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The fogs of memories linger around
It shoots my mind and clogs my mouth
I'm deaf to say what's on my heart
Its making me breathe hard

When your name, comes my way
There are tears, to fight away
Your life and legacy
Your time and energy

Mean nothing to you
Now that you're gone
Your success is good
But only for now
Only for a few

I sit and mope
On a couch
Where you'd lay
And talk and say

And speak about
Everything on earth
Their rights
Their wrongs

I don't know how I'll carry on
When you're gone...
This poem might seem like it was made quick-quick, but the rest of it is incomplete to give about suspicion, plus it should leave my readers intrigued to read more of it, will post the rest later on... This is for my Grandfather! I miss him so much!!
A man who fought for freedom
Is frail and old yet remembered
For all his contributions and sacrifices
He made to rid all types of discrimination

In the early years a Law Degree
Seemed perfectly suiting
Boxing made him tough like a brute
But his soul-passive, polite and caring

A role-model to everyone
Who said, "Debate, no guns!"
A peace_maker for all

A teacher for all
Even in darkest hours
His humilty, nobility and responsibility
Is but a few of what we can reap of his success

27years of incarceration
All for the fight of discrimination
His sacrificed time
In quarries of lime

A day that they remembered
A day that they paraded
With happiness and delight

People in queues of snakes
Waited for a chance to cast their first vote

*We salute you TATA MADIBA
Thank you for your valiant services
I dedicate this poem to one of the greatest fighters for peace in the world who is currently very ill according to many reportsd and broadcasts here in London. May he live for many more years and may God grant him health. Enjoy your 95th birthday today!!!!! You oh Madiba have no idea how you are apprecoiated throughout the world. This is my contribution to Madiba Day, it took me 67 mintues to write this poem.
A truth that gets hidden from life
Makes you wanna go back in time
A lie that's exposed makes em cry
Everyday right through the night
People spread it all over the world
The lie exposed becomes gossip
The truth be told is honest
But people stretch it
A bit too much is it?

Your lies you say are so old
The truth is the actual core within
The sugar coating makes it cold
When your lies are so paper thin
It makes my sight so blur
But at least it gets clearer
When those lies are so paper thin

Here we go again, waitin' for the end
To begin, it is taking so long
So why would you turn a lie and bend
It so it would seem fascinating?
But right back at you comes
Someone sad, broken hearted, all coz

The light is on, I'm all fired
The night is young, you're a liar
At least what you say won't be what you mean
Coz all you say, everyday, lies that are paper thin
We all pull faces, have new names, even wear braces
We are too ashamed, we are too scared to tie our laces

Coz all you say
Everyday, a lie new
To me and you
Yet all I want
Is for you to tell
The truth

Your lies hide who you are
Your lies act as your facade
Your lies bamboozle all of us
Your lies cross-question your aquaitances

**coz your lies are paper thin
Its transparent
Good for all to see
How you've lied to me
Yet now you'll have to clean
At least you'll have to begin
This is to all those who have lied just to hurt me and punish me. At least in the end I know who all my real friends are. ***** you people who lied to me!!
Four days gone I'm feeling sober
Four days gone I'm crying over and over
Looking for someone to help me
Feel healthy yet I'm alone
Nobody near me to save me

I pick up the phone
Just to say hello
And greet you until i never can
I'm calling to find out if you can
Help me be a healthy man

You rush over
Help go over
To a doctor

I'm falling down on the floor
You pick me up and go to the door
I need help, i need it quick
You drove fast by to a clinic

The doctor comes and examines me
I'm turning blind, oh i can't see
The dizziness adds on too
The laziness makes me a fool

A few days by, I'm on a bed
You visit me, asked if rested
The Doc comes in and calls you out
He talks to you and then you shout

You wail and cry
And you wonder why
I'll be saying goodbye

My changes of life have been cut down
My tomorrow's become a no good town
To stay in, i cry once or twice
And i remember your famous smile

You take me home, held me close
And say you love me, yet your love
For me, has made it hard to see
How long and dear you've cared for me

But before i go, i wish to show
That I'll remember your radiant glow
That lit up my day, and without delay
It made me feel more like family

So today I'll cry, and I'll sleep
And close my eyes before you weep
You wake me up to see me breathe
I tell you that I'm fine to leave

I just need to close my eyes
And to picture your smile
Which made me happy
And will for all eternity....
I'm tired,sleepy,exhausted
I just want to get under the covers
My head aches and years for sleep
Under the covers, it's like an oven

I lay my head down
And close my eyes
I toss and turn
Until I'm fine for the night

My back that ached
My neck that pained
All the depression
Was flushed away

As i lay down
I feel the comfort
I feel the softness,
As soft as feathers

I fall asleep without delay
When i wake up
It will be day

People, people !
Oh dear people!
I've slept like a baby

Like a new born son
Filled with laughter and love

The feathers in my pillow
The springs in my bed
Made me sleep soundly
While resting my head

I dreamt of a whole new life
Which i can spend
During the night

While i was asleep
I dreamt of angels

The bed that i layed on
Was a cloud so soft
Which i relaxed on

The bitter end
Oh, why did it have to come?

Could i not stay
In this Heaven?
I'll sit and wait
Another day
Where I'll cry
Cry my eyes dry
A place where everyone
Avoids all the time
A place where no one
Comes to see the crime

There's times when
The silence is the sound
I can't comprehend
When the beat is loud

You make me fly way
Will see your heart
I will go places
Where I'm all alone
On my own
Can't you see
Me standing here
My own feet
Holds me up
My own friends
Keeps me up

There are times
When the sky has no clouds
There are times
When there are hoards of clouds

I just wanna fly away

Flying away would make me
Happy to see
Their smiles
Happy to hear
Their voices

All i wish to ask
For you to let me go
Break the shackles
May i go home

Don't keep me
Don't hold me
Don't touch me
Just leave
And let me go
Let me fly away
Higher every day
On my own

Oh! How I long to hear the sounds of my beloved daughter,
The sweet aroma of flowers all over.
Seeing her skipping, singing, dancing
In the beautiful Sunshine!

Oh my trove! Who longs for another
Thus love is something unlucky to me
So I took her beneath the soil
And made her my bride for all eternity

To him I was his everything
But to me,all he was, was a cruel,heartless soul
How I longed to be in my mothers arms again
Regret is what I feel,I shouldve listened

3 months of happiness,3 months of neglect
3 months of pain, 3 months of rejoicement!

— The End —