°Common sense please help me
Law my days
[Ōrīēnte Înçānte Wînd whispering].
The discourse of Isè & Ämen
Seth a cain
& a bell clock
a spehrical compass
a balance scale
for a frequency sequential key care
to eternal everlasting forever °smile.
Listen to the seed
that turn into a firm root
the Iroko tree advise,
how you dress your death bed
is how you lay on it.
Aviod err & mistake
If you must sow ³cord
as talent on a good soil
I swam the tough sea of desire & intention
I seek no shore as the dead of the night
I'm Èl---
Thought business 101
Out of the eater came something to eat,
and out of the strong
came something sweet.
Yes, eat honey 🍯for it is sweet
eat honey, my child, for it is good;
honey from the comb is sweet to your taste,
also know that groomed wisdom
is sweet to your body
if you find it,
there is a future hope for you,
and your hope will not be cut off
Go darkness
bright Ideas sleep like an angel low.
The Seed data;
• CourtParadise+OccultNubian
°Læd³ Dâ Hū
Hella'Hadeẞ Of UrBabylon
Ifé-6ix electro-mechaniced
voodoo stream Arreal {my children}
When the two rivers meet
they'll mate
the river "errand & homly"
of ancient & modern
and then you'll be satisfied fulfilled
eternally everlasting forever smile living flow•