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Jenna Dec 2019
Her hand is where roses go to die,
Her heart is cold and made of stone,
Her gaze is where they cannot lie,
Her smile keeps her from being alone.
I have been having a lot of trouble writing lately. I have found inspiration and will write more.
Jenna Dec 2019
He will never see her break,
Not even 2 inches from Death.
Her best friend won't even shake,
Not even when she takes her last breath.

This will happen no more.

Her mind is racing,
Her fists are shaking.
Her best friend pacing,
Her anger is shaking.

This will happen no more.

Her and her best friend are power,
He will fall before our throne.
For we will not be princesses locked in towers,
No, he will be forced to change his tone.

This will happen no more.
Jenna Dec 2019
The late nights we were up with you,
It's like you thought it was a game.
You always tore my heart in two,
My brother, you have no shame.
     You had no feelings; and a cold, dead heart.
You made your self go numb.
Even though we didn't know from the start,
I never knew you could be this dumb.
     I've never given up on you once,
But you've made it really hard.
It's never been easy being raised with punks,
But I'm glad you're not up in the stars.
     Countless times, I´ve you´ve ran away,
I never said a word to you.
And now you're wanting to change your ways?
My heart is still aching from the bullets you threw.
     We´ve never been able to talk it out,
Fighting, our cold cruel ways.
You´ve alway´s given me reasons to doubt,
I don´t think youĺl ever change.
Jenna Dec 2019
"Keep your hair straightened"."
"Don't take your makeup off."
"Keep your stomach flattened."
"It's the breast you need to show off."

"Be seen, not heard."
"Keep your chin up high."
"Show them you're the only girl."
"Let them think your fly."

"I'm tired of the brand name clothes."
"These boots are giving me blisters."
"Powder your nose, smell like a rose."
"But is it worth losing friends that are like your sisters?"
Jenna Dec 2019
This time she'll fight,
She won't ever let it win.
Depression fights with all its might,
And it has since she was 10.

This time she'll be ready,
It will never get the jump.
She will keep have her fist up steady,
She refuses to be in a slump.

This time it goes down,
She will always rise above.
She refuses once more to frown,
That's why she's told every day, "She's loved."
Jenna Dec 2019
The drive to the house on the hill,
The drives the rivers.
The walks we took to The Old Mill,
Memories of him, beginning to wither.
It will never be the same.

Her heart ached to hear his voice,
She had missed the loud guffaw.
The tears she cried weren't her choice,
But its better to have loved than not at all.
It will never be the same.

Christmas, birthdays, holidays,
Everything still hurts.
Births, marriages, deathdays,
It will always stay and lurk.
It will never be the same.
Jenna Dec 2019
Seeds were sprouting,
Birds were shouting.
The mother was crying for,
Her father was flying.

The girls heart ached,
Pain didn't break.
For the father of her mother,
Was never more to wake.

The girl had wept,
With her mother and her mother.
The family's eyes were wet,
We had finally trusted each other.
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