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Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
Your kindness blows me away
I really hope you’re here to stay
Unlike all the rest
You really are the best

I don’t give a ****
If I’ve used all my luck
Because you’re not like all the rest
You really are the best

I love you to bits
And not just for kicks
I try to forget the past
As I don’t have a mask
But you are not like all the rest
You are the very best

I love you and
I will endeavour
to make this
last forever
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
People change
Start off nice
It’s happened to me
more than twice

The halo slips
I’m hoping it’s just a blip
But it slips some more
And ends up on the floor

Promises broke
This has to be a joke!
silence and lies
without any goodbyes

There’s never any Karma
in all this drama
People change
Start off nice
But it’s always me
That pays the price

I hope you are different
I can’t make that mistake again
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
Life may drain from my face
But It’s not that I’m dead
I just go into my head.
When you ask me if I’m ok
I try to relay these thoughts to you
But as I do they go astray.
and fade away.
I just don’t know what to say.
Apart from No I don’t think I’m ok
But don’t know what else I can say.
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
History repeats.
Why can’t you see?
When It’s so obvious to me.
Anxiety churns in your gut
So you fill up a cup and drink it all up.
History repeating
Why can’t you just see
When it’s so obvious to me.

You will **** yourself.
You will make yourself ill.
Be done with this curse
I really don’t get it
You are a nurse.
Why you can’t see?
What is so obvious to me
History repeating.
You just can’t see what
Is so obvious to me.

Love comes your way,
Why would you want to throw this away?
Both of you should want to stay.
Not destroy your body with boxes of wine
and pretend everything is just fine.
History is repeating
Why cant you see
when it’s so **** obvious to me.

I can see the future.
It’s really not pretty
and that’s such a pity,
That you both can’t see,
What you’re doing to you
and to me.
Please change your fate
Before it becomes too late
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
The intrusion I feel
As you step into my home
Like you’ve stripped me bare
And do nothing but stare
I read your eyes and all the smiles
But I know what you’re thinking
That I’m never good enough
I’m a little too rough.
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
I think how lucky I am to be able to sit in this space
The sea, the sky, and the wind in my face
How lucky I am to feel the sea at my feet,
the heat of the sun on my skin and the breeze from the sea.
This is the place where I can feel alive and be free.
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
I want to disappear from life and all it's strife
I want to feel nothing
I don't wanna be me anymore
This is not how I hoped things would be
I want to wake up and feel free
But all I wanna do now is flee from being me
One small word or trigger makes for a loud bang
A punch in the face and happiness is drained leaving no trace
I want to feel love and be safe in this place
I don't want to cry, I want my eyes to stay dry without getting high
Nobody can help, there is nothing that can be done
I'm just wired all wrong
I just gotta hope while i sleep my mind is reset
That I wake up tomorrow with a new beat in my step
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