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J M Baker Jun 2015
To the woman who should be .

I know it won't be alright.
Maybe not this time.
Maybe not the next.
Maybe not in the next 10 years.
And maybe, just maybe not in my lifetime. Probably.
It's the things that I have done and that I did so recklessly that were the seal of fate.
The red wax on the envelope.

But to the woman who should be

Please just be happy.
Jun 2015 · 430
For You [20w]
J M Baker Jun 2015
I don't care to admit what I am about to disclose to you, but I long for you every day.
Jun 2015 · 496
Don't Fib
J M Baker Jun 2015
They are, they are, yes! They are!

It had died the moment it's vein was cut from the lifeline of the tree.
Jun 2015 · 422
Uncharted Expeditions
J M Baker Jun 2015
Maybe some of you will be lucky enough..
Luck might not be the word,
allow me to rephrase.
Perhaps some of you will not have the opportunity to have felt the way I have.
I have seen pristine beauty.
I have seen uncontrollable lust.
I have seen love,
not just love.
  Mutual love.

Then from the opposite end of the spectrum..
I have seen utter jealousy.
I have seen shear outrage and anger.
and the deepest of all..

Let us not get too far ahead of ourselves.
You must see the trigger of all of this,
the catalyst if you will.
All the way to the summit
Into the trenches we will go.

the coaster your boarding should be fun..
Jan 2015 · 754
J M Baker Jan 2015
When the wind blows I think that maybe you're back.

The memory stained planks of our stoop creek and I imagine your bare feet wandering across them to the door once more.

Such a beautifully teasing melody.

Your familiar voice brings the delicate hair on my neck and arms to attention, my pulse heavily increasing.

It's louder now.

My heart wakes me,
and for a split second
I felt as if the flesh of mine was pressed and conformed to the perfect contour of your body.

the leather of the couch you've left behind as a reminder
moulds itself to the shape of my being.

Cocooned in a cold sweat,
the leather does not breath.
Does not beat for me.
Does not mind if I remain in this nightmare.

In this instance I am plunged into what seems like the depths of the arctic.

Nov 2014 · 730
Summer Daze
J M Baker Nov 2014
Blue eyes, dark brown crazy hair.
Her beauty, breathtaking...
It was summer.

We drove through orchards of pear. Apple.
Driving, to where?
No clue.
What mattered was that day,
this was the perfect day.

The sun burnt as it fell behind the hills,
Staining the clouds with vermillion.  

We're walking along a small wooden fence. Hands brushing fruit as it hangs teasingly, biting into a crisp sweet apple.
We didn't talk,
we knew what was ahead.

More and more people began to show, all wandering towards the alluring sound. Anticipation filled the senses, it was paralyzing.

A cool breeze sparked, gently swooning the orchards. I reached up, gripping the skin of a slightly bruised pear, at that time I saw her over my shoulder.

I froze.
Found this in an old notebook, it was part of a dream I had, summer 2010.
Oct 2014 · 609
Siren's Cavern
J M Baker Oct 2014
Upon the scant* gateway

I see you
Enthralled within

With the darkness

You see, I
Bore adventure

Bearing the unobscured

Ethereal enticement
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
Abashing Admiration
J M Baker Oct 2014
The thought
of you
with him
we used to be
to pure
I don't know anymore.
Oct 2014 · 494
Betwixt and Between
J M Baker Oct 2014
The mountains,
Chalked with snow, Beautiful.

The trees,
Scarred from past lives, Sorrow.

The lake,
Bleeding with life, Stagnant.

The Land,
Specked with people, Oblivion.
Another oldie I found in my notebooks
Written spring 2005.
Oct 2014 · 714
Marooned Churchyard
J M Baker Oct 2014
The dark, fog, shadows... Sunset...
The sharp sound of a ****** of crows in a carrion tree
that has more stories to tell than the earth itself.
Slight chilling breeze
Ropes slowly swing
Specked with blood, from past lives.
The face, crying upon a rock, as if it were tears of crimson.
Echoes of children through the hollow air.

But there is nothing


Nothing at all

You are alone.
Found another very old writing of mine, it was also paired with a drawing (I maybe have 2-3 total drawings in my lifetime) . In the drawing there is an abandoned church, a large dead tree in the center, a busted swing set, a rock with a moss covered face and a small cemetery.
Written sometime in spring 2005.
J M Baker Oct 2014
The spark that will be my hot-aired transport to lift me to the visions of grandeur inspired by childhood innocence and dream.
Found a really old one rummaging through old notebooks.
Written November 13th, 2008.
Oct 2014 · 356
My Dearest Corene.
J M Baker Oct 2014
"'s the fleeting feeling of love and being wrapped so tightly in one another. That's what were here for and what makes it worth while..."
-Corene Merrill Watson Ross
Love you grandma.
Oct 2014 · 497
J M Baker Oct 2014
Self* induced
Intoxicating lull
Barley, wine, hops and to the moon

Will I no longer think of you until the dawning hours?

I can't say.

Or will it be the witching hours of which
my mind you will prey?
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Jellybean Desire
J M Baker Oct 2014
I fall in love with every pretty girl I see


My minds adrift and I paint how life could be
Written Fall 2012
Oct 2014 · 436
Broken [10w]
J M Baker Oct 2014
Don't fall for me.
I'm broken, cogs rusted,
Barely turning.
Written  winter 2011.
Oct 2014 · 435
J M Baker Oct 2014
They say "all is fair in love and war."
But what becomes of the casualties?
Written winter 2011
Oct 2014 · 247
J M Baker Oct 2014
I'm longing for you.
They say "Give it time, she'll come."
But her train is way past due.
Summers end, Fall is in the air.
Written sometime in June 2011.
Oct 2014 · 826
J M Baker Oct 2014
I remember the day you Murdered the Yucca plant.
How you glowered over the sharp shredded remains of leaves and center stalk, which had once succeeded such tremendously large blossoms of which I was so fond of as a child.
Such determination in your hazel brown eyes.
I remember the Fable of the Avocado Sprout and the Squirrel.
The Parable of the Blonde Boy and the Crabapple Tree.
The Romance of the Mosquito and the Fly.
And best of all.
The Demise of the Kodiak and the Lioness.
Written 10/13/2014
Oct 2014 · 395
Golden Amber
J M Baker Oct 2014
Were riding through hills
Of golden and amber
I look to you and I am lost
You take my hand, as you always do
I won't take this for granted
I've wanted it for too long
I look to you and my eyes say
I am yours
She gives me that smile
The smile I look for each time
Our eyes meet
Written 07/23/2011.
Oct 2014 · 874
J M Baker Oct 2014
When we wake, the sunlit morning swelling before us, I will know but one thing. When the everglow of your beauty is shown into my eyes, nothing else will matter, nothing but love.
Written the summer of 2010
Oct 2014 · 792
The Mosquito and The Fly
J M Baker Oct 2014
The mosquito and the fly.
Perched vertically on the bathroom wall where they had often made love, they were inches away gazing at one another, but it might as well had been the distance of worlds between them.
They loved to sit and stare,
examine and speculate,
wonder and guess,
show and tell,
fly and chase,
love and be loved
and lie and cheat.
They knew what they were doing was forbidden.
Yet they soon began to fall.
Deeper and deeper, the black hole began to tear into more than just the size of a pinprick.
Written 10/03/2012.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Skeletal Clocktower
J M Baker Oct 2014
I once had it.
It was in my hand.
The moment I went to close my tattered fingers around it, to keep it in my grasp, they began to oxidize.
Not only was it as if the caretaker had forgotten to properly oil the cogs of the clock in the tower in the center of the town, he had also forgotten where he had hid the skeletal key.
The fingers began to crumble, what was once hovering within nanoseconds of my grasp had slipped eons away.
I once had it.
I let it go.


Written 10/09/2014.
Oct 2014 · 371
The Crabtree
J M Baker Oct 2014
It's quiet now.
The crabtree slumped and it's shadow staggered across the broken dirt and cement that now seem mute in his years as a man.
Beaten down by the world.
Only a young boy paid any mind.
He once tried to eat the fruit it had to offer.
It was so sour and angry he spit the pulp to the ground.
He liked this.
The way it's **** flesh dried his taste buds like sidewalk chalk.
Written 9/30/2012.

— The End —