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Mikko Nov 2022
I'm back at where I started
I give up

You can say you hate me
But I'm giving it all up
Mikko Nov 2022
I can't keep blowing the bridge you burned with my mouth

I've been stuck here eyes closed everytime

Do I shut everything down?

I can't see it all without you

I can't fix it myself without you

Do I really have the time to fix it by myself?

I won't be enough

I want to make things right

I thought you'll stay with me

But it's now nothing but a memory
Mikko Nov 2022
If I wrote a poem about you
Would you read it?

Putting your name on the meaning
Explosions on my feelings
Blank papers clouds my thinking

Remind me again that you left me
Because I can't stop writing

What a funny way to tell you that I'm so in love with you

There's a lot to unpack

I really wish  you come back
Mikko Nov 2022
It's all falling to pieces again
All the thoughts are coming back to my head
Silhouette of the Skyscrapers
Ripped out a page on its underline
Mikko Jun 2022
She said I like you can you come through?
I don't want to feel that way can you pass through
Waist pressed on you while the night is alive
Thinking of ******* you in the bedroom
falling from you in a vacuum

found you online
we had fun times
crossing your mind
call me next time


Focus is lost
Blurring on these emotions
Think of me when you shut down
Mikko May 2022
I want to go outside
But the look of the wind outside felt hard
I want to go far away
To anywhere you want

But I rather watch Peter Pan
Because I really need the distraction

I really need the distraction

Is Peter Pan on?
Because I could really use some distraction

Because sometimes, It scares me how much I think about going for a walk.
Mikko Feb 2022
Don't make me go to my bed
I'm hanging by a thread
All hope on my brain has fled
My only wish is to be dead
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