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 Mar 2021 Lili
 Mar 2021 Lili
Loving You,
It came in waves,
Losing You,
I've drowned so fast.
 Mar 2021 Lili
 Mar 2021 Lili
You are the one with the lighter,
Nurturing the fire,
That lives on Your heart.

I wonder, why do You consider Yourself lucky?

I look at You, and I still don't know what You look like,
You got several, but which one is Your true side?
Are You moderate, courageous or equitable?
Being alive on a different land is unbearable.

I want to know where all Your visions come from,
'Cause I only got Gideon's who believes in the intangible.
You say You are a man of fortune,
Being alive at a different time is a torture.

— The End —