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Jordan G Aug 21
People don't see
Her inner child.
The clingy-ness before bed
The way she laughs over smth I said
Her inner child.
Heartbroken, because daddy doesnt care
Heartbroken, because her lover isnt there
Heartbroken, because people want what they see
Only want whats underneath
And once they understand they wont get it easily
They leave

I see
Dont take off your clothes for me
Let me listen to you breathe
Let me hold your hand
While you try to understand
How you fit into this wonderland

I see you
Can you see me
Jordan G Aug 21
Afraid to let go
I still remember falling
From your arms before
Jordan G Aug 21
Cold from my isolation
Caught once again
In an addictive state
To my forever missing warmth

Please you're so warm
Jordan G Aug 20
I traced every inch of your face
My insomnia keeping me awake
But i didnt care
Laying there
Playing with your hair
I didnt care
Cause i could finally stare

If only i was a painter
My sleepless nights the perfect time to
Paint every imperfect detail that highlights your perfection

If only i was an author
***** sleep
I could write stories on stories
About the stories your body speaks

If only i was a playwright
My lack of sleep
Driving me
To curate theatrical irony
Of our existences

Thank God im a poet
My nights well spent
Not sleeping
But capturing every moment of our time
Line by line
Just as we had created them
Side my side
Jordan G Aug 20
I made a decision to end us
And it was right
But it feels so wrong

I take comfort in my solidarity
But i took comfort in your arms too
The cold harsh truth brushing against my skin
The way your lips used to

I gave you my heart
I want it back
You're not a thief
I cant be mad
I gave myself willingly
Give myself back
Jordan G Aug 20
I hold hands with death
Like a fellow friend
Stuck in the grey
Never living
Never dying
Stuck here trying
To make it work

I lean toward the darkness
Always prepared to fall
Hoping to fall
Praying to fall
I want to fall
You have me trapped
A rope tied around my waist
Pulling me back into the light
Blinding deafening life
I dont want it
You force me to breathe
It isnt a relief
It is choking on air
That i dont want

I can learn to want to live
You make me want to learn
I want to live
I want to live with you
Jordan G Aug 20
Im afraid of losing you
The same way i lost me
By cutting too deep into your skin
That i hit your soul
And you bleed out all our good memories
And never remember
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