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Mikko Jun 2021
Love is a drug and I'm all out

Fill up the dosage put it on high
**** me up and let someone take me to the hospital

Love is gonna make you high

Be careful not to get too high

Because the fall

Is gonna hurt a lot.
Mikko Jun 2021
He's a mess
Turning into rust
Waiting for a trust

He's unused

The longer he waits
The stronger it gets
He's damaged on the brain, heart and wrist

Currently turning into dust.
I am so lost, i feel like I'm waiting for something, someone.

I'm slowly turning into dust.
Mikko Jun 2021
Let's go home

There's no hope

It's all wrong
Mikko Jun 2021
Good bye notes are falling from your mouth
I've never realized until it all turned to dust

I felt the ashes flew unto my deaf ears
Now you look at me like I'm not yours

Slowly becoming strangers
When you were suppose to be my home

O woe unto me my sweet
For we became stale

I guess our tale
Is already on the end
Mikko May 2021
I like the way you draw

Every stroke into those sketches

As if the passion inside of you

Could never been so deep

I like the way you paint

As your hand dances and stretches

With every touch of color

The world will ever need

I adore you
Mikko Apr 2021
Whenever I see you I remember the days where all my decisions in life was for us.

Whenever I see your face, it reminds me of the day where I'm so happy I could cry.

Whenever I see your face, I can't show myself that I'm ******* sad because you left me back then.

Whenever I see your face, I at least try to forget that you like someone else but here I am making you laugh.

Whenever I see your face, it reminded me that I still love you because of who you are, not what everyone sees in you.

Whenever I see your face, I just can't think about how we should be happy together, not just you.

Whenever I see your face, I just can't stop loving you.

Whenever I see my face all I can see is an empty shell, always ready to be your home.
Mikko Mar 2021
Waiting again
I just wanna be better than back then

I should've done enough at this age
I shouldn't graveling to the grave

I keep looking at the sky
Why am i still here?

Am i still going to be alive next year?

I just want to make something good.

And maybe my corpse will make the deaf ears ring.
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