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Joyfulgurl Nov 2019
I am only doing what I think is right
Not everything is black and white
And yes it’s true
I may not have a clue
But please let me do
What I need to do
To find my own way through
Joyfulgurl Nov 2019
This is to my younger self,
To the self that felt helpless
Felt like there was no hope.
There is hope and I am proof.
Proof that you are stronger than you think
That you are not alone
And you can get through.
To the self that saw no way out
Considered an end not a start to a journey.
To the girl who asked “why me?” Every day.
That feeling does go away.
To the girl who felt so alone
In a spider web of emotions.
You are not alone
To the girl who felt powerless
And now feels powerful
to have survived what no one deserves.
It was not your fault.
It was wrong
You are not wrong
What happened was wrong
You are not broken
Don’t give him anymore power than he already took.
Fight and you will win
You are strong
You are more powerful than him
You survived despite what he took
And that takes more than luck!
#survivor love letter
Joyfulgurl Oct 2019
There is only one of me you see.
One of me but you chose to split yourself In three.
It’s not a third I want to see it’s the whole of you.
The black the white and all the shades of blue.
The whole colour spectrum all the way through
Three of us share your heart none of us good enough to choose
Be careful as in the end it’s only you that will lose.
Joyfulgurl Jul 2019
I don’t believe in an eye for an eye
Hate breeds hatred
Love breeds love
I know which one I’d prefer to grow
Fight with love
Not with hate
I know which one I’d prefer to know.
Show me who you are
Otherwise we won’t go far
Joyfulgurl Jul 2019
My boyfriend likes to bully the bullies.
What does that make him?
Joyfulgurl Jul 2019
You invest in gold
And not in us
You invest in oceans
that will drown us
A YouTube family online
More important
Than one that sits behind
Invest instead in what could grow
Beyond what we will know
If I dress as a cowgirl
Will you invest in me
Undress me
You will never know how much
gold I hold
Until you turn your head from Red Dead
And you choose to sit with me instead
A relationship has its daily challenges
But more gold than you could ever hold
The streak maybe broken but 48 days is nothing on us getting old.
It’s taken so much strength to be this bold
I want us to be real, not a story to be told.
Joyfulgurl Mar 2019
I am nothing now
So insignificant
Something small
To blow away
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