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 Oct 2019 Jeannie Palma
Just the fact that my mother
Was always there for me,
Whether I needed her or not,
The little things she did for me: I miss her!!!???
With EVERY breath I take,
Every moment of the day...
...She is there.
I can FEEL her in my life...
...But to actually TALK to her,
To kiss her,
To Hug her,
To tell her I love her,
To tell her
What she really means to me:
Those days
Of physically chatting with her
Over a cup of coffee,
Are gone...
...I can only express my love to her
Through my heart...
...And I pray she hears me.
MOM...I'll miss and love you always!!!
She lifted her face from her hands,
Tears streaming on both sides,
Eyes as big as the full moon,
Her voice quivers, "Is there a spell to make me forget?"

The old woman smiled slightly with sympathetic pain,
"No child, unfortunately nothing can destroy love; but time can soften the pain. Just a bit."

— The End —