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 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
All my life I’ve been compared to those I’ll never be
But when I need the most support they all abandoned me
Now I’m broken beyond repair
Sitting there with a blank icy stare
My family looking back not knowing, that they were the fall of me…
When I said family at the end I define “family” as those I consider close to me, friends, parents relatives alike.
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
All the words in the dictionary wouldn’t be enough
To describe her work I’d be left stuck
Thinking back to all she has done
Loved me unconditionally when no one else would
Made me her world cause she knew no one else could
Stuck by me always even when I ignored her
I can’t thank her enough for all that she’s done
But I can love her forever before she’s gone
I say to you now, love your mother before she departs. We all have a very short time on this earth. Life is full of uncertainties but among all the haze there is but one truth, your mom loves you more than anything.
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
My View
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
I once dreamed of being a healer
Now it's me who needs repair
My past haunts me daily
The cause of my despair
This life is not for me
Here I am lamenting sorely
For the war-torn world before me
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
The River
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
Everyday remains the same
Endlessly crashing in a river of joy and pain
Like two sides of the same coin
The two faces we wear in our day to day
Keeping our schedules aligned
Never to veer off of the river of life and pain
We keep to a sense of learned helplessness, scared of what the future holds if we try and change. But are we really living life if all we do is remain the same?
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
The world keeps on spinning
Yet life doesn’t seem anymore fulfilling
Try as we do
Work and play
Keep the demons of our minds away
Try and make everyday full of joy
But every night before we rest
Employ the curse of fear and logic  
Can never escape the thought
In the deepest reaches of our minds
Our lives are all for naught
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
Future seems unclear

Clouded and dark

Wondering from a pedestal

Vision gets blurry

From the smoke in the heart
Find your future before it disappears
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
Come, follow me
Let me spin you a tale
Based on reality and gritty detail
Daily breakdowns a normal thing
Just as much as constant mood swings
Work seems harder everyday you try
Refuse to realize why
Why I fail to understand
That this path is only quicksand
No light in sight as I sink ever deeper
Say bye bye to the dreams of being a healer
Come, follow me
Into the fray
Where even the sunshine looks grey
The land where humans are brought to be fixed
Broken by the laws that we helped to exist
Come, follow me
Let’s find our path
No longer give without getting back
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
Your eyes,impish and mischievous
Your laughter's nonchalant insolence
Your hair unflured their waves undone
Never will I forget
Until I breathe this life

Your hand that abandoned mine
Your shadow that turned away it's gaze
Your look that never looked back

Never shall I forgive
Until I breathe this life

Your unabashed dancing in the rain
Your silly sulkings at all things small
Your innocent childlike mischief
Always shall I LOVE
Until I breathe this life

Your false vows and promises
Your burning scorching dreams

Your cruel ruthless prayers

Always I will hate
Until I breathe this life

Written by: Gulzar, Allahrakka Rahman, A R RAHMAN
I take no credit for this poem, authors are written in. Its a pure expression of love.
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
 Sep 2019 Amira
Amad Tariq
Sting me until you’re happy
Till the smile on your face forms
Rip out the heart you’ll burn
Just leave my mind alone
Broken love hurts deeper than any wound and worse when the memories hurt more than any words said.
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