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Isaiah Abarra Apr 2018
Water is a fascinating matter
as it is essential for life sustaining
It has most part of our body
and is present in every living thing
we can survive without food yet
die with no water
another feature of it
is that it cleans and cleanse
the most flexible thing in this world
yet has its dangers

Floods have killed and took some lives
as drowning to death is very painful
boiled water can burn your skin
and contaminated water can give you ailments
but in these features
I found out something

water alone is a fluid of life
but added with others
it becomes a monstrosity
so I don't know
I'm just thirsty
Isaiah Abarra Apr 2018
Appearing weak in front of someone
you wish to please
is not a scenario one wishes to face
You want to show how can you protect her
but being a human, one can only hold for long
As we will face defeat and burden
and one can only stand in the heat for long
however, to feel so vulnerable
in front of someone you wish to be yours
is to feel guilt and awe at the same time

It's like you want to give the world to her
but you can't even get a grip of your own
It's funny how being a human will be a reason
for you not to win another human

I never wanted for her to see me like this
grudged and displeased and in face of terror
I could not face her and lie
that I would not fall once more
for being an only human
I can succumb and crumble

For this as wolf I can only howl
at the full moon professing how
I will forever love it
despite in a million lifetimes
I could never reach it

As crimson blood flows at my feet
I fall as I only weep
that these fallen demise of mine
has been a bullet that backfired

In the end I'm still too weak
incapable of handling one's self
So who am I to face you ow
If today I couldn't handle
the pain I have

But I promise this to you
There will come a day when I will
sew my skin and glue my broken bones
and I will fix myself for you
I wish to love you when I'm completely healed
and not in this moment
where I am shattered and skinned
Isaiah Abarra Apr 2018
There I saw a lovely gal

dancing and popping in every corner of the stage

she sang and hummed a lovely tune

like a nightingale serenading the moon

I saw her then and stand and gaze

it's only her, everything went haze

she walks on fire, that's why she's ablaze

Didn't show a sign of faze

but the day was young

and so was the years of ours

I thought it would be fair to her

to love her with my broken parts

So I stood and wait a thousand years

charging up, fighting these fears

and there I stood, prepared to race

to find out, someone took my place

here I put my silent grief

in a piece of paper or internet post

I weep as the chance I lost

was forever in the bliss of wind

Like the moon, without a sun I lost my light

Like a child, I seek comfort in a lullaby

So now I still adore from afar

as I lost the wish from my shooting star
Isaiah Abarra Apr 2018
In this hell I see

I find my solitude

I call this home sweet home

In this dark imagination

I have my faith

even with an eternally closed door

Never been here before but I feel at home

this dark and warm oasis

where people eat one another, is comfort

Cause every day I walk this town

the darkest colors fill this dump

A speck of blue is kept me astray

I try to paint the world of grey

spit the orange purple green

but all they did is spill red blood

I just hope this black and white area

gets painted by a stroke of white

as we repaint everything and start over again
Isaiah Abarra Apr 2018
Sometimes I wish
we are more than this
empty vessels looking for another
students desperately wanting summer

When waiting becomes a habit
it distracts you from the joys of present
going to school daily waiting for Saturday
and studying just to graduate

playing just to finish
and running just to stop
removes the joys of life
it is no other less than
living just to die

but to fall in love with you
is my own personal tragedy
I hope and pray and simply wait
wishing in 11:11 and
throwing quarters at wells

I hope that you are more than
my wishful thinking
and a blessing smoke
I hope at the end of the line
someone smiling will come
and awaits for an embrace

I hope your smiles are genuine
and so are your laughs
I hope my heart can get to you
as you will give me yours

But who am I kidding?
at this present tense I do none
I guess I can only enjoy the present
and hope the future
will be kind to me

Anxiously waiting
for your acceptance
or a great rejection
who knows?
Isaiah Abarra Apr 2018
Bridge bridge, I burn bridges
bridges burn when I burn bridges
no second thoughts when I burn bridges
I burn bridges

baby backbone is not a blessing
breaking, buckling mouth bubbling
being blissful is alarming
when you bumble words that breaking
hearts of people with words are blasting
boisterous big time opposite of blooming
relationships and hate is booming

List? yes I have a list
of all the people I dismissed
like a loser I have never missed
losing people that I left ******
I have issues.

people I ****** is a variety
white, black, yellow or pinkish
they are annoying and perfectish
some are perfect polish
some came from a weird fetish

so do not go near me, don't you dare
I cannot maintain things and always care
I change easily before you're aware
and put a hole in your heart that was never there

but some say I can be kind or smart
and lift your spirits and your heart
talk about science, music and art
put me together, I've always been apart
Isaiah Abarra Apr 2018
I've faced my most terrifying fears
and let go of people I held dear
escaped in the brink of death
conquered sleep paralysis
rejected every stupid existing fad
left my ghosts from the past
passed my worst subjects and
passed everything
But I couldn't seem to handle

I tell my problem
the operators just roll their eyes
more than a thousand peso every month
and freaking 1mbp/s everytime
I've never tasted the quick internet connection
but you can't say that this is okay
until you watch live stream online

Slow internet...
The lan is tough ahead
the rules of survival lags
the PC hangs
Can't you give us the quality we deserve
also no, to the Telepad
they're being greedy and they know it

Everyone thinks i'm just impatient
Just cause it's true
doesn't mean that it's right
so sit down on the desk
and open that PC
let me show you what it's like
to use a computer with

the Youtube has never gave me a video with 720p
downloading movies takes forever to take
and the facebooks works like ****
but it goes fats when I restart
ain't nobody got time for that
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