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James Oct 2015
You don't like me, okay.
Just do me a favor and stay out of my way.
You tell me to pack up an run for the south.
Just do me a favor and keep my name out of your mouth.
Not everyone will like you, not everyone will keep your trust, but its okay.  Because while their driving off a cliff we'll just step out of the way.
James Oct 2015
You don't know what I can be.
You don't know if or when I'll flee.
You don't know if or when I'll obtain a degree.
You don't know if I do or don't agree.
So shut up, and stop saying you know about me.
Only we know ourselves and thats the awesome part about life.
James Oct 2015
He said the powder would be better than the leaf,
But how could I go against my morale belief.
I watched my friends drown,
Yet they think I'm the clown.
He offered again,
I had to pray, Amen.
All my friends are awake,
They all left me by the lake.
He said are you sure,
I asked him if there was a cure.
They are all happy and alive,
Im over here sad and deprived.
He told me this was my last chance,
I took the powder and made myself apart of the never ending dance.
James Sep 2015
I threw a penny
It changed a life
He walked by
Picked it up and said goodbye
I never saw him
I don't know his name
But I threw a penny
And it changed his life.
James Sep 2015
You tell me to have a little fun,
My parents tell me to run.
What do I do,
Where would I run to.
I just want to fall asleep,
I really don't care if I'm a sheep.
Just make the pain go away,
Make me forget about every day.
James Sep 2015
Be yourself,
Don't let anyone hold you back.
Be who you are,
Don't be afraid to fight back.
James Sep 2015
You ruined my life,
So now I say goodbye.
You made my life miserable,
You made me want to die.

They called you my Dad,
They said I had just one.
You made my life miserable,
You were everything but fun.

For one last time my 'Dad',
I say goodbye.
Go ahead and leave us again,
Finally say goodbye.
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