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Tú te estiras
llevando la luz matinal
mi copa rebosa.


You stretch out slowly,
wearing the light of morning
my cup runs over
Composed first in Spanish.
It’s so easy to feel so small

I’m on a bus, the last one that runs on a Wednesday night,
Sketching a tired face
Bags under the eyes, made of black ink

I’m eavesdropping on a conversation,
(Does it count as eavesdropping when
There are only two people speaking in an otherwise
Silent bus?)

My heart’s been having an existential crisis,
And my stomach and chest
Yet heavy
Someone’s hands are holding my insides
And squeezing them in a fist
It is exhausting
It is lonely

In my right ear is this beautiful song
Violin and cello and
A raw passion that reminds me
That it’s okay
To be human, and to be scared shitless

I’m still listening, partly
But not really
It’s late
I want to sleep
Busses are full of zombies-
Phone, earphone, unsmiling zombies
And despite the
Tired sketch on my lap
I’m one, too

The conversation slows
I smile
I turn and I recognize the face in front of me
I’m told that this person, vaguely familiar face, whose conversation
I’ve been eavesdropping on remembers one of my poems
About stars
And the line is on his wall
A line from a poem that I wrote
About stars
Is on someone’s wall
Even better than when Chad Oliver told me I was
Quite attractive junior year of high school,
And I remember writing that poem
And I feel a little less useless

I want to cry

My body hasn’t known what to do with itself lately
You see I exhausted myself in love
And now that it’s gone
I feel useless
My heart pulls towards mediocre sketches
First sips of coffee in the morning,
Listening to the violin
It doesn’t know what else to feel for
It’s been left in this dark room
Grasping for a table,
****, even a stepstool,

Heartbreak is exhausting
Because it’s not just the heart
And it doesn’t really break
It just has to re-learn how to feel

But I get off the bus
And the night is warm,
The moon is
This white-hot luminescence
Burning through the silhouettes of trees,
So bright the sky is still blue 6 hours after sundown.

I open my palms up to her
I see the stars
I open my palms up to them
They guide me home
Our generation will be known for nothing
Never will anybody say
We were the peak of mankind
That is wrong the truth is
Our generation was a failure.
Thinking that
We actually succeeded
Is a waste , now we know
Living only for money and power
Is the way to go
Being loving respectful and kind
Is a dumb thing to do
Forgetting about that time
Will not be that easy but we will try
Changing our world will not be easy
Is something we never did
Giving up
Was how we handled or problems
Working hard
Was a joke
We knew that
People thought we couldn't come back
That might be true...
Now Read it from the bottom up :P Found this cool not my poem

“Why do I love” You, Sir?
The Wind does not require the Grass
To answer—Wherefore when He pass
She cannot keep Her place.

Because He knows—and
Do not You—
And We know not—
Enough for Us
The Wisdom it be so—

The Lightning—never asked an Eye
Wherefore it shut—when He was by—
Because He knows it cannot speak—
And reasons not contained—
—Of Talk—
There be—preferred by Daintier Folk—

The Sunrise—Sire—compelleth Me—
Because He’s Sunrise—and I see—
I love Thee—
I am old.
Very old.
My birth was a collision of particles in an infinitely dark place,
And it’s funny because I spend half my time blinded by this light
That I’m unceasingly drawn to.
I think I’m in love with it.
But then it disappears and for a while I am reunited with my mother.
My mother is vast, you know.
Full of wisdom itself.
Sometimes she asks me how I am because my cells are silly
And go to war with each other.
I try and tell her I’m fine,
But then I sigh and my skin trembles and cracks,
And those silly little cells fall in and wither.
I need to be careful.
I am fragile because they are fragile.

The light isn’t fragile though.
I am young, but I know I am in love with it.
It is my breath, my everything, my all.
And it makes me feel as if I am all green inside.
Perhaps I am.
I want to rush to the light all at once, but I am shy.
I inch forward.
It gives me time to think, though.
Sometimes the light is harsh.
It burns my silly little cells and they cry out, and sometimes I cry too,
Because they are so fragile and so am I.
They are so small and so am I.
I cry because love is a collision, like birth, like death.
I cry because we are star-crossed lovers,
And I am out of my depth.
In case you didn't get it, it's written in the perspective of the Earth, which is given life by the Sun, but the Sun will also take that life away some time in the far distant future. And I think that's somehow so beautiful.
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