scent fills the air . A woman stands at the edge ,lost in a distant stare . Her red locks of hair kissed by the sun . Her white laced dress flows on a magical breeze . She searches the winds for love unknown . But as she gazed at the world outside. She found love waiting deep inside .
The aloof black jaguar shrouded in mystery. Lives in a enchanting forest under a canopy. He dances from light to shadow with magestic ease. Shrouded in legends from all corners of the earth. A beautiful mystery. A timid old soul indeed. When the sun goes down to night . His golden piecing eyes come alight
Many beautiful words describe The devine love . Do we hold the key . Or is it etched in the heart or soul ? I do not know . But we our given the beautiful gift of words .
Jagged peaks carve his path Like black onyx absorbing light An amber sun in muted gold A fading light Hidden dangers lie ahead In haunting echos Where shadows test He stills his mind A strength he finds
Africa's most golden treasure ,the savanna. Where nature plays a tune. Burnt orange, striking reds fill the air . And a captivating moon. There roam gentle giants as ancient like the sun. They gather all around to protect their young. Deep bonds of love through generations. That stands the test of time .
I believe in angels The very human kind . With invisible wings . And hearts so kind. They have no idea who they are A stranger on the street. They shine a light for us to see. And comes to us in times of need . And vanish when their work is done . These beautiful angels living under our sun.
When I lay down to sleep. I paint a picture I'll love to dream. Warm Shimmering shades of blues I'll have for the sea. Waves of white silk . Pebbles of aquamarine That shines oh so crystal deep. A golden horizon. Yellows and golds .a warm sunset to behold . A gentle breeze a lullaby. Guides my soul,where dreams can fly .
Dreams of white butterflys in the moonlight sky . The shimmers of light , a beautiful sight . They weave and turn in circles of love . A dance of all dance . So enchanting and serene. If u listen closely,you might hear their fluttering hearts. In their heavenly wings .
The beatifull moonflower . Blessed by the rain they grow. Under the full moon they glow . In enchanting shades of blue . She knows how to heal a broken heart. She must let her teardrops fall . To illuminate her path.
A delicate crystal elephant, Fleeting in the mind , Reminds me of an enchanting lucky charm. A red heart came befour it . Softly embedded in the heart. A beautiful gift from the past .
A small sampan boat ,with a man so very wise . Crosses a river With blues and whites that shimmer. Brilliant diomonds scattered in the sky . A sea eagle crosses his path ,with feathers so bright. As time flows gently drifting by .
In the realm of dreams, Pretty poetry, Words crystal clear, She read them so perfectly, When she awakes , The Memories fade A distant whisper remains, And her search begins .
A crisp winters day. Pale blue moon . Sun shines white. As an icy breeze, chills the face. Snow settles on the frozen sea A rose gently laid on a bench. A beautiful deep red . For the love they shared.
Struck by a cool breeze ,a breath of fresh air. Her heart skips a beat , She felt a small bud bloom there . Where past thorns lay . Time heals . But now her curious heart is leading the way . Through winding alleys that felt like a maze . She stopped at a rickety fence . Wild lavender grew through the cracks. Graffiti adorned in pink paint In big letters read Love. Her heart knows she will find it where she least espects.
Love is like diomonds shimmering in the light. A lusta so pure a beatifull and rare sight . But it can also cut deep like ice Leaving scars along the way ,we somtimes hide . But remember we are the diomonds. We hold the light A inner radiance we carry inside .
I would love a beautiful garden I can go to when I sleep. A pretty garden I can allways find. A beautiful bird of paradise I'll love. . A trellis of wild red roses to remember my dad . Pure white orchids only my mum could grow . A glisten of snow drops with a dusting of snow . Painted butterflys that come alive All in a purfume scent so devine . And every time I remember their love . My garden grows .
In the sharp ice of winter. Frosted red roses and pastel pinks. A towering oak tree stands steadfast and wide. With a heart and arrow carved inside. But the initials have faded away . But the heart endured the wind and rain . Through mist and frost the memories remain . Echos of past . Where winters sings . And love still remains .
Her heart was hurt , By true love she thought Entwined in twine She could not break, Until her heart whispers , Time echos the sweetest tune , The sweetest love lies withing A delicate heart wants to heal .
A undying love Beatifull and very sweet . As deep as a ocean. As bright as a star . Two burning hearts that beat . Transcends time and space by far. Death does not keep them apart. A unbreakable bond . That can be felt, not just seen. Near and far .
I was very lost in London. But I knew my destination. I was not familiar. With Londons busy vibration.
Panic attacks arisen. The train platform I had to find . It was like the universe conspired to hide. To keep it hidden from my mind. A man with shopping bags I asked . Stepped up with no hesitation. We went around in many circles. It had become a bewildering mission. In the end we found it hidden. The only platform with no number. I then shook his hand with great affection. This man with the kindest heart ❤️. And beautiful spirit .
In twilight's glow A gentle light A lake serene A pair of swans Glide side by side In beatifull grace Their Love reflects in waters deep A beautiful bond complete
In the stillness of midnight When night and day collide. I go within. Where shadows stir. And time blurs. A traquil stillness. To mend the mind And soothe the soul .
A blood red rose in one hand, A silver dagger in the other , Which one will she choose ? Could either seal her fate , An inner vioce says , "Take neither my dear ".
When darkness sets In the world of dreams The unconscious stirs Where nightmares loom And shadows grow Fears come alive ,with no control Where do the nightmares go ?
The ocean in peaceful shades of blue . Magical ,mysterious, enchanting. A soft ripple spreads far. Cool to the touch. It cleanses the soul. In depths of calm . Where ocean waves echo. A beautiful sound
Painting a scene Light violet and purple flowers in spring A hint of lavender mist Light blue sky's, a touch of serene Crisp white clouds A tint of white Each brushstroke a traquil peace
Magestic eagles A mesmerising dance In the sky's above Drawn together They cling to each othet Twists and turns In haunting glides In perfect sync In fleeting feats of grace