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My life ended before I ever got to live it
Now its like I'm a floating ghost
Forever doomed to stay here
Watching everything that could have been
What greater torture is there than longing for something you'll never have?
IsabellaVE Feb 10
Its the last time
Your face is fading away
Slowly, and now it almost gone
Once more I see you when I close my eyes

Soft sounds that used to be your voice
Slowly turning into an etarnal void
I long for you
Clinging to what little of you that's left

You're nothing but a memory
A memory that will soon be forgotten
It's like I'm losing you all over again
But this time you're gone forever

Once more I see you when I close my eyes
I slowly let go of you as I say my last goodbyes
The rest of you fading away into the skies
IsabellaVE Feb 7
Everyone and everything will be forgotten
It scares people
Makes them feel like they have no purpose
People need purpose
What is life without it?
Everyone fights to have a piece of them remembered
It doesn't matter if its good or bad
They just want to be remebered
The history books in school
Or hall of fame
I too want to be remembered
But not for something bad
Or be a famous movie star
I want to be remembered for making an impact
I dont care about reaching millions
Just one
Just one is enough
Knowing that I made an impact or made one person feel something
That's more than enough for me
IsabellaVE Feb 6
I have ambition
Always on a new mission
Working hard to get far
Burning like a star
But stars eventually burn up
I can barely move now
My body turning its back on me
Falling down all the stairs I climbed
Back at the beginning
Just because I'm back at the beginning doesn't mean I never tried
I try
I have tried
I have tried my whole entire life
Tried to be something I'll never be
IsabellaVE Feb 1
I always wanted to move away
The other side if the world is where I'll stay
But I'll miss my family if I barely see them
I wonder if that's how my mom feels that way
She left her country and family for my dad
She barely gets to see her family
Does it make her sad?
She calls with her sister
She must really miss her
I hope we can visit her family soon
It will be nice for the family and my mom too
IsabellaVE Jan 31
She tells me how she feels
I know I have to heal
I can't make her fear come true
That would be awful of me to do
I cant let her have a dead big sister
So I stand tall, just for her
How my heart shattered at her words
Has it been this obvious how much I've hurt?
It must have been bad for her to tell me
Her biggest fear is me dying by my own hands
But I wont leave her, not a chance
IsabellaVE Jan 29
It all used to be so clear
The colours of the world so fair
The beautiful light
Everything was bright
How peacful it was to be blissfully unaware
But as you grow
The true colours starts to show
Slowly turning grey
Watching the beauty around start to decay
Seeing the world for what it is
Growing out of the childish bliss
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