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Job Oketch Jun 2020
First, you fit me
Second, you're my favorite human
And to infinity you're my soulmate
My escape center
My kinda solitude zone
You're my antidote

My perfect poison, my twin drug
Epitome of my weakness, my emotions
You invoke love in me, you take care of my fears
You're my best friend, my other half
My dearest love, my kinda person
You're my antidote

I love how you break me,
Your tortures are insanely sweet
You capture my imaginations, you're my mystery
The embodiment of my dreams
My perfect mistake,  my sin
You're my antidote

Love and life
Job Oketch Jun 2020
Love was all scary
Until you made love with my lips
And all I could think about
Is how a simple kiss
Can take away all the fears and pains
And plant so much awesomeness.
You my perfect remedy.

Love and life
Job Oketch Jun 2020
Out in the balcony
Under the moonlight
The fine breeze slapping my face
Nights are breathtakingly wonderful
A rest from the noises of the day
Time to recount and review
Sit honestly with oneself and dive into solitude
One's often tempted to strike a monologue
Tonight that person is me, my beautiful self.

My mind is at peace
Now that I called mum on the phone
Earlier today , she said she was fine
Save for the fact that she misses me so much

My twin sis called before lunch that day
She wanted to brag about her large pizza
The kind I couldn't get that time
It was from her boyfriend
She was kinda emotional though
It did hit her that she hasn't seen me for a year now

My lil bro reminded me of our agreement
I'd bring him a bike after school
He'd constantly been the best in class
His zeal was pure
He was truly my brother

Precious, my best friend , my love
Said something to me the day before
About our relationship, about our association
She was so much convinced
We were meant for each other
She took her time to explain to me
How she's ready to sacrifice everything for us
It was the best part of my day that day
It is even so fresh in my mind
As if she is to say it again, tomorrow

I'm happy with my life's progress
I've done so much in a short span
I should actually celebrate
I should be grateful
I should ask myself to continue
Endlessly without quiting.

Job Oketch May 2020
What's your story?
You mind telling it?
To people, to the world
About the hills you've climbed
The valleys you've experienced
The pieces you've collected,
The ones that slipped off your hands
What's your story, what's your true story.

Mine's been the mixed type
The kind that confuses sometimes
The one with no definite themes
Just different parts put together
My story is like a colour spectrum
With various definitions in each colour
Several meanings and titles
A lot of twists and turns
Beliefs and despair
Tractions and loose ends

From a promising childhood
One that taught me a lot  of things
A period I hold so dear
'Cause without it, I'd be so incomplete
Incomplete in terms of experiences
In terms of love and understanding
In terms of respect and persistence
My ubringing, one that I owe to my dear parents
Was complete and worth stating

Growth and development,
The two simple facts about humanity
Got me to a place of balance and survival
With happenings at school, juggling home chores
Growing and becoming
Coming to terms with most life's realities
Enduring pain and drawing paths of success
A stage where you're confronted by so many things
Not love, not hate , not confusion
Everything descending onto you at once
And with your little and distabilized self
You have to act right,
Learn how to deal with them and see yourself through

God has been good, that's a fact that will surely remain
'Cause in the process so much has happened
A lot has shaped the person I am
Some I don't even realize ,
But the grace has been sufficient, so abundant
The mistakes I've made
The crises I've caused my life
The indulgences I've been part of
The promises I've made
The madness I've experienced
And the cruelty of this world
Are things  I wouldn't talk about in a piece.

Life as it is remains a mystery
And everything in it , far much alike
And in the quest for everything fine and beautiful
A lot take place, so many things happen
And at the end of the day , at the very end
We're the products of our decisions and choices
Experiences transform, use that to your advantage
Pain propels,
Love endures
And most importantly,
The grace of God is always sufficient.

Love and life
Job Oketch May 2020
Heart of gold
Eyes so beautiful
Skin completely flawless
The awesomeness of her body
So gracious, so true.

Her magical gaits
So wonderfully calculated
Her skin tone,
The pure melanin type
The one without a crack.

She spoke like an angel
With expressions so perfect
Her communication so enticing
She had her words right
She mastered her thoughts

My African Precious
My kinda girl
My love oasis
Your beauty has no match
You're just so perfectly perfect!

Love and life
Job Oketch May 2020
May history be rational to you and me
'Cause until today it's still a mystery
It's still a shock that you left
You gave up on us without a reason.
That, for me,
Is still a puzzle
One that I leave to history and the heavens
To bring judgement upon.

Job Oketch May 2020

Love remembers, so they say
Love keeps no record of wrong
Love's patient
Love's kind
Love doesn't hurt
Love comforts, love reassures
All the amazing things that love can do
It sounds real, a true belief
One that doesn't leave room for doubts
It is whole , it is the fuel of everything

Heartbreak tales depict otherwise
That with the glamour and assurances, there lies hurt and pain
That what seems beautiful always can sometimes be scary
And that's the tragedy, that's the mystery
One that we seek answers about, endlessly

No pain compares to that of a breaking heart
I say breaking 'cause it's continuous , it doesnt stop
It shatters you daily, it breaks you completely
It mothers depression and sadness
It brews all the anger and pain and regrets
Elicits mixed feelings and creates a complete confusion
It leaves you hopeless, radarless and with no focus
It takes away your living self, and  gives you a log- like one
Where nothing interests , nothing amuses
Where you can't keep the faith, you lose everything
Your mind wonders during the day and the night alike
You forget about your dreams, what for anyway?

I still don't know how the most beautiful thing could be this scary too
And it is sad that the human mind , just the same way it seeks answers about life
Spends time trying to figure out the essence of love
Something that's  just a part of life, but bigger than life itself

Maybe we should just stick to the illusion anyway
That the same love will take us somewhere good , away
After the hurt and the pain, we shall live having loved
We shall be grateful that we experienced the highs and the lows of it
And we became strong 'cause we loved and lived
We recollected  the pieces , put them together and started all over again
'Blossomed and became anew, and experienced
That we could bravely follow our hearts and maybe love again, so powerfully, so beautifully
It is what it is , it is Love

Love and life
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