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May 2016 · 907
Cellar D'or May 2016
I watched as the golden dawn spilled over our bodies
In the secrecy stillness of the Druid landscape,
Where Hibernia hath spilled flesh underneath our own
Only for us to sulk in our lyrics of gluttonous apathy.
Jan 2016 · 647
Cellar D'or Jan 2016
One's own solidarity is the familiar repose of lost love.
Dec 2015 · 918
Cellar D'or Dec 2015
Memories decimating the mind and man
Through cascading, deteriorating mess
Of sinewy synapses abridge the mind
From reliving, reminiscing our Mumbai.

Deciphering its puzzling frontages
Until our conscious abandons what was whole.
Sep 2015 · 833
Bright Lights, Big Whoop
Cellar D'or Sep 2015
Pen a farewell poem about the transience of cherry blossoms and the fleet transit of youth.
Sep 2015 · 586
Cellar D'or Sep 2015
Tendency to lead astray
Are my compulsions to fail
My heart, which I've given
And to fold
My hand, which I've taken
Unto the random deck of absurdity
Choking on the verbosity
Of those knee-deep in rare synonyms    
Without the obscure idea of a foundation
Standing precariously on sharpened edges
With my name swathed in the blood roots
Tying the rambling Oak
To suffer in unlit ignorance of a new age.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Cellar D'or Aug 2015
Herein lies catacombs of ages past
Where sanguine spread from the lashed spine
And coated echoing halls of their superior peer
Below the shredding tempers of a desert wind.

Omnipotent fires of archaic Gods
Charring the souls of petty architects
Slaved under their jeweled prophets
Were not the scribe's footnotes of time.
Aug 2015 · 937
Anyone Else
Cellar D'or Aug 2015
Princess of vanity in self-proclamation
Who thought the world a stepping stone
And myself beneath the moss.

A subject of egoistic lifestyles
Believed deviant from the masses
In a bohemian uniform of delusion.

To pride in self-loathing obscurity  
Was a facade veiled over her
Drowning in Sauvignon.
Aug 2015 · 623
Cellar D'or Aug 2015
Gemini in the dark
Preys upon beloved aurora.
To pounce on a pierced heart
Is the art of bravura
For your meticulous game.
Aug 2015 · 920
Flowers of Remorse
Cellar D'or Aug 2015
Answers were the scarce currency
But generous open-palms once held
Me, became deft with fierce urgency
Those bruises were not yours to withheld.
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Cellar D'or Aug 2015
Retreat from the dancing Sun
Evading flaming streams of light
Shearing exposed trees, the Gatling gun
Fixed on the horizon fraying the Night

As it engulfs the lake in foreign shines
Simmering the boiling bodies of water
Emerging are the Sillhouettes, the divines
Created in constellations have brought Her

Shape-shifting the landscapes in its caress  
Nature's networks entwined in silence
Glorify Her benevolence, Her enchanting dress
Illuminating celestial twilight discarding violence

Enshrouding earthly bodies with Her own star
Temperate tempests of the snow-forested land
Subdued in an eternal biome, isolated from afar
Suffering by the accord of God's arbitrary hand.
Aug 2015 · 865
Cellar D'or Aug 2015
Love has no mastery
Under weathered wings
Enveloped, clouds of misery  

Love has no clamour
In screeching tongues
Envenomed with glamour

Love has no prediction
On provoking thoughts
Enticed with malediction

Love has no ground
Above the fractures
Enabled with marching sounds

His arm shears the stars
That entwined our endearment
And is eternal no more.
Love has no place
For you and me
May 2015 · 636
Eros' Mausoleum
Cellar D'or May 2015
Here lies no attrition in the endurance of celestial love.
Apr 2015 · 474
Cellar D'or Apr 2015
Even reigns of champions are abridged in the gap of time.
Cellar D'or Apr 2015
The evening star hung upon the northern glacier of the inaccessible point and shone through the perpetual darkness as the lone light twinkled it's last light years away unto this desolate tundra. Cliffs of infinite floating upon the charcoal abyss of the uncharted seas stretched around the ragged edges like plains of liquid abyss. Freyr hath forsaken this world of ice along with any other deity held dear in the fires of men's hearts and the uproar of their Hellenistic chants, which never reached the ears of the men here as there was no call of the Gods powerful enough to covet this outcast. No covenant to follow as all hope was wildly foreign to this aperture of Providence's cartography.
Not a poem, but I had nowhere else to put it. Late night thoughts drive you desolate into the hours of rest.
Apr 2015 · 636
Sex for the Rappers
Cellar D'or Apr 2015
Let our division
Cohere by vision
By the addition
Of my incision
Into your provision
Starting a rhythm
Leading soft attrition
Against our intuition
Of intruding contrition
And letting go...

Of our inhibitions.
Apr 2015 · 556
A Single Sentence For You
Cellar D'or Apr 2015
I was born alone into insignificance to end with the pity of few, yet I seek consolation of my passing protruded beyond the universe from you.
Apr 2015 · 506
Golden Temptation
Cellar D'or Apr 2015
A weathered stone across the ancient waters
Encapsulates my movement of the ages
Upon your pristine alabaster coveted
Flesh with each node of desired
Want stimulated with fired
Hearts pumping lust
Of hormones to
Tell me you
Want to

Right now.
Apr 2015 · 744
Raise Your Right Hand
Cellar D'or Apr 2015
Crescent of dulled gold
Sifting beneath a golemed sky,
Where darkened heavens faded in time
I found my sanctum in your eyes.
Glistening shades of earth I extol
The deepest oceans I find,
Opened coastline of our hearts
In your happiness, I have found mine.
Your heart wounds and a head cold
I tried to mend one after the other,
Wind swept away screams of the past
And left us our love for each other.
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Beckoned from the highest of spires,
Lavished in pristine ****** halls
Defiled with exotic vestige from crusades ago
Of the noblest Kings virtuous to themselves,
Came the greed of a fair charlatan
Who longed for the earth under you.
Who craved the hollow of your bones.
Who thirsted splashes of your blood.
And pike your flesh on the flèche.
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Let the emptiness of dead starlight dwindle from your eyes.
It merely reflects the sonder of humanity,
As a non-celestial insignificance
Eroded by the galactic champions of Time.

We start with a Bang.
We end with a whimper.
Mar 2015 · 899
Alone on the Prairie
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
How the sky melted in the summer haze
Of golden locks brushing upon the quiet bank
And the whisper of Our Fathers in the gentle breeze
That passed through crops and through your skin
Pink to the glare of a foreign light unexplored
And piercing the boards of a deserted cottage
Surrounded by saturated spreads of yellow and green
With a dirt road to lead to nowhere beyond
The mirage of a populous horizon
A façade of skyscrapers global to themselves
It could never be real.
Mar 2015 · 750
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
A dream of pitched skies.
My complexion illumined,
By nocturnal radiance of gloom,
Shined steel rays from the moon.

Creeping coastal winds on my right.
Frothing waves approaching my skin,
Sand constricting my flesh like pins,
Doomed to deep rapture, I could not win.

The shores of scorching Tripoli sands.
With Arabic fire potent of golden alchemy,
Above burning desert, under molten sea,
Lies Ottoman provinces, drowned at scree.

Were I to become a victim of Siren's call?
To sink without ship or a captain's crest,
Was a fleeting frig sailing to sea-change, lest
I collapse bellowing into Mother Earth's breast.
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
When you saw your brothers' chests ripped open,
Did you exile the cross from yours?
When you sliced the screaming German's flesh,
Did you devour his body of Christ?
When you stared at God from the narrow grave,
Did you see him with his back turned?
When you heard the firing squad on your desertion,
Did you listen to the call of His will?

When you slumped to the ground, drained of ichor and soul,
Did you meet Him? Did you forgive Him?
Mar 2015 · 760
W. Poetry: Providence
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
You were killed at 7:31 a.m, July 6th 1915 at the Battle of the Somme
One minute after the execution of your regiment to charge towards
The furious glare of sunlight
The thunder of sentries
Firing bolts of metal
To crash, break and rip everyone around you
Trampling, clambering over each other
Bloodcurdling yells stopped by their choking
Stamped out by the whizzing hail of bullets
And no time to accept fate in the suicide mission
As your mind is punctured by the enemy
And fragments of your skull bristles the red hill
Splashed of your blood which pumped the heart
That cared for so many, now exposed as mortar fire
Shreds through your cavity and dismembers
The broken dreams and broken limbs
You once had.

You were remembered by the dwindling few
Of who you were back home, before the draft.
How many were killed, how little they know
That you truly died as you said your Goodbyes.
Mar 2015 · 607
l'Absinthe: Limerick
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Parallel, aligned and set
Together, in vivo, they met
In shadows, spines slumped
One bemused, one dumped
Apart, in this company, til death.
Inspiration from a painting by Edgar Degas. (The poem was written in November 2013)
Mar 2015 · 721
It's Such a Beautiful Day
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Born into a world of innocence
Sifting through colors of bright.
The hazy mirage of a yellow beam
Beating softly down upon new-born skin.
Peer over the picket fence at nearby strangers
Sharing lives of baby blue paradise wrapped in freedom.
Commune with those of shared land and ideas and interests
Bearing similar corporeal, external forms of lightened complexion.
But inside, holds an unspecified, weighted form of soul
To burden and contort the body with potent strength
Pulling convulsed limbs to the polluted soil
Red tormenting glare of familiarity
Stripping with each lash of fire
Weathered skin on the sunset
Charred, buried as the night
Falls upon every measure
Every idea, every fantasy
Every revelation of love
As bones are tugged
Towards the white
Core of the Earth
And you wake up.
Inspired by Don Hertzfeldt's 'It's Such a Beautiful Day'
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
On The Iron Sea
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Bodies of black water
Marching towards the shore
In tides and waves of hordes
Overlapping as they roar.

On the pier, I caught her
Waist in molten charcoal
Whirled in tidal black hole
Engulfing her as it folds.

Daylight, upon the mer
Awakened from my sleep
Dreams of haunting Banshee
Sinking On The Iron Sea.
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Against the Tide
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Cast an indifferent overcast
upon the coarse gray sands
around my sunken feet imprinted
on the earth grounded by gravity
tortured to look above towards
shrouding skies of hoary scale
with earthly sounds of depths
crashing without compromise
sprinkling comets of aftermath
over my pale bristled skin
shuddering convulsing trembling
in fear of this darkened oblivion.
Mar 2015 · 836
The Cosmonauts of the Soyuz
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
All of your relations
Acquaintances, Lovers, Ancestors,
Stand buried in the rock
Which you left for the stars.

All of your dreams
To be anything but
A passenger of exploration
Hurdling towards the stars.

All of your advancement
From fire to fission
Brought you to the edge
To the unknown light of the stars.

All of your history
From nomadic to communist conquest,
Dwindles to bygone feuds of nothing
Specked with glimmers of the stars.

All of your prayer
Inquisitions and moral apostasy,
Matters not to the mirrors of Fate
Refracting illumination, reflecting life
Parsecs of attainable depth, here we are.
Mar 2015 · 564
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
These atoms hold reason.
These quarks hold love.
These photons hold freedom.
These bosons hold life.
Mar 2015 · 771
Minaret of Anticipation
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Obelisk of faith soaring far beyond heights of skies
Eclipsing Ra, shielding followers from identical tale
Of ancient Gods, supremacy shrouded in new cloaks
Bellowing screams of submission through crimson skies.
Mar 2015 · 673
W. Poetry: The German
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Here lies mash of mutilated corpses.
Spilled Bavarian bloodline boiling under the sun.
Glistening dew, maelstrom fog.
Resting on some foreign land to conquer.
For Chancellor, for Kaiser, for God.
Blood is the same to the soil.
We bleed different for our adversaries.
For their Man, for their King, for their God.
Clash of cogs, industry, machinery and competition.
Banging rocks to rockets burying.
Our brothers without banners to the same fate.
Mar 2015 · 607
W. Poetry: Test
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Dawn cracks through mud
Bullets splintered through wood
Bombs crater the ground
Planes drown the sound
Shrapnel digs into bone
Grenades blast into stone
Blizzards induces the cold
Morale reduces the soul
Medals decorate the call
Blood decorates the halls
Marshall's lost their grind
Solider's lost their minds.
Mar 2015 · 532
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Floundering fabric of fluctuating time,
Wrest against the charred seas of void
And drive harbinger of ruin into life.
Making use of endecasillabos and fitting it into some sort of lengthened haiku.
Mar 2015 · 677
Cellar D'or Mar 2015
Over the edge beyond the waterline
Where sea and sky are wielded by colour,
Beyond our sights into the vacant brine
Hangs stars dull shined unmarked by our scholar.  
Bright Sol, cast through the cold winter weather
Upon stone charts of soil come beckoning,
Around the hemisphere, boats in tether
Pierce cascading shimmering reckoning.
Guardian Helios guiding lightning
Through atmospheres familiar to our eyes,
Bring pantheons archaic, frightening
And make us venerate Gods by our lives.
Our anchors oscillate, locked by the pier,  
Our minds contorted, engulfed by the fear.
Feb 2015 · 411
Roise Probert
Cellar D'or Feb 2015
Inhale that final breath as the earth fills your mouth.

Exhale your body through the decomposition of time.
Feb 2015 · 558
Cellar D'or Feb 2015
So the greatest temple of the Mind fell
Through endless diamond dust
Body of the volatile Spirit
Peeling away exposing
A lack of attribution
Eroding the Heart
To nothing.

I stand before desolation of a forgotten age
Like witnessing the Fall of Troy
In a marsh, stagnant tombyard
With my own countenance before it
Reflecting its sorrowful demise.
'I know not how it was; but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit.'
Edgar Allen Poe (The Fall of the House of Usher)
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Cellar D'or Feb 2015

Find heavenly glow
radiated in cobble
piercing the cracks
of your foundation.

See glistening shore
brushing sand current
of waves crashing
into your erosion.

Hear gusts envelop
creatures gliding through
the howling shriek
from your air.

Feel fire upon
the scorched horizon
of your country
extinguished by me.

Feb 2015 · 450
Cellar D'or Feb 2015
Hold me to this silence.
Streams of traffic, mundane, speech
Will not enter here.

Hadron of strength.
Love is like particle physics
Understood by our own passion.

Faith unrestrained by parameters.
Vowed to each other
'Til death give way to eternity.
Feb 2015 · 807
Is it our Majesty
Cellar D'or Feb 2015
Is it our Majesty
who rallies the willing
and ripens young hearts for war?

Is it our Excellency
which we devote our divine
in benevolence, awe and adore?

Is it our Champion
that cries veteran songs
to lift our esprit de corps?

Battles beheld in ancient thought
for land, for glory, for polytheistic God.  
hold not the pleasures of solitude forgot
and bestills hedonism with imposed Fraud.
Feb 2015 · 753
Cellar D'or Feb 2015
Cast a drab shadow on my adjacent soul
And protecteth it from Helios above.
Neglected in shrouded shalom, contoured in kohl
You indefinite ruin, You darkened dove.
Obelisk towering as my shaded shelter
Untied to serve no master in dark.
Forged with fire, with brimstone in welter
Obliged to nothing, Ronin sharpened arc.
Ripped through tear of flesh and blood
Gave way my physical being of desire.
It punctured through altar, frustum of mud
Veiling ethereal magnificent, we all acquire.
Eastern deities and imperial gods,
Match not with what I awed.
Erased, my heart is not.
Jan 2015 · 694
Cellar D'or Jan 2015
Brushed against my side
Her figure seen divine,
Our bodies intertwine
Exposure. Nowhere to hide.

Hands to run, endlessly
Over eternal curved features,
How did I captivate this creature
Just to lose her hopelessly?
Jan 2015 · 534
Visual 1 (II)
Cellar D'or Jan 2015

Why does Thanatos sit amongst minor deities?
Surely a fitting position resides in the Major Arcana
surrounding the plains of human existence and its domain?

If our curiosity surpassed Death's grasp, could we elude it's supposed never-ending advancement? If we live without rapture, no interception of an ultimate being to determine our placement in far-away dimensions and our intentions are not constructed before the antenatal of our existence and answer the last question by breaking the 2nd law
Why is thanatos only a minor god?
Strike of a chord, kick of a stool
no dramatization only a whimper
the heavens to rip apart for us (rapture)
eulogy for us
velvet sky

Jan 2015 · 599
Cellar D'or Jan 2015
There hangs a stark sky
Over the barren, wasted land.
A clan, full of promise and pride
Resides amongst a leader's command.

Brazen in Ice and Fire
In the freeze of Neptune.
Expansion, its only desire
And prophecies will illume.

A family of Flesh and Blood
The latter of in dire reception.
Through the coarse veins of crud
Lies a crude, vile sort of infection.

Stagnant of irrigation
Devoid of wildebeest hunt.
Resorted to methods of Thracians
And engulfed those without common front.
Jan 2015 · 851
Barn Owl, Night Creature
Cellar D'or Jan 2015
Every individual feather
glided against the shaded stone
carved like an alabaster altarpiece
a figure of romantic
a figure of unplayful prey.

Magnificence in flight
with onyx beads, golem countenance
hover above me with look of disdain
and pray upon my biding fears.

Against the blooded space
driving every force perpetually
your design for fighting
for surviving, for death.

Master of deadlight, night killer
show me your remorseless
in struggle with the mundane
to make me feel predatory.

Golden amongst mundane
each fleck of the earth below you
conscript me in all that is beautiful
and leave me frail and wanting
for your ethereal magnificence.
Mar 2014 · 474
Visual 1 (I)
Cellar D'or Mar 2014
On a night out
A break in the clouds
inhibited senses aroused.

Emit from stars
the lines from Venus and Mars
across cities and farms.

Centuries, it has been told
an alignment without fold
for those in the cold.

Who wonder of it all
downtrodden and crawl
in trenches, duty without call.

To emulate an aeronaut
and rip the fabric (or other begot)
and discover unknown or ancient forgot.

A rational rejection
from traditional obsession
'for the emancipation' spoke the confession.

I stand here, drunk and dazed
thinking without care or malaise
as collective perfection, or how I portray.

I sway here, idly observing the array
of how little we've done til' death and dismay
with life's temporary solitude and all it's craze.

And I'm not okay.

— The End —