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4d · 37
Like him
Like him

I am an animal
Let's not forget
You are animals too
We co-habitate
On this rock, of blue
We really have not
Gained any wisdom
Over these ages
of Adam
And how many historical events
Have passed,
and yet ;
We don't learn from them.
I'm blue in the face
From speaking and shouting
"Are any sane people left?"
Crowded, pushing in..on me
No air,, can hardly breathe,
Clawing !
my way forward, just to get some space.
Here there is no footing,  my heels
Begin to slip,
and the more the herds a'stiring, the longer the trip
Looking back over the road ,
broken people are exposed
and lessons Spoken
come out as a belch
Protect yourself,  women and children first.
4d · 25
All i could do
I wonder if she knows
That I think of her
I'm not that guy
She thinks she knows
When a few words are passed over ten years or more
She doesn't have a notion
Of who I am in this world
I imagine spending time with her
And my mundane life fades
She brings light with her
As I crawl through these dark days
I hope this life's rope won't suddenly end
When I haven't told her
How much in love I am
Dec 2024 · 39
The moaning bride
Ike E Davis Dec 2024
Do you suppose the moaning bride
Made such noise
From losing her life?
Or was it regrets
A matter of the heart?
That tore her voice
Was there torture?
At least,
In her mind.
Or was it physical,  with a twist of metal a pop,
of the spine.
Lots of images
Come to a question of these kinds,
What made the
Moaning bride?
Nov 2024 · 70
Democrats described
Ike E Davis Nov 2024
Here are the problems with democrats
They want to conduct beatings on the opposition,
and they want  illegals to remain in my nation
They like to put targets on people's back
And wish death on other humans for political wrath.
They label everyone a ****.
Then tear down historic statues and occupy college campuses .
Promoting anti
They want retaliation
and try using  gorilla tactics to bring down my union
Blaming everyone else for the mess we are in.
Never being gracious when the other side wins.
I have rights and a voice. I also believe..
its a woman's choice.
I walk between the shadow and light, and guarantee this poem will bring about hate..
tis another democratic trait.
Nov 2024 · 884
Election day elated 2024
Ike E Davis Nov 2024
A target on his back
A beating threatened
The garbage men
Did their work
With their candidate
"What was in the past.."
And other word salad..
Imagine Walz near the nuclear
For a nuclear winter
I was getting several unwanted
Text five times a day
It totally re-enforced
My desire to see America great.
May your republic
Sep 2024 · 56
Come along, now go
Ike E Davis Sep 2024
I heard a siren
I was filled
With fear
,hell and brimstone
Followed quite near
Many fools pointed
Which way to go
I asked
where did this come from?
No one seemed to know
Higher we ascended
Moving on a path
But there's no room up at front
So the masses cannot pass
Camping on the road side
The pasture holds our trash
Mind the filth and needles if you
Go traveling past
Will no one protect us
Where are the brave and strong
They sold out to anyone with a buck
The righteous are long gone
I oft wonder and with wonderment I did we rise so high
To only end up here.
May 2024 · 91
Ode to piss
Ike E Davis May 2024
It is usually of yellow color
Unless the vessel that produces
The ichor has some how made it
It is just waste liquid
But it is sterile
If you are dehydrated it isn't very
You must drink plenty of water
If you don't want it to be offensive
Certain foods can affect its scent
Go ahead eat asparagus and
It dries on the seat of a commode most unpleasant
And when in a strange place to encounter it is worst of all
Dogs mark their territory with it
And bums spray it on walls
Some refer to it as golden showers
And find eroticism in its passing display
It is a right of passage for the young to not **** their pants when at play
And who out of the many
Hasn't done the ***-*** dance
Or laughed too hard
To **** their pants
May 2024 · 83
Ike E Davis May 2024
When they read the obituary
How was your life summed up
I hope it is extraordinary
Was your first loved mentioned
Was your favorite dogs named there
Did they cover how you laughed
The sweet smell of your hair
Facts, facts facts
Or did it show your favorite
People love to search the text
For their name
A few lines or paragraphs
A nod of Recognition
Then on to other things
Social media and
Tic toc addiction
Write your own story
Make it what you want to say
After all...its you that passed away.
May 2024 · 78
Ike E Davis May 2024
Did you come here to work
Are you here to pray
What did you sacrifice
To be here today
Are you sending home money
To your family
Did you pledge your loyalty
To the USA?
Do you care about liberty
Or freedom
or democracy
You need to be a good consumer
Buy land and stay
Are you here because you love
The American way.
Or are
You only here long enough
To earn money and not stay
Did you become
American. Or is that
Being here long enough
To build a nest egg
This isn't your home land
We have our own customs and ways
Don't forget your heritage
But your customs must change
You took an oath. It used to mean something  
another lie ?
Do your word mean nothing? Remember you're here to start a new,
Don't bring the same low class of living you left. With you.
You don't need money, to be clean.
Did you come to go back
After getting paid?
Apr 2024 · 93
Put the weight on me
Ike E Davis Apr 2024
I feel like I'm living on a huge scale,
Everyday a little bit more piles up , opposite of me. Soon, the weight will shift, and I will slide down , across the fulcrum and then sliding ever down into that, dark heavy patch of worry.
Hoping to come out the otherside, unscathed and once again; balanced.
Apr 2024 · 102
Since you have gone
Ike E Davis Apr 2024
You left
with so much undone
On your departure
Its like
You took the sun
Nothing green grows
No one hears my

Since you've gone

I guess I'm to blame
For your

If you have to go
Don't look back
You'll get ****** in
And I'd hate that
Its all my fault

Since you've gone

I know I'm to blame

I'd rather see you fly
Without my arms
Around your neck
Like a dead weight
I'd rather
You be free
Than have the burden
Of me

Since you're gone
I wish you the best
Since you've gone
I appreciate
Your need to climb
higher without me
I can say I helped you
along the way

Since your gone.
Apr 2024 · 93
Close your eyes
Ike E Davis Apr 2024
When times get so bad
You close your eyes not
To see
Soon you will exist in a dreamland,
With no substance.
Mar 2024 · 73
Ike E Davis Mar 2024
Many stand idle and watch the dismantling
Of our Constitution and Country
They fear being called names ,
And labeling
Oh ,
many may point fingers
And ring the warnings
of danger
Most won't hear
and they truly believe
That others will step up and
Take the lead
But the horde is coming
And the problem is clear
Most stood by and did nothing
Some simply
don't care
After the years
of the end
Will you look back
you had
Taken a stand?
Feb 2024 · 177
Buckles and Cigarettes 2b
Ike E Davis Feb 2024
What do you call a rat trap that has killed many rats?

Idk what do you call it?


But everyone wants to make a better mouse trap.

You said mouse trap, not rat trap

Thats because the rats, take care of their own.
Feb 2024 · 104
Wine gathering
Ike E Davis Feb 2024
How many were at the gathering?
Six, but my mind escapes me
Might there have been
Drinking wine upon my entrance,
A variety of crackers
And cheese.
I made six,  six chairs six men
All around the round table
I was invited in.
Light conversation of who is who
And when was back then
I stood not
taking a chair
I wish I had noticed
How many men were there?
I think it was different so many times
Men around fires
Men about rocks
Away from the women
Were men must talk
I was the sixth chair, my character
Known to three,
Its why I was invited
Upon seated
I drank the wine
Jun 2023 · 148
Ike E Davis Jun 2023
You can not solder a pipe if there is water in it
Water always takes the easiest route
Water finds its own level
It hits as hard as steel or as soft as itself
Be like water
Too much water consumption can lead to death
You can drown in 3 inches of water
3 days with no water and you die
Never drink salt water
Salt water doesn't freeze
Any water here, now  ,is millions of years old
Don't drink water fish **** in it
Mar 2023 · 185
Dancer, your mothers grave
Ike E Davis Mar 2023
There's a many bunch of places that I'd like to be
On a cruise ship sailing across the seven seas
Looking out a window
just to see the swaying
palm trees
But there's one place I'd rather be than these...

I can't
wait to dance on your mothers grave
I've laid out the dance steps and the music that I'll play

Oh there's many lovely spots where I could be
But I'd rather go tap dancing upon your mother's grave

If there's one other person
who'd I'd rather see
to be placed in the ground for all eternity..
it isn't much of a stretch he's in your family ..
it would be your dear brother, whose
dead to me.
He's a desperate drunk
and a bully
I'll put this song to an end
But let me stop by saying
I hope he gets lots of rest
in a bed of dirt
as I go a' dancing above his rotting corpse..
Mar 2023 · 117
Find a way
Ike E Davis Mar 2023
It all comes down to faith
You either hold back or push it all in
You've been holding on for forgiveness
For the sins you need to come clean
Maybe you think that I'm simple for bowing my head
And for times I pray on my knees
I don't bow down to any
But my Lord unto me..
It all comes down to forgiveness
The Lord is the key
When your soul is weighed against your actions,  you'll have no one else to blame.
For you God may not be your answer
When your feeling lost or afraid
There is a light burning for you
May his love light your way.
Feb 2023 · 173
Stand a little stronger
Ike E Davis Feb 2023
I often wonder if we could stand a little stronger
You could always catch me when I fall
And when your knees buckle
I'd save you from the ground.

You catch me when I'm staring
I turn my head and laugh
your still as beautiful as on the day we met
Other times , when the light hits you a Certain way
I can see both our daughters in your profile
and it blows my mind away
Honestly ...

You're my best friend
don't ask me why
You hold your ground when you're right better than any man, and when you're mistaken,,well it happens seldom times,
you are big enough to stand up and make it right
You work like a mule
you are stubborn through and through
These are just some reasons I fell in love with you
You're the mother of my children my partner and my friend
I don't know where I'd be now if you didn't take my hand
Growing old *****
But together we strive
you and I will make it through
side by side,
I still stop to wonder if we could ever stand stronger you'd catch me when I fall?
Dec 2022 · 119
One candle
Ike E Davis Dec 2022
One small flame
That is uniquely yours
It eats away at its wick
Like time eats away at our
Bodies. It brings us comfort this little flame, it shows us our surroundings in the dark. Though it is small it brings about warmth.  
Put to other things it can spread and the flame can create a huge roaring fire.  If I force this flame upon you it is intrusive,  perhaps blinding and burns , the smoke obscures.
If you need to find a source of light you may look upon my candles flame and find commonality there for you too have such a candle.
Funny, when many candles come together: they look like the stars in the universe.  I hope this message finds you well, and when we part I hope you are better for our meeting.

Nov 2022 · 125
Ike E Davis Nov 2022
Turn turn
Bury your head in the sand
It seems as if God has
Forsaken this promised land
Is it failure of our leaders ?
Failure of faith?
Families in which there is no
Solid base?
Alcohol and drugs
Found in everyplace?
We are distant from, hope and our Lords grace.
As long as money can flow
Into pockets,  they'll use the poor
And sick to flock us.
They wish to separate faith from the masses,  by mocking us.
Divide to cause fear
Provide a dream that cannot be
Consume and spend
The debt will never end
Hope has all but died
But greed keeps the machine alive.
Nov 2022 · 124
Ike E Davis Nov 2022
This balloon can protect you from heat and rain
Hold tight to its string
and it can take you away..
don't fly too close to the sun,
it'll burn
that way.
This balloon is like life's problems, we can put energy
and substance in it
until it grows as big as a house.
Or, we can shrink it down,..
let the air out.
Place it in our pocket and carry it
easily around.
A story comes to mind of a young girl from a wealthy home who was asked what she wanted for Christmas.."a balloon!". Was what she answered.
Like Truman Capote wrote
" its a penny thing, but its pretty"
We can choose the color of our balloon,  make it see through and yet huge, where we fool ourselves everyday, that,
what we can't see, can still be in our way.  
Color your world vibrantly and take up space.
Color your ballon with passion and grace.
Let it float above,,
just like God's love.
A penny thing thats pretty.
Nov 2022 · 110
Shape of a Woman
Ike E Davis Nov 2022
Dancing and holding her
the small bend of her back
That flat
full belly
It can't be matched
It can't be copied
We may lust for that
We can fool ourselves into
Believing our bodies
Could be like a
But none can design like
I walk with my arm around her waist
And I can smell her hair
And the nape of her neck
Delicate but strong
Not like a man at all
Oct 2022 · 181
Always say it
Ike E Davis Oct 2022
A long time from now
When you have turned
Purple and black
I will be high on a green dragon
Looking down
Not just at you
But at the many years that have passed

I will remember,  I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER
Had I asked you would have said "Yes"
And that you would hang in there .
Until the time you would see me,
Mounted high waving goodbye
On that magical dragon

If I only knew..I would've asked.
Jul 2022 · 113
Ike E Davis Jul 2022
When does a person reach the point,,
Of enough
What atrocities
Must there be
When they've seen
It is
Not just  my country
Ending its cycle
But the spirit of that
Being divided
By unknown traitors
Who knows where they hide
And to fight them is too shame
And to stand together never
Happens now
That they
Run the game
But this is no idle matter
It concerns all citizens
Democracy is dead
The body is buried in
The parchment
We nigh could agree
The Constitution
Should be remembered
Even if our country
Is dismembered.
Feb 2022 · 108
My bowl
Ike E Davis Feb 2022
I have an old bowl
I use it still
No reason to
Throw it
It holds water
Or post , toasties
Whatever the
I steep my tea
In the vessel
Just to have room
For the leaves
To breathe
I never share
Out of it
After all ,,
It's mine
I keep it
Well, its good enough for me
A pitcher has a handle
A mug has depth
a bowl relies on my
Hands to maintain a grip
I put my hands together
And raise the rim to my lips
A motion much like praying
Especially when I  say grace
When I am gone
This mortal plane
And all my possessions
Are scattered to the wind
Whoever in their right mind
Would use my bowl
Nov 2021 · 137
Searching. (Song)
Ike E Davis Nov 2021
Oh I'm searching
I got no one to call

Oh ,,,,
I hung my head low
Lower than

my soul long have I been
thinking I'd find
The truth
Oh and I start looking
At no one here but myself

Yeah...I been searching
And searching and I bowed my
The door was open
And Jesus was the way .you
Could spend your life searching
But take it from me
Now there ain't no denying
showed me the way
Who's searching
Who's searching when there's
No need...Jesus gave and gave
And this searcher was saved
Oct 2021 · 128
My darkling
Ike E Davis Oct 2021
There's a void here Dear God
A dark spot on
what was a shiny soul
Anger and contempt
Are polished black and **** in life
Like a black hole
And who do I blame?
Who caused such pain
in my circle
That ever got in my way
And critizied my domain
With their pointing; boney fingers,
And spittle flying from their lips
So easy to point and criticize
Any belief
The arguments that never
Changed anybodies mind
The drawn out drama
That drains my life
And I try to gather any
Bit of happiness
A little piece of joy
Like little bright
Beautiful marbles
That I've lost for sure.
Sep 2021 · 107
1k yrs of peace
Ike E Davis Sep 2021
I am the last spiritual Lycanthrope
He that is to the right of the Pale rider
I wield the red sword
My sacrifice and the sacrifice of others is justified in the promise of a millenia of peace may God grant me strength...for it begins..Apocalypse.
Sep 2021 · 221
Garden view
Ike E Davis Sep 2021
Pardon my prose
But..a rose is a rose?
Not today,  is it yellow or white?
Blood red, light blue, or dark hue?
It has thorns?
don't all precious things?
And the rose of which I speak ,
That rose,  by the way have you ever seen?
It is in a garden, with many other colors
It shares the sun and water with all
The other flowers
And which one stands out
To be perfect
They all be...
Aug 2021 · 137
I wish you knew
Ike E Davis Aug 2021
I wish you were
Like something I need
I wish you would change
Just for me
I wish you knew
What I need from you
What would you be
Without your filthy
How would you behave
If you were surrounded
With love and pride
I wish you'd change
To what I need
Whatcha doing
For me
Watcha doing for me
Oh I wish you knew
I wish you knew
Aug 2021 · 98
Ike E Davis Aug 2021
I'd bow my weary head
To the angel that is dead
In our garden
The killer sits
On a metal chair
Where no one ever gets
His arm is as dead
As his empty head
His other hand points to.
Alerted I cried he must
Be the guy but no
Ones here to hear
As grey rises to his feet
I conceed defeat
And fall right out asleep
As I wake up I realize
I'm sitting in my easy chair .
Aug 2021 · 261
Them thar hills
Ike E Davis Aug 2021
Them thar hills
Them thar hills
I used to
As a child
Them thar hills
They were green and they were
During my youth they were there
Them thar hills
Them thar hills are rolling high
Struggles deep
and wide
Them thar hills
In their shadow I kissed my bride
Years moved on by and by
Them thar hills
Broken ridge like a broken back
Too **** old to heal fast
Them thar hills looming high
To where God watches my
Life lived by
Them thar hills
Jul 2021 · 97
A darkness Devine
Ike E Davis Jul 2021
A dour crowd has gathered
Around my homes hearth
Where once there was energy
And youth
Now they are as
four witches
In Macbethan gown
Death has touched
And he has left ah
The others
Squirm from the scent
It is like a dim torch
Being passed
A sorrowful story from this one
Another a divorce begun
Each trying to top the next
By God
Age is the poison
In their fruitful wine
Age the soul eater
A darkness
Jun 2021 · 164
Omaha (song)
Ike E Davis Jun 2021
She doesn't mind the trailer
Or the brand he smokes
She thinks about the car she wants as she sits waiting
for the bus
She does her wash at her folks house and her pop doesn't understand
why his daughter stays with such a man

Here in Omaha
She dreams of a better life
In Omaha
She struggles to get by
in Omaha

Another pay check he cashed and spent down at the casino he gambles with the rent
She may have to work some doubles to pay for this weeks food bill
When you're eating for two you do whatcha gotta do

In Omaha
She dreams of a better life
In Omaha
She struggles to get by
Here in Omaha

She told him he'll be a father
And he demands a test
To prove he's the daddy and show her unfaithfulness
She takes a small bundle
of her things
and goes away from him
to live out her dreams

In Omaha
Here in Omaha
In Omaha
Here in Omaha

A young man sees her in distress he asks if she needs help and she tells him yes

In Omaha
May 2021 · 114
Ike E Davis May 2021
I own your ***
With ink and pen
Insurmountable debt
The ride,
The ride
Is never free
My lies are presented
Don't you doubt it
You've been fooled
Sure sure
I voted
I voted
Your numbers counted
And members of
Pac's are entitled
To know what is best
What is best
By God
May 2021 · 181
Ike E Davis May 2021
She was never very giving
Or understanding of me
She took in the sun
And stuck me in shade
If I would have been
She'd demanded
I would be

Studded leather
A feather boa
Wrapped in golden thread
And not forgotten
Live like you care
About others
And your actions
Are not for praise
I just don't think
Much of her
These passing days
May 2021 · 121
Unmarked Grave
Ike E Davis May 2021
From Wichita
And big mac OK
In the fields
The backwoods
There's an unmarked
Where your Grandfather lays
There was blood
And senseless death
He's in an unmarked grave
He'll never  rest
I hope there's water
That runs by his plot
Just in case
His soul is hot
I am part of him
May someday we see
His unmarked grave
May he rest in Peace
Your grandfathers Grave
is in the back twenty
And his resting place we'll never see
Your grandfather's unmarked grave
Mar 2021 · 117
Sex on the wire
Ike E Davis Mar 2021
Drink from the dish
(*** on the wire)
Sins of the flesh
Mistress or magic man
(*** on the wire)
Pleasure from pain
(*** on the wire)
We are safe to
(*** on the wire)
Don't close your eyes
The ending will ***
When you cry
(*** on the wire)
Mar 2021 · 125
Got to believe
Ike E Davis Mar 2021
So you wanna be black
That's ok
If you can't fit in with
Who you ought to be
So you wanna be a Saint
Well great enough you ain't
Or you'd be a Saint
by now
You got to be woke
When you search
you're no more woke
than me
How you gonna be real
When theres no path to see
From where you stand
You got to believe
You got to believe
In who you'll be
You want to help
The abandoned
What you can't save
You become
Don't become like me
Be different
You got to believe
You got
To believe
Jan 2021 · 120
Ike E Davis Jan 2021
String by the  scissors
I'm gonna cut some ****
That real deep stuff
You can't forget
I may bleed
To know I'm alive
At least I tried
Going through old photos
I remember mostly being sad
Weird how that shapes us
Being around those so..neg-ah-tive
You've got to shoot for glory
And not worry
about other people's lies
Dec 2020 · 85
Ike E Davis Dec 2020
Whispers are now words
These words are being heard
The shroud is pulled over
America's face
The blueprint couldn't last
And since when has our Nations voice
Spoke treaties of truth
At times its about the water
Or how a violent place saves face
To see it be stripped to the metal
The framing document
Call on your brother
If their good will is not
This is now when you
Find no one in line to hold your place
No flag flew today
And tomorrow for it,
I will not stand
Farewell to the old beautiful
For mans greed
Nov 2020 · 90
How does it end
Ike E Davis Nov 2020
It begins
There is light
And movement
Tumbling rocks through darkness
And space
What pushes time
What causes us to rot?
When we enter the void
It all just ,,,
Our purpose our goals
Our drive to be
No matter how far
Mankind goes
When our Sun goes supernova
None of us
Will ever be known
Never a reason
Never a rythme
Nov 2020 · 108
My Warrior way
Ike E Davis Nov 2020
My sword is
Than a razor
This is true
It can cut Through air
My skills
Through meditation
Makes my path
I move
Faster, than your
Train harder than
Dark knight
I can conceal myself
In shadows
Of night
I bow
Even lie
To achieve
This life
With Loneliness ,
One can focus
On the self
And peace is
The balance
This allows me
Fit sleep
Nov 2020 · 80
Used to be..
Ike E Davis Nov 2020
I used to play my records
I don't sing at all
I would meet with my teammates
And play
I would cruise the boulevard
Now I just
Walk my hall
I used to be
Now I'm mostly gone
I used to enjoy liquor
I'd **** down the wine
These days I drink water
I left spirits behind
I used to believe
Now I demand proof
I have no faith
Not even in myself
Oct 2020 · 61
Ike E Davis Oct 2020
The walls are thin
And whispy white
Wind can be heard blowing
Through them
And shadows cast by daylight
Cement floors with throw rugs
nothing is damp
A small double bed opposite the door
Big enough for only one
The bathroom door moves
Open and shut
Like a heartbeat
When the wind picks up
it's never cold
The roof is tin
Tile and tar
It never drips water
On the floor
There's a counter no table
A hot plate
No stove
Windows look
Showing a place to go
You can hear the ocean
If you are still
Open the front door
To greet the rising sun
I can see her car pulling up
The hill behind the barn
Back inside to tidy up
I have no flowers
To set out
And no wine
To get drunk
I have this room
Thats enough
Sep 2020 · 98
let your hair down
Ike E Davis Sep 2020
I'm getting soft in the middle
Well ,,really
I'm already there
My hair is thin and receding
You can't tell where its been
And I got baggage under my eyes
I cry at the sight of my shame
I'd like to point the finger at others
But I got my
Self to blame
I used to walk for miles
Right on the ground
Now I get dizzy
Sitting down
How is this really fair
It is so hard to see
That I feel young again
When you
Let your
hair down for me
Let your hair down
Oh yeah
Let your hair down
Aug 2020 · 70
Strained Failed
Ike E Davis Aug 2020
My faith lately has been very challenged
So I stepped back and looked at what my faith means
I realized the problem right away,  its people who don't agree with me
Religion is word of mouth
Faith is what you believe
So my religious foundations are based on hearing a story and for me to agree
Man conveys the stories and I drink the kool-aid
Why are there only a select few that gods have spoken to?
Am I not a child of light
Shouldn't I be able to connect directly to the Almighty?
All my religious references have been passed down to me, if I was never told of the glory of God
Would I know it? Would I find solace and bend my knees to heaven thanking God for the gifts he has given? I know I have lost my faith in men.
So does that mean their stories of God are lost to me as well? There are books and books all written by mans hand, there are no longer burning bushes that communicate.  Why are there no miracle workers walking the earth now. Why are there no messiahs today? Seems I'm disconnected and my connection to God was explained to me by an ordinary group of men. It just comes down to; "What do I believe,  and how am I supposed to find my own way after being tainted by the religious concepts of man, on this let us pray" amen
Jul 2020 · 113
Ike E Davis Jul 2020
Do we leave the loose corners out, to weaken the tie?
May we pull the corners into unity to strengthen the bind.
Jul 2020 · 99
Ike E Davis Jul 2020
I had a good cry tonight
I had a hard time
Seeing the people who
Loved me into being
Especially now looking back
I see them as self serving
And creatures of their own
Motives and desires
Then I thought there must have
Been love there or I would
Have never grown
Then I realized that there was love
That I never noticed till tonight
It was undoubtedly the unconditional
Love of God
He was able to show me the petty
Actions of those around me
he let me notice their selfish and self serving needs.
My nature was dictated by being around these types of people. It wasn't until now that I was able to see the lesson in my upbringing and to apply it to my life now,  God did not show me this for my praise unto him, he taught me this now to show me that I am worthy of the blessings I have and special enough to see, with new insight just how much I am loved by my wife and family now and how in my darkest times. Those days without a caring Mother or Father I was being looked after and loved by God.
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