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 Sep 2015 Joshua Dairy Fray
I tried to tickle my vegan fancy
With bushels of quinoa and kale,
I was told no meat or dairy
Was the healthy Holy Grail.

But I was sad and hungry
With every burger I declined,
See me toss away my salad bowl,
I’m in a sirloin state of mind.

I filled my fridge with veggies,
Bean sprouts and legumes,
But I dreamt of pancetta
And links of sausage to consume.

Breakfast was plain yogurt
Lunch was collard greens,
Snacks were roasted edamame,
****, they’re just soy beans.

I was getting much too skinny,
My ribs were protruding,
I became short-tempered,
And was dark and brooding.

I covered all the mirrors,
I looked so pale and pasty,
All day I would salivate,
Craving something hot and tasty.

My vegan days are over
Enjoying pork chops, ham and bacon
I thought veggies were the answer,
But it seems I was mistaken.

Feel free to live off plants,
If you are so inclined,
But I’m firing up the grill,
I’m in a sirloin state of mind.
On February 14th of her 13th year
She was given flowers.
She thought they were beautiful,
But had nothing to give back
She placed them on her desk
To admire the beauty of the vibrant life
It soon turned sour
Her heart grew more sad
As the flowers grew more weary
Until they were both no more
idk this happened to me
What I need,
Is an escape.

I need a place
to lose myself.
A place to hide.
Somewhere to let my emotions out.

A place,
Somewhere other than
Under my covers,
Late at night,
Soaked in empty company.

But most importantly,
I need,
A person,
Who I can tell my
Deepest, down-hearted thoughts to,
Who won't tell anyone else,
Who will do
Their best to
Keep me alive.
escape, wow, sad
My mind nauseous
and heart numb
over hearing  
three heavy words.

It so sharply stabbed the air that we were floating in
blowing through the breeze.

I can still remember the sound of your voice that night.
Please do not,
do not tell me you love me.
Because you do not even realize
that you do not mean it.
You are lying.
When you tell me you love me,
it strongly stings the roof my mouth and burns my ears vibrantly.

Please promise me one thing.
Promise me you’ll remember.
Remember the late night December kisses.
Remember the long car rides with our hands locked.
Remember the last minute plans,
and the nervous laughs and the roaming hands.
Remember the judgmental friends,
the strict parents.
Remember the mistakes,
the words we wished we said, the words we wished we never said.
Remember me.
I will remember you,

And just for the record,
I hope one day you can say three heavy words,
and mean it.

(let’s dance the night away in humid August weather, let’s dance on top of our ruins and forget the lonely songs of yesterday.)

Such small things
Weigh us down in resentment
Complicated, colliding, soon enough
Feeling gravity's pull
Suspended and trapped in a web
Spun with failed expectations
Stuffed to suffocation, the weight of nothing
Almost solid
You could smash it with a hammer
Insignificant things
Tossed away like trash to the side of the road
Littering, contaminating, spoiling
What once claimed a special place
A place for spiders

I can almost feel the heat of poison
With each drop from steel through skin
With each moment begging more and more
For attention
Melting away unfulfilled
Each moment
I'm powerless but to close my eyes and deny their petitions
What's a moment worth anyway?
What's it good for in the end?
Something to search for, something to lose
Moments are meant to be forgotten
Pity the fool who doesn't understand this
Death comes as a hard lesson to that man
I want to be sturdy.

Sturdy enough for you to lean on me

Without the fear of falling.

I have always struggled

Struggled to find the right words

to tell you what I feel about you.

I want you to know

Know that I’m not afraid

Of hitting the rock bottom anymore.

I was born

Born in the womb that you blossomed

And I’ve tasted your blood long before I’ve known you.

You are the fire

Fire under my wings

That urges me to fly.

I want to be that dream

Dream that you’ve always seen for me

Or maybe better than that dream.

As a human,

I want to be majestic.

And as my father,

I want you to be proud.
We don't have to pretend out here.

i love you.
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