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A Freedom May 2020
'dream's Being,
in Peace,
I, the glorious Ego,
Am a shape of a cloud.'
A Freedom Aug 2022
'The lost flavours in Its speech
are now merely sweets of silence.'
A Freedom Aug 2019
'the belive of not thinking that which is already believed,
as miracle hikes on the rooftops once in a life 'time',
characters never witness through their sealed windows.'
A Freedom Jun 2019
A storyteller within its conscious cages reads its books so loud and clear while shredding silence between their pages.
A Freedom Dec 2022
'It knows no journey from death to birth.
In the face of its wide open wooden case,
eyes are wide open shut.'
A Freedom Mar 2021
Living platform, the heart's suitable lover and the mind's holographic design! No one as 'I'...will ever discover the trails in this absolute line of life's random cartoon.  
A Freedom Feb 2021
''...worth's true 'self',
prized by none.''
A Freedom Jan 2020
'showers of Grace ...
route's flooding,
beyond surfaces,
I am free,
A Freedom Jan 2020
'for I ...
there are no diversions,
as no battle on diversion has yet been declared!'
A Freedom Sep 2019
'the chief of organic substance 'mind' network,
outlasts as a residue behind the removal of the 'magma' resolutions from polished 'bone' by dilute hallucinogen,
is exercising the collagen make of 'bones',
time travellers for ossein, in search of 'One' that sleeps awake within, the show has been cancelled and yet a whole universe is watching,
ectatic goosebumps felt beyond heaven,
rips the skin, neatly as a whole within none.'
A Freedom Dec 2019
'the' illusion of being,
mind's tool,
manipulated nature of its  phantom.'
A Freedom May 2022
Life's priory sounds are laud in search of a 'language'.
In silence, Its echoes are dead.
A Freedom Jun 2020
There is ''essence'' in the air, empty of human's tragedy,
empty of human's bliss. 'This' poetry has run out its dimension in Being needn't began.
A Freedom May 2021
'...Holds nothing...
In love with Its peace!'
A Freedom Aug 2019
'it crept under the bed,
transparent as it could,
out of subject to be,
was found.'
A Freedom Jun 2019
'its mind',
'its thoughts'
are cinema's choreography.
o, forgotten master,
'your' steps are the One that no one can remember,
but 'you' dance!
tracing the lost,
is beginning to show,
its own end,
'It' knew this which now,
'it' was then and yet,
'I' can only pretend.'
A Freedom Dec 2019
'Δεν κατανοεί την πλατφόρμα της,
Μια αίσθηση αυξάνεται μόνο για να μειώσει,
Ενώ ο θάνατος έρχεται στη ζωή.'
A Freedom May 2020
In 'the' sacred pools, there is no.thing but fluid.
It has been floating there! Within a built of wood and bone is powerless while articulating loops! It knows it has been weeping inside the 'holy' books as nothing but words. Saw through their 'strength' one-time oblique then spoke, of what is only lived through! Breathed, It lit the eternal syllabi on fire. Now 'Kabir' and I, are enduringly excused.
A Freedom Aug 2022
'Sunshiny nighttime,
a little naked frog
caught a fly,
beyond the honey.'
A Freedom Dec 2020
'A Human without a ''home'' is seen as homeless...
But we all are...Until!'
A Freedom Jan 2020
'Loosen its grip while dragging a holy brick around personage's neck!
It is one 'hell' of a maker,
waving a finger in a land of  lost hands.'
A Freedom Mar 2021
'...a newborn doesn't know that is loved,
in not knowing,
already it is.'
A Freedom Jan 2021
'they' demolished!
As I sprawled down
held within a body,
''overheard its sounds'',
the cracks of sorrows.
one beat within another!
Rhymes the rhythm of a heart,
I dissected but couldn't rediscover yet.
what is that on your 'summit'!
Waving a wand...
bones' flesh of 'major fairies'
squatting One's mind...'
A Freedom Jan 2020
'lost exteriors, dehydrated inks splashed imagination over-flooded desert's recreational mirage, out of thin air perpetrated! its essence sank! it does seem to be watching over while observing the above... needn't saving, needn't anything love, without a trace was found when faded, inside 'this' fire, grew the heart of a courageous moth.'
A Freedom Oct 2020
'When the Birth cord of Ego enthralling phenomenon is wrapped tight throughout hyperboles, A mass-concentrated caesarean is birthing its tools in steady rips off One, in escaping its distasteful option.'
A Freedom Dec 2020
'within the cage's breathing,
senses are Ego's favourite stage,
'alive' nor 'dead',
the human collector is awake,
as billion of lives are rented sleep in its eternal 'bed'.
A Freedom Dec 2020
'Enforcement' motions are 'not' for everyone!
Throughout its Act,
the ''Clown Above'' Is always happy,
Especially when doesn't show.
A Freedom Jul 2023
'Little bug's dream in A Sleep,
****** by the cracks of Its rug.'
A Freedom Jan 2020
The olive branch!
An earthly representative of peace. Yet, 'olives' aren't everyone's favoured 'snack'. It wants to be treated, smoothed or cured before it is even remotely embraced, and even then, parts of its character still won't have it on a 'pizza'. Furthermore, blending mediations
accommodates high manners, and even when flourishing, aren't always appreciated. Chewing 'olive's spread is empathising, for it, Self needn't understanding in its eternal ignorance of being fed.
A Freedom Aug 2019
It didn't plant it.
It didn't flood it down.
It didn't abolish it reasonably.
It didn't alter my soul according to the 'fashion'.
Rather, served its most uncompromising visions mercilessly!
It flicked the flicker.
Began flicking,
Flared conquered all in vain.
-Nothing- pronounced,
-Something in the brain-
Was 'performing'.
A Freedom Apr 2020
'Can you feel It!
Can you?
And as you do...Just wait!
Is not It...
The question within stars' reflection
Is reaping all you've got!
Unzipping Human uniform!
A Freedom Nov 2019
'the author has retired,
yet its characters forever seeping tea,
are celebrated in One chapter as attired.'
A Freedom Nov 2021
'Under a rock barried Its secret,
A secret  unknown to 'the' world, Where clouds are  dancing sounds of its cricket, Through the silent melody of Its infinite sky.'
A Freedom Aug 2019
'behold beloved...
divine verticality,
no edges in the curve.'
A Freedom Oct 2019
'extraordinary tiny boxes!
wrapping caution of belief,  
within a gift of comprehending motion,
jumping higher undercliff.'
A Freedom Oct 2019
'writers wrote,
sages spoke,
composers composed and performers performed,
they gave it all to its role,
One genius spread inside million 'boxes',
within each of which had a 'bluebird' in the heart.'
A Freedom Aug 2021
Oh, Love!
You have eternally looked for a lover...
As it is...
Now pale and quiet,
It is...
already 'dead'.
A Freedom Oct 2019
'the  absolute privilege of heartfelt ecstasy,
I ~
twisted inside 'million' perceptions,
within reality won't budge.'
A Freedom Sep 2020
'When the Sun is in flames, hooray, comes the ultimate 'cook'!
Earth trial of homemade recipes is One of its finest.
Don't be shy, undress to impress!
Dare feel the hotplates' burners and dine!
Mind's alert! Can't you see,
'Chef's baking the most exquisite s_ _t for your dessert?
Love, thank you, and Bon appetite.'
A Freedom Oct 2020
'In 'ice cold water', minds get slaughtered!
As the body shivers,
Its struggle's dying without even trying.'  
A Freedom Dec 2019
'...round and round...
within its hallucinated exploration owns no ground!'
A Freedom Sep 2019
'in this vast ocean of love,
few swim naked,
most are grooming from above.'
A Freedom Feb 2020
In the depths of winter, I finally learned that in me, there is a great summer, where silence becomes a symphony of a blind man's privilege to hear. I, pleased needn't be, as God knows I tried too hard, too long, too many times! I do not know, nor I belong. Freedom, so sweet, there's no flavour left in me for you to master.  
A Freedom May 2021
'Within ignorance
Samsara comes,
Samsara goes!
Growing tall on the tip of its tongue,
how irrelevant as slowly diminished.'
A Freedom Jun 2020
' oasis in the desert,
Human haplographies
swimming in Dead Sea scrolls,
wise beyond its understanding,
ignorant beyond its role.'
A Freedom Dec 2021
'Who remembers your first breath!
Your first step!
All recollections of a 'child's birth are within Its void!
To Be
Not To Be...
Am 'I',
Being dead in its poetic theme.'
A Freedom Dec 2020
An Era of sacred self-knowledge is here, restoring its pagodas of wicked and divine humanity' unspoken virtue, within the illusions of mortals, It suffers lives of conscious' dreaming its immortal.  
A Freedom Jan 2020
'...and It made an artisan!
Seen by those who aren't born yet.'
A Freedom Oct 2019
'in the root of its heart,
laid buried in sleep,
dreaming of light,
it rose and crawled to the Sun,
only to see,
light shone bright,
in the heart of its seed.'
A Freedom May 2020
'It calls 'me' good but I am ~ not.
It calls 'me' bad yet I am ~ not.
Being 'bad' by doing good and good by doing 'bad', Ego's fostered
bond within thought's prayer adorable trials, turned into 'God's fella
crowd's liberation, now's chipping its topography foundation.'
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