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Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
To look at the sky is to look at a moment
Look away and turn back and what you see has changed
The slightest change in sunlight
The subtle movement of clouds
The smallest movements can make the biggest difference
A rainbow filling the sky now gone.
A second in time and the sun has shifted, the world has moved on
To look at the sky is to look at a moment
Look away and you miss that moment

Why do people want to watch tv
The world outside is amazing
The sky, the fires we make
The sound of the ocean
The rustle of leaves from the breeze
The birds, the crickets, the splatter of rain
This is what I want to see not sit and watch the bbc
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
I can't read your silences
I can only fill them in
The blank space, an empty canvas
For my mind to colour in
With all the shades of black and grey
I paint a picture of all the reasons you stay away
With all the darkness I can dream
I fill in all the spaces In between
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
I walk around a graveyard
Not the one you rest Nichola
But my thoughts are on you and all the other lives too short
The flowers and Christmas tokens, decorating the place of rest of so many loved, touches me
The many forgotten dishevelled tombstones, saddens me
A life lived, lost and forgot
Names and dates are all that remain to mark the place where they are lain.
You will never be forgotten Nichola
You're part of the earth now
The trees that stand so tall and firmly grounded
The flowers in the spring
Part of all new life that will now begin
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
Perhaps you were teaching me how to be strong but you got it all wrong
The things you taught me ingrained  in me for life.
You taught me that people are powerful and there's nothing you can do
You taught me justice is unfair
You taught me intention doesn't matter an accident is just as wrong
You assumed I was born knowing right and wrong
That there is no time for failure mistakes or to get it wrong.
Thing is, non of this made me strong
I learnt not to fight when bad things happen
I learnt that the world is frightening and hard to get along
I learnt it always me who is in the wrong that gets things wrong.
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
People think I'm a loon when I say I want to move to the moon.
I'm just so sick of the political tricks people play to get their own way.
Ashamed of the selfish attitude
that grows and grows
in a place, in the  space
I once wanted to stay
til i am grey.
Now I can't  wait to get away.
The more global we become the less and less we seem to work as we are one.
I feel less troubled in my Cornish bubble
But just because I can't see it doesn't mean there's no trouble.
People think I'm a loon when I say I want to move to the moon.
But that's just how this world makes me feel today, like I want to run away.
Joyfulgurl Nov 2017
I'm no ones comfort blanket that can be tossed and lost.
Picked up in the night but dropped by light.
I just want to be treated right.
My heart is sick of all you ****** who think Its ok to pick me up for kicks and licks on lonely nights,
dropped when you're feeling alright.
I just want to be treated right.
I'm left with This spite and want to fight you.
I hate this bitterness you've caused in side me.
My heart has reached a new low,  
a large portion now devoted to caution.
I just wish you could know.

— The End —