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James Sep 2015
your religion change what I do or who I am.
I can't
I can.
James Sep 2015
She called me fat and dumb,
He said I was nothing but ****.
He threw me inside of the locker,
She said my virginity wasn't a shocker.
She made fun of me being homeless,
He said 'Wow your Moms useless'.
My friends are all gone,
I don't no if I can go on.
They came to see me dead,
The two who can still go ahead.
I hope they see this could've been stopped,
I hope they see if they would've swapped,
They would be lying here, dead and still.
But they don't care they left feeling not at all ill.
James Sep 2015
He offered me a pill, I said no.
But now I am the joke of the show.
I dont care what you do.
But I wont do it with you.
They still laughed, why I am made fun of.
I just was trying to keep my natural love.
Their all doing it now, no one has a frown.
Should I tell should or should I keep it down
He offered me a pill, I said please.
He gave it to me and my whole life began to freeze.
James Sep 2015
You gave me happiness, you gave me a life,
But you ruined me, you killed me at the same time.
How can you stand there all tall full with pride,
When you burn kids with one swift stride.
We cannot stop, we can not cry,
For if the parents find out, we will die.
So what do I do now that I am alone,
No one is here, and I am all skin and bone.
My mom threatened to throw me out,
My dad smacked me and began to shout.
Look what you've done, you've ruined my life,
But you make it so great, and so worth living at the same time.
James Sep 2015
Life is Mean
Life is Sad
Life is Rude
Life is Bad

Life is Happy
Life is Fun
Life is Great
Life is One
James Aug 2015
We live
So we can die
And we say hello
So we can say Goodbye

We go run
To only then run back
We try so hard
To only then just slack

We give it are all
To only then fail
We try to be alive
To only then be thrown in jail

We live
So we can die
We smile and laugh
So we can cry
James Aug 2015
I am sitting sad and alone
Nothing to touch
No one to phone

I used to have fun
My life was like a dream
But now it is done
And there is no one to be seen

And people ask as everyday goes by
How do you live?
I tell them I survive

Life isn't good
It isn't fair
It isn't kind
So don't be fooled by those of a twisted mind

So be warned one last time life is dangerous
It is cruel
And when your sick and alone
It will beat you like an old mule

Eventually you'll be like me sad and alone
No one to touch and
No one to phone

So tell me did I get in your head
For people like me haunt you at bed
I am not kind
I am cruel with a sick and twisted mind

Don't ever trust those with a mind
For those are the ones who seem gentle
Who seem kind

But when you turn your back
You will truly see
People like us
People like me

No one will see us
For we are like dust
And we seem like we care
But we just want you to rust

For now I am done and I will see you soon
You are like the sun
And I the moon

For I am sad and alone
No one to touch
No one to phone

— The End —