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1.9k · Feb 2014
A Lonely Haiku
fifi S Feb 2014
Snowflakes fall softly
On my pathway of lonely
life's cold without you
1.8k · May 2015
freedom haiku
fifi S May 2015
Black Widow hurt me
crawling through that slimy web
I'm enslaved no more
Freedom from a former boss, mental scars made me stronger after I escaped.
1.5k · Sep 2014
fifi S Sep 2014
She's lost
I grieve
I'm a ghost
In her shadow
I sip cold coffee
And wait impatiently
For a glimpse
Of recognition
And daydream of
Days we shared
Lattes gossiping
In companionship
Dearest mom
Our coffee is cold
This drink is bitter
I'm lost
Watching my mom decline, savoring memories and sharing a final latte.
1.4k · Sep 2014
latte memories
fifi S Sep 2014
my latte is sweet
daydreaming of days long gone
with memories of mom
Missing mom but left with sweet memories...****Thanks to all who took the time to read this, I truly appreciate all of you!  I'm trying to get out of my doldrums & get my writing groove back.
1.1k · Sep 2014
fifi S Sep 2014
I miss blue eyes that no longer weep

Walk through the house
Because I just can't sleep
I wear your old blue blouse
keeping your presence close

I cry for eyes that no longer weep

945 · Sep 2015
Heaven's Mail
fifi S Sep 2015
A hummingbirds whizz
   Special delivery from Mom
       Her love calms my heart

©js, 2015
I was missing mom when her favorite little bird flew I drew the hummingbird and wrote this haiku.
864 · Jul 2015
Haiku of Tears
fifi S Jul 2015
onion vapor tears
steal my raw emotion while
exposing my soul
845 · May 2015
Evil Weeding
fifi S May 2015
A garden's promise
needs much attention daily
to fight evil weeds
831 · Sep 2014
eye haiku
fifi S Sep 2014
I tried to draw eyes
and much to my surprise the
eyes looked at me and cried!

Rewritten for Luna Sol....
I was a bit depressed and dabbling in drawing and this was the result,
This haiku is a 5-7-7 syllable count, plus is probably more of a senyru...
796 · Dec 2015
Haiku beneath the moon
fifi S Dec 2015
My sleep has left me
As I lay beneath the moon
The lone wolf watches

A sleepless night made me get up and write this,  now I can go back to sleep!
696 · Nov 2014
dream venting
fifi S Nov 2014
Pondering visions scrambled
in my dreams
puzzled I awoken unrefreshed
from my slumber
pieces of scheme cooking
in my mind
parts of life stewing contrasts
mixed in dreams
pressure building steamy
I awoke exploding
particular matter blowing
my nightmare vented
perculated coffee soothed
away night's fright & flight
Perhaps I am cleansed
from this stressful life?
Are dreams a pressure vent that help us deal with stress?
581 · Nov 2014
"Crazy Horse Memorial"
fifi S Nov 2014
Crazy Horse lives on
in memorial splendor
for all to ponder
his spirit resting
peacefully on a mountain
forever mighty
may his words live on
and offer mankind wisdom
and inspiration
let us reflect all
American Indian
lands that were stolen
in etchings of stone
even in the realm of death
tribal voices live

(reposted by request)
-*Walking Michigan's Lake Superior wilderness this past week my spirit traveled among stolen trails.  Reminded of the Crazy Horse Memorial South Dakota,  and the many American Indians I've spoken to through the years prompted this tribute.  My heavy heart became soothed as I realized giving homage to these lands would be more uplifting than a tearful journey.  So, I continue to honor my God, mother nature, and do my best to encourage respect for all the living and dead that this world has sustained.  Whatever nation you travel - remember the footsteps that once walked on the soil, or cement, beneath your path. *js, journal August 18, 2013
371 · May 2015
frozen haiku
fifi S May 2015
my mind is frozen
this hand can't write more poems
where the heck is spring??!!
Michigan is still a chillin' and waiting for spring to carry us into summer!

— The End —