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6.9k · Dec 2015
Latest Fashion
C Me Dec 2015
'Look at Me', so self absorbed in outward looks and latest fashion.
With disregard for inner peace, selfless thought, and kind compassion.
Piercing ears, with holes so big they look like they're starting to melt.
Trousers about the knees; showing off pants, clearly in need of a belt.

Cheap plastic toys bought without thought, of which so quickly we tire,
Relationship failing to last without love and once all consuming desire.
Throw away gadgets and electronic connections, with all  life's worth we trust.
But when they are broken, will never be fixed; just casually tossed to the dust.

Mealtime no longer a social or family affair, at a table with fork and knife,
Check-in's a must so 'friends' will know that you're having a really great life.
No album prints of family snaps and childhood memories that last,
It's all about selfies, and sharing on line with 'friends' that human connections bypass.
2.7k · Sep 2014
C Me Sep 2014
Sorrow weighing heavy
Pain is running deep
Through my broken veins
and aching heart it seeps
The tears they overwhelm me
Like hands about my throat
Can’t vocalize this feeling
A scream the only note

I cannot feel the sunlight
Cold chills me to the core
Paralyzed in darkness
Cowering on the stone hard floor
Life is all but spent
My strength is fading fast
A world away from fancy dreams
and the love I yearned to last

I wonder if they’re happy
Getting high on life
Knowing I can’t be there
Another twisting knife
Don’t want to taste the tears
I try hard to swallow down
Grieving thoughts consume me
I fear I’m going to drown
Still not sure of the title. Feedback welcome.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Knowing Me, Knowing You
C Me Sep 2014
Your magic touch,
the things you say,
they make me smile
in every way.
When I feel troubled
and start to fear,
you hold my hand
and pull me near.
You paint a smile
upon my face,
soothe my soul
with your embrace.
You make me laugh;
Sometimes cry.

I feel you know me,
I’m not sure why.

A perfect pair
I think we make.
Each we give,
but not to take.
A familiar warmth
with you I feel.
and long to know
if it’s for real.
I feel so special,
so at ease.
Spending time with you
is just a breeze.
There’s no effort
or need to try.

I feel I know you.
I’m not sure why.

Unspoken words
We know are there
Not yet ready
To be shared.
Let’s stick around
A little more,
find the key,
to the open door.
Take a chance
and wander in.
Is this the start,
where ‘we’ begin?
Time will tell
who we will be ……

when I know you,
and you know me.
949 · Sep 2014
Best of Three
C Me Sep 2014
Slap my ***
Smack my ***
A naughty child’s behaviour done

Slap my ***
Bite my ***
A cheeky move that’s just in fun

Slap my ***
Spank my ***
Intense passion ... as you feel me ***
709 · Sep 2014
Rhyme Without Reason
C Me Sep 2014
Eating up books,
Chewing up lines,
No purpose or reason
Just passing of time.
A moment of quiet,
And clarity of mind,
For some unknown reason
The words start to  rhyme.

Readers forgive me
if it seems absurd;
if it looks unfinished
Or missing a word.
There’s really no telling
How ideas will start,
In moments of sadness
Or matters of heart.

Sometime a soul saver
In trials of stress,
When balance of mind
Seeks sated redress.
Tuning out life,
The kids and TV,
For a few simple words
And a mind flowing free.

Awakened at night,
When sleep is no rest,
Is often I  find
When I do it the best.
Or when no one is home,
With a nice cup of tea,
A few stolen moments ….
My pen and me.
467 · Dec 2015
Gone Hunting
C Me Dec 2015
Underplayed or overrated?
In perfect time with his ******, her wanton hips  gyrated.
Baring tooth and nail,
Like hungry wolves they feed.
Each the same agenda;
To satisfy their primal need.
He pulls her hair and bites her shoulder,
Binding wrists with which to  hold her.
She offers up her body and soul,
Without a word he takes her whole.
With quickened breath and sweat on skin,
Need like no other rushing in.
As if their lust, till now
reserved on ration,
Unleashed to satisfy
..... a moment's greedy passion!
Feedback welcome
410 · Dec 2015
Flower Pressing
C Me Dec 2015
Sometimes we hold on to those we love so tight we crush them. Like wild flowers we need to let them grow and flourish in order to enjoy their full beauty.
156 · Dec 2021
Christmas Pass
C Me Dec 2021
All alone
In an empty home
Beginning the longest day
Christmas morning
Is barely dawning
Santa has lost his way

Festive cheer
With wine and beer
A distant memory past
Excited chatter
And Indulgent platters
Now a lonely fast

Teams made
And board games played
With glasses of Prosecco
Gifts passed around
While Laughter sounds
Now a distant echo

So If you’re sharing
With love and caring
Be sure to make it last
Merry Christmas everyone
I really hope you’re having fun
But this year I’m gonna pass
129 · Aug 2020
Waiting for Love
C Me Aug 2020
Sometimes, even when you’re with me, you’re so far away
And I wish away the hours, awaiting your return
Thoughts of you consuming every moment of my day

I wonder where you go when you leave without a word
Was there something pressing, or something that you yearned?
Maybe you did tell me, and I just never heard?

I’ll never be your keeper, or the boss of what you do
You’re so fiercely independent
You’re freedom is a given part of simply being you

But know my heart is aching with every missing touch,
Longing for your tender kiss, or sharing of a though
These things never tire, or ever are too much

So patiently I wait, and constantly I yearn
For the moment when I’m blessed
With your love when you return
110 · Aug 2020
Finding You
C Me Aug 2020
While you’re sleeping in your bed
Thoughts of you run through my head

An empty feeling in my heart
Says it’s all wrong when we’re apart

I feel your cold and empty pillow next to mine
As I recall your handsome face from other times

I try to sleep; close my eyes and drift away
To dream of special times when you would stay

Searching for my love, deep into the night
There I know I’ll find you, clearly in my sight

Your perfect form and gentle face I long to kiss
Sharing playful laughter, lovingly I miss

Reliving every moment and treasured memory
Playing out the film of my mind’s photography

My fingers caressing your skin, beneath your shirt
As we connect with sultry looks, and shamelessly we flirt

You pull me close, gently squeezing at  my waist
Sensually caressing, your hand about my face

Your fingers firmly tug and wrap about my hair
Full of lustful confidence and loving tender care

Your soft blue eyes intensely gazing into mine
You take me with you, dancing into the sublime

I run my fingers through your gold and copper hair
And rearrange it out of place, but you don’t care

Your alluring smile my wanton fingers trace
Framed by seductive lips I long to taste

Purposed, every move and gesture, feeling just right
Heightened senses as our bodies tingle with delight

Your warm breath whispers at my ear
With the words of love and passion I long to hear

Every word, every look, every touch and taste
Arousing my emotions as my heart quickens pace

Speaking without words, your language mirrors mine
Without music we can dance, keeping perfect time

Then by morning I awake and turn to see your face
But you’re not there, your pillow’s cold, just a vacant space

I smell you still upon my skin
Like chocolate and forbidden sin

But there’s a part of me adrift, something out of whack
A missing piece of puzzle, something that I lack

Suddenly I realise and surrender to defeat
My life is like a jigsaw not quite yet complete

And now I’ve found the answer; I see it in your face
I feel it in my heart, and within your warm embrace

Every moment now I live with you inside my head
The one I want to share my love, my life, my bed

My confidant, my lover, my best friend
My everything, my forever, right until the end

I know just how to feel complete, no more searching I need do
For you are the perfect fit ….. The missing piece is you

— The End —