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 Apr 2017 Neex
Aisha Ella
Deep breaths okay?
D E E P  B R E A T H S.
Turns on sink tap
Its okay, I'll just rinse it off
Then I can really see how much damage is underneath.
Holds head
Its fine, its fine, I'll take the pain killers later.
After...I'm clean again, yeah, after.
Looks at arms
Oh thank gosh! None on the arms,
I don't have to wear the long sleeves again
Starts to sway
Why am I swaying?
I've taken worse before, just a few more minutes
I can do this, deep breaths, okay?
I've got this.
Washes face and murmurs
I should leave, I really should
I don't deserve this, I can do better, I can...
Lips tremble
But maybe I can't, maybe he's right, maybe nobody can love me.
What if nobody will love me?
Stares into mirror
No, no, I won't leave, not yet.
Said it was the last time, but thats what he said the first time,
And I...
Continues washing face
No I'll stay, its okay, just a little bruising
Nothing I can't cover up.
I can do this, I can do this...
Its okay,
He Loves Me.
I've been thinking a lot on abuse in relationships and so I feel like making this a series, will explore different types and aspects of it.
 Feb 2017 Neex
Aisha Ella
It was Boys Like You,
That used to push me around on the playground,
That chased me down dark school corridors.
That became the catalyst for the scoldings I received from my mother;
Over browned shirts, torn skirts and ties, pulled chokingly tight.

It was Boys Like You
That when I grew older,
Gave me sweet, chocolate covered compliments laced with poison.
That hooked me on the addictive drug of 'fitting in' and 'being slim'
And trying to get 'lighter skin' I could be pretty like all the other girls.

It was Boys Like You,
That at first glance seemed to be kind
Then threw cruel words into my open mind,
Which tore down what little confidence I had,
And made me wonder what I did that was so bad.

It was Boys Like You
That made me believe that I was hideous,
That told me my reflection was a crime against humanity
And that if beauty was skin deep and no further,
There was no way anyone could ever, love, me.

It was Boys Like You,
That pushed me into the darkest corners of my mind
Turned off all the lights so I'd be blind.
Locked the cell and threw away the key,
And left me there to slowly lose myself to insanity.

It was Boys Like You that made me feel
As though there was something innately wrong with me,
That I had an endless list of faults that even I couldn't completely see.
It was Boys Like You that nearly killed Me...

Well not really.

I mean technically I didn't die.
Maybe only on the inside, as those rotting thoughts infected my crumbling mind
And I begged for someone, anyone to
Please. Help. Me.

It was Boys Like You
That pushed me to the place of contemplating suicide.
As I sat, wide eyed tears in my wide eyes,
Wondering if maybe I stopped breathing
Then I would stop feeling all these feelings,
Being this human being that was drowning in her own self loathing.

I blame Boys Like You.
For the tears of young women and girls all over the world.
For slit wrists, and bruised fists, and beauty addicts
That nit pick and victimise everybody else,
Just so they can criticise what they don't like in themselves.

So I vow to raise my daughters to never listen
To your hollow, deadly words, that ring untrue.
And I vow to raise my sons, to be better men.
To be nothing like Boys Like You.
Disclaimer: This isn't a 'all men are ****' rant at all. Thats why the word 'You' is in the title - its only meant for the boys that did do, or still do these kinds of things. It is not a poem meant to be generalised; and if you feel just a tad attacked - maybe take a closer look at yourself first. In all honesty though I'm not here trying to say men/boys are the bad guys.
 Feb 2017 Neex
Aisha Ella
We were meant to be forever.
Thats what you'd always say,
And though I didn't believe you
I stayed with you anyway.

We were meant to be forever;
And my heart broke into two,
When your heart stopped beating
And our forever died with you.
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