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Jared Clement May 29
I remember years ago I made a rule for myself,
That is to never fall for a friend,
But from the moment I met you,
I could see no other end,
I always try to follow the rules I have for myself,
So I try to keep this  secret,
But it’s so hard to pretend that I still have my heart,
But there is so much about you I can’t help but admire,
Like the way your eyes sparkle when you smile,
And the way your tiny dimple sinks deeper as you laugh,
The way you sit and think of everybody’s feelings,
The way you so dance randomly,
Has me asking how in God’s great name can someone not fall in love with you?
Everytime I see I wish I was a camera so I can always capture your beauty,
Even tho no camera has the capability to capture such a beautiful creation,
I’m not saying you are perfect because sometimes you do mess up,
But you always try your best,
I could mention that has no importance but yet some how even after months you still remember,
I could listen to you talk for eons,
Because I like hearing you talk,
But in silence with you I can sit endlessly,
Overthinking has always been a full time job for me,
But for you I’ll quit,
Because if my rule where made of glass,
Well my dear, you have long broken that glass,
But I’ll forever keep that to myself,
Because I don’t want to be heartbroken,
And I know if ever were to tell you this,
I will be indeed heart broken.
Jared Clement May 29
Your presence feels so familiar,
I must of loved you in lifetimes before,
I shall always care you my love,
Even if we are not together,
And even if we are far apart,
I have never met a soul who understood mimes,
Until my eyes met you,
You are fluent in me,
Please promise me not to hide when you’re in pain,
Because it’s not fair that we laugh together,
And you cried alone,
I may never find words to describe all that you are to me,
But I’ll never stop searching,
From the moment I saw you,
I fell in love,
The way you smiled,
Because you knew,
I found you without looking,
And my heart loves you without trying,
If it had a star for everytime I thought about you,
There would be only one star,
but it shall be the brightest,
because the moment I saw you,
you never left my mind,
All my dreams of the future have one thing in common,
And that’s you my love.
Jared Clement May 29
From the very moment my eyes gazed upon you,
I promised myself that this heart of mine would never wander,
That it well never seek another,
My heart vowed to never love another,
To never feel the way I feel for you to another,
Our journey will be filled with challenges,
And it’s a path we’ll take together hand in hand,
We shall face every storm,
Every high and low,
My priority,
My deepest commitment,
Is to make us last,
Not just for a lifetime,
But each lifetime we are given,
Our love will be a fortress that is unbreakable,
Each obstacle and each trail we overcome,
Will only strengthen the bond we share,
It will forge a resilience in our love,
Every obstacle will be a brick in the foundation of our love,
Making it even more unbreakable,
I can’t envision a future if you’re not a part of it,
A life without you is like a night sky without stars,
Or a book without words,
You’re my dream for the future that I hope never ends,
With you every moment is precious,
And every second is worth a lifetime,
For I don’t think from one life to the next,
Because one is born from the last,
Time is always to short for those who want it,
But my love, those who love it last lifetimes,
Our love will be a timeless tale that will be echoed through the ages,
I promise to love endlessly,
Beyond even the definition of time.
Jared Clement May 29
I got addicted to you so easily,
I got attracted to you in ways words can’t explain,
Everyday you’re in my head,
And everynight I lay awake thinking about you,
I lay awake wanting to talk to you,
To hear your beautiful voice,
You’re the last whisper in my mind,
Before sleep claims me,
And my first thoughts when I wake,
And this is how everyday goes,
I care about you more than you’ll ever know,
And I appreciate you more than I can show,
Please tell me everytime our eyes meet,
You feel the same feelings I feel,
And tell me I’m not the only one wide awake ,
Wish you were here,
Tell me I’m not the only one picking my phone,
Every second of every hour each night instead of sleeping,
Because I miss you,
I want only your attention,
And with that my life would be complete.
Jared Clement May 29
You broke my heart into a million pieces but,
Even if your glanced turned me into stone,
I’ll gladly be a statue in ancient Greece,
And if a single touch from you caused me to shatter like glass,
I’ll be in pieces with each piece loving you more,
And if your kiss turned me blind,
You’ll still be the only light that I can see,
And if your hugs turned all my days into night,
At least I’ll be able to see the stars that sparkle in your eyes,
There is just somethings you can’t control,
Like a compass needle point true north,
And I know just by writing this poem,
I run the risk of being more heartbroken,
But I need you to know that even if I knew that the day I met you,
You’ll shatter this heart I’ll love you anyway.
Jared Clement May 29
I have a crush on you,
But not in the way crushes work today,
Where you look up their Instagram and lurk,
I mean in the way I want to record your voice,
And play it back because it brings my peace,
I mean for you I’d be put together,
Get rid of all my bad habits because you make me want to be better,
You open my eyes to new perspective,
You reflect the best parts of me,
But hold space for the worst,
I mean when I look into your eyes,
I thank God on everyone’s’ behalf,
I know how this might go,
But life’s to short to be scared,
So here I am writing this poem,
To tell you that you are the most beautiful person God ever created,
And I’ll love nothing more than for you to give me a chance.
Jared Clement May 29
Have you ever fallen for someone so hard knowing they’ll never fall for you?
Did you ever felt like screaming and crying but what good will that do?
Did you close your eyes hoping with will never open again?
Did you ever sit and wish that their heart will call out to you?
Did you ever showed them that you’ll love them till the end of time but could never say it?
Remember how they lift you standing there with tear drops in your eyes?
And how they just let you walk away without saying goodbye?
So listen to what I am about to tell you now my friend,
Never fall in love, you’ll see my friend you’ll see it doesn’t pay,
It will have you thinking that it’s beautiful and fine,
Then you’ll see that the price is high,
If I had  to choose to love again or die,
I’ll choose death,
Again my friend I say never fall in love you’ll see it doesn’t pay,
It isn’t worth the heartache along the way,
See my friend I know all of this to be true because I fell in love with you
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