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Oct 2024 · 212
Huda Oct 2024
قلبي قلب يتحدث جميع اللغات
لكنه هرم يجب ان يتجدد و يترك لغة الآهات
يا ربي لا تحرمني من قلب يحس و يتلذذ بالثمرات
لكني تعبت الهجران و النسيان باسم الحب
فهل لي من زائر يصبح خليلاً و يبقى حبيباً
صليت و وازنت و صبرت و أقود مشاعري لاسبقها قبل تسبقني فطريقي فخطاي سأرسمها بيدي و أكون حره من خضوعي للحب و من  من يحدثني باسمه كذباً
يا ربي لا اعتراض بقدري و لا بظلام ليلي
و ان كان طريقي ثقيل بالمشاعر
ان نفسي بوسعها و انا من انا سوى عبد من عبادك
عبد يناجيك سرا و علانية
ان تكرم قلبي
ان تلطف عليه
ان ترزقه خياله
ان تحيي موتاه
ان تعلمه لغة العباد
ان لا تعلقه إلا بك
أو ان يكون عندك
Nov 2023 · 130
Lost Hope
Huda Nov 2023
The hopeless romantic in me said her goodbyes
we're parting ways
we're sharing our last gaze
We lived it together
surrounded by heathens
and as light as a feather
as hard as logical reasons
We lived it together
They were feeling the pressure
While we're treasuring the treasure
She's being gentle by leaving me to a bittersweet reality
But a one that I could share with other
A one where there's place for others
A hopeful realist is born
She's taking her place
for space of normality
May 2022 · 69
Huda May 2022
أستمع لأغنية تذكرني بماضي انتهى
بماضينا الذي انتهى
بقصتنا التي انتهت
بحب حاولنا انقاذه و انتهى
و لا تفاسير للشعور الذي يعتريني
كأنه لم ينتهي..
خسرت روحي روحك قبل ان يخسر جسدي جسدك
فما هذا الشعور الذي يعتريني حين أستمع لهذه الكلمات؟
و ليس من المفترض ان اكتب ما اكتبه
لأني موقنة اننا وجدنا انفسنا حين خسرنا بعضا
لكنه شعور لم ينتهي
ان قرئت ما كتبت
هذا ليس عني و عنك
ليس هناك انا و انت
هذا للشعور الغريب
المؤكد انه سينتهي
تمنيا ان يهجرني
Dec 2020 · 220
Huda Dec 2020
و حين بدأت رحلة البحث على نفسي، وجدك راحلا
و حينما احلم في منامي ويقظتي أجدك راحلا
و حين اقبل عيناك و امسك وجهك بين كفاي، أجدك راحلا
و حين تمر رجفة بعظامي وارى نفسي تبحث خارج جسدي، اجدك راحلا
و حين تهدأ العاصفه و يصمت الوجود و تشرق شمسي محبة، أجدك راحلا
و حين أجد نفسي.. أجدك راحلاً
و نفسي لا تشتهي نفساً ان تفخر الا ذاك الراحلَ
Oct 2020 · 59
Huda Oct 2020
المحبين التائهين بين الشك و اليقين
May 2020 · 161
Don't show your weaknesses
Huda May 2020
Tell them everything before they step in, every story that had a part of you gone, every story that keeps you going, and every ******* flaw.
Because if they know you're made out of wood and stones, they wouldn't dare to set a bonfire, or would they? Is this why my sister kept telling me not to show anyone my weaknesses? Tell me is this why? Is it why you set the bonfire?
What's the point of words then, they are definitely louder than actions, and oh yes, actions can be as untruthful as words.
And if they knew that you can't swim and the ocean triggers you, would they take you to an island? or an aquarium?
If they knew you only lived in the fantasy world, would they wake you up from a nightmare?
If they knew your words always, always fail you when you're upset, would they take all your words for granted?
I stand here with my crooked smile with one last denial card in my pocket, failing myself one last time.
"Don't show/tell them your weaknesses"
May 2020 · 168
Huda May 2020
اراقب الفضاء الذي يحوم حولنا و أراه يتمدد ببطء
و اتمدد و اتمزق و أتوجع لكني انفسح و اتوسع..
يعتريني شعور ان ما احس به لا ارض له لا جاذبيه لكن شعور يتلذذ بأسفل البطن لا يمكن أن يخطأ
أنتظر الشمس بعد كل فجر لعل هنالك وعد مسموع
أتذكرك قبل المنام و تأخذني لأرض الشواطئ
"مفتاحك هو أن لا تتوقفين عن المضي."
لا معنى لتفاسير الواقع
لا صديق للوجه الضائع
لا ام للروح الضائعه
اذا حقا مضيت، لا معنى للذكريات
"تخلصي من كل هدية تألم، كل رسالة خط يدي بها يجرحك، لعنة الصور لا تمحى حتى تُحرق"
و تلمس أطراف قدماي الأرض و يتقشعر جسمي من دفئ الأرض و تبتسم شفتاي و أشم الياسمين و ارى جماله و اتذكر عيناك التي تبرق بزنابق الماء و احس بمفتاح بين كفاي و احتفظ بالرسائل، احتفظ بالذكريات، احتفظ بك بمكان لا يغرق، و أغلق الباب
لسخرية القدر و لصحتنا العقليه
لقد تركت المفتاح تحت نبتة بابك الخلفي..
فسأنتظر بعد كل شمس تنطفئ
Apr 2020 · 122
The Sun
Huda Apr 2020
I work for the moment where my mind as as clear as the rising sun.
I keep reminding myself that the sun burns to shine that bright, so it's okay to feel this in the process. The sun also knows when to rise and when to set, it's never wrong.. and my religion is telling me that if the sun doesn't rise like it always does, it is the end of the world and the beginning of the after life. Can I be as strong as the sun?
Yes, I can.
I am the Sun.
Mar 2020 · 113
Huda Mar 2020
Sometimes I wonder why I tend to almost always **** the muse in my head that gets me writing.
I've facing the sun, I've been facing the moon, I've been facing myself, and I tend to almost always avoid fear.
Fear is one of the strongest emotions I feel, and when I feel it it's real.. And by that I realize that I don't want to write because I know want to know the truth behind all the fear I hold in.
So here goes nothing.
Mar 2020 · 103
Huda Mar 2020
I wonder if I'm going to ever be in complete control of my emotions, I wonder if I want to have that as well.
It effects all aspects of my life, I water a flower and if it doesn't grow I get all sorts of emotion, every person I let into my life I cannot imagine ever losing them which is wrong but I feel it anyway, if the ocean is frustrated and the waves show it, I feel it too.. When it's calm I'm calm. I want to own things and this is the hardest part, starting with myself to everything I love deeply.. I have wronged myself letting my emotions take control. I cannot feel this heavy anymore, I'm too old for this but I also refuse to never feel again. What is the Grey area? I'll learn to accept it and love this color instead of black or white.
Feb 2020 · 111
Huda Feb 2020
أعيش بزمان كنت أخافه، كنت ادعي الرب ان لا يأتي، أن لا أتذوق المر الذي تذوقته، أن لا
أُهزم أمام الحب، أن لا أضيع، أن لا أتوه، أن لا أتلعثم بكلمات، بحروف ليست حروفي
أقف أمام مرآتي و ارى وجهاً جديدا
وجها يرحب بآلام و يقبلها علما ان القادم أفضل
وجها يشرب المر كل صباح تهيئا
وجها هزم أمام خليلي لكن لا يخسر أمام حب النفس
وجها ضاع، تاه تلعثم تألم لكن تأقلم
وجها بشوش و صامت
الا بالمشاعر الصادقة
لا يسكت
Huda Feb 2020
My hopeful thinking takes me to a far away place and time in the future, where I'm sitting around my grandchildren in a cozy home that smells of lemon pies and freshly brewed coffee.. Telling them about the monstrous time I've lived in, the cruelty of its sociaty, the brutal family I grew up with and how hideously they'd think of it living in such a good place and growing in such good homes and how they'd appreciate the feeling of peace, safety and love.
But that's just my hopeful thinking, because the universe is telling me that I'm just a man who will live a long lonely life and probably die alone, the universe is telling me that my hopeful thinking is what I think will save me but it's what will end up killing me when I'm 85. The universe lost hope in me, but I refuse to lose it. I see hope. And I still hope. I'm full of it.
And my grandchildren will read this.
Jan 2020 · 108
Huda Jan 2020
Take a peek, is it good enough?
Do you know what you want?
Would you rather choose for it to be chosen for you?
Do you know what you want?
Do they know what you want?
Does anyone?
Do you?
Dec 2019 · 117
I've humbly lost the game
Huda Dec 2019
The hard, bitter realization of losing a love you've tried with all your power to save, you've lost it a long time ago but you've kept on trying.. over all the power that beholds you.. When you realize that was wrong of you because now all the memories you have left is the last bitter ones.. of the saving and losing and not the the sweetness of the beginning.. I can humbly say that I tried, beyond meaning.. I tried.
But now I have no choice but to give it all up.
It's time for the last goodbye.
For finally letting go.
unfortunately.. It's just..
The End.
Nov 2019 · 167
Huda Nov 2019
أسوء من أخطائك البريئة
هو مواجهتي لك..
ثم  تكرارك لها..
.إلى نهاية السبعين عذر و بداية سذاجتي
أرى الهجر بكف و الصبر بكف..
وليلى يصرخ..
هجرٌ جميلٌ والله المستعان!
فلا جمال في الصبر الغبي.
و تُقْبل أفكاري الخبيثة في أول الصباح
و يمضي الصباح.. و تغرب الشمس..
و لا تمضي أفكاري ولا تغرب.
Oct 2019 · 351
Huda Oct 2019
My skin is ripping because my monsters are getting bigger, my troubled mind is exploding and my soul is reaching for the stars.
Am I going to survive this? I've never doubted surviving but this time is different, this time nor my monsters or my soul want to fight. We want to rest, they want to rest, I.. want to rest. I want peace.
I don't want distractions nor I am looking for them, I don't want friends nor I am looking for them.. That's exactly it, I am not looking for anything nor I am looking forward to ****. Unless it's peace but I'm not looking for that either. I am just waiting for it.
Jun 2019 · 176
Huda Jun 2019
There will always be a knock
there's always a new stranger to knock
for a conversation
for a glimpse of your brain
for comfort
for a safe place
for reassurance
for a deal
for your heart maybe..?
but not all of them is love sober
some will knock to find what they've lost
for someone like her
for an exchange of fake feelings
for fake druken words
for a touch of lust
for a distraction of their mind with yours
for visions your brain might not have the colors of
for one stroke on your strings, of a song they've played before but is completely new to you.. you might be intrigued, but you shouldn't be
I've been knocked
knocked at
knocked for
knocked out
but I never let just anyone in.. Or do I?
Once upon a new constellation in the sky, in a new side on the moon I've never seen, a new shade of black when staring directly into the sun, that has always been blue and purple..
I walk to the door to knock, and there you were already knocking.. I've been hearing these church bells for a year now, I've been feeling my heartbeat sing along to it, a different knock, a sober knock, a new knock that I couldn't resist opening the door for, hell I opened all the doors and all the windows for, I opened my heart, I kept my mind open, I was completely and utterly open and I sang along.
But I knew it was bad, I felt fear and fear and whole lotta fear, but nothing could stop me because you're here with me and you are singing along, you were singing along..
Where did I go wrong? I keep forgetting people can have a change of heart, they change their mind, everything changes in a short period of time and it makes my lungs so tight and my knees weak.. because it's never my change of heart. It's never me. I don't know what the **** is wrong with me but I know that it's time for me to knock on other doors.. because I am not accepting new visitors
I'm knocking on a door..
for love that I know doesn't exist
for reassurance
for sweet little lies that makes me smile
for the final exam of all the lessons I learned
May 2019 · 142
Huda May 2019
بل النور واجب اخر النفق و يرحلون و ترحل بعض من عقلانيتي
يرحل خليل و لا ترحل ذكراه معه
و يرحل خليل ولا ترحل  وعوده معه

و انا يا صديقي تهمني زخارف تزين طبقي
فالجمال حولي يجمل يومي
و لا تأخذني ذكريات كانت بيننا
الا لنفق عاتم الظلمة
و يرد عليها عقلي
بل النور واجب باخر النفق
تعلقي يالنفق

الشمس توعدك بالشروق في كل غروب
و تعود بدفئها ووعودها الصادقة
تعلقي بالشمس
لا تتعلقي بباتسامة خليل
بل تعلقي برب العباد
Nov 2018 · 216
Huda Nov 2018
Overflowing flame, November has always held spontaneous mountains for me, above me.
Sinking with the drain, holding on to what I claim is mine, bigger loneliness comes from that.
I told you my true name, but I say it once.
I can paint pictures, I can burn half of the world with my mouth, but only if I used the right words.. which is never my strongest suit.
Your hands slip from mine, you fold them and go to sleep, I fall asleep with. We’re not in the same dream anymore. I’m still doubting life and if this is one of life’s jokes on me.
The wind is heading my way, it passes your wrong thoughts to mine and mine to the trees.
Look me in the eye. Look me in the eye.
Am I an accessory or am I a segment of your imagination? Maybe we’re an idea.
Aug 2018 · 264
Huda Aug 2018
يكويني تكونك فكوني كوني
الا في تكونك يكتمل تكوني
May 2018 · 263
Huda May 2018
The sun taught me how to control this house of fire
I light up floating candles throughout the way to an empty land where I fire cursed fireballs
I burn less as I shoot my shooting stars
I am present
I am here
I am the daughter of the Sun
Don't come too close
Don't wish upon my dead shooting stars
Mar 2018 · 115
Huda Mar 2018
Flipping through the pages ignorantly, walking out of everything before it walks out on me, before it rips me open.
I walk, I run but I seem to be doing it on circles
Collecting what's left of me to find a way out of the circle.
All the voices are repeating what is said in order
And I'll leave the circle?
People are people
it's endless
endless is a circle
Mar 2018 · 108
Huda Mar 2018
Falling under the pressure of sanity, I let go
Crawling back to myself, insanely comfortable
How to not drown? **** learning how to swim, avoid water
Don't get burned either burning hurts as much
I've been burnt underwater and let me tell you
It stays with you forever
It shows sometimes
sometimes it's you
Feb 2018 · 711
Where are we?
Huda Feb 2018
I've reached a door after twenty-three years that I apparently can't walk into unless alone, as foolish as I always am.. I decided I'd never let go of my loved ones and lost that last piece of me behind that door and stayed here. Lost, confused as ****, loved but not like I should be loved, communicating when I don't even believe in the word or the magic of that action, but at least with my loved ones.. Eh?

Oh well, if any of you people are reading this behind the door, did I miss it? was it wrong that I quit it? I know it was a mistake, I knew it while I was walking the opposite direction from it as well. I said all the stupid things I'm supposed to say but only when it "felt right" well, nothing feels right. But at least I'm with my loved ones, yeah?

I lay in bed in mornings and for hours at midnight, I walk the roads to everything alone my heart can't stop feeling this sort of unbearable feeling and I think it's trying to tell me something that I still can't figure out or most probably in complete denial about, I eat the food I'm supposed to eat, I hydrate, I walk as much as I can, I stopped listening to blues and only listened to what made my heart race, I've watched my cat give birth to the most beautiful six kittens ever existed, I sit with my mother until she's out of talks, I take long therapeutic baths and treat myself right.. from time to time.. but my heart is still feeling the same way, almost nothing but that feeling, and relates to nothing but that unbearable feeling.  So.. I decided I'd try and talk to my loved ones, my darlings, my whole life which is the reason I chose them over myself and it goes like this:
My sister, my guardian angel: "You should go have a full checkup."
My best friend: "Same"
My loved one: "..."
And I knock the door
But I stand here alone
hours in the morning, hours at night
roaming all the roads
staring at every wall built
the sky, clouds and the sun
but thinking about my loved ones
Feb 2018 · 112
You Taught Me Well
Huda Feb 2018
I’ve realized that I’m being more vague by the day which leads to being more misunderstood but for the first time, I don’t try not to be..
I can go silent for days, but only if I wanted to.
I cannot confess what’s real
I cannot not think of you in every step of this
I can shush my brain and let go for once
I can pretend you never existed
I sleep away reality
I am using your methods
And now I know how it is
I still don’t understand where you come from
I can let go of a lover but I can never let go of a friend, I’m sorry I wasn’t yours as you were mine, I’m sorry I thought of you differently
Jan 2018 · 308
Last letter to the dead
Huda Jan 2018
I'm so sorry to disappoint you, but I failed you. The path you chose for me has a dead end and not with a graduation hat that would prove that I am as smart and hard working as you believed I could be. The good girl you believed was somewhere inside me, your Beatles girl, your shortie, is long gone. But oh, your stubborn one is still here. It's been years and spreading the love you gave me didn't do me any good, not in such society I guess.. You'd know that. I almost forgot your scent until a stranger passed by me the other day and threw a couple of warm memories with the passing scent, the sound of your laugh is almost fading and the the regret of never telling you I loved you doesn't hurt as much, because I know now that you knew.. you knew. you knew! I REALLY HOPE I'M NOT LYING TO MYSELF BECAUSE I CAN'T LIVE WITH THE GUILT ANYMORE.
I need you.
I'm in desperate need of your guidance.
I miss you.
Again and forever, I hope you're where we pray to be.

your stubborn one,
Dec 2017 · 173
Huda Dec 2017
Just when I thought I can take a sip of the calm clear water, it splashed all over me as soon as the tips of my fingers touches it
What makes sense though?
I’ve asked the sun this question and it answers me: “not you humans”
I asked the trees and the breeze and they answer me with the same answer: “not you humans”
I look at my reflection in the calm water again and it shows me that I’m unfortunately human
I went back to the clear, calm water once again and it shows me a black bird sitting on my left shoulder but when I came back the day after the bird wasn’t there and nor was my reflection
As much as I know that the black bird is free and can’t be mine, I know that the black bird needs me and I need the black bird as much
None of us knows why
Not even the water
Nov 2017 · 250
Huda Nov 2017
Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and again and again and again and again and again.
Oct 2017 · 284
Frowns pt. ll
Huda Oct 2017
The frowns that was caused by everything but that wondrous creature are now caused by nothing but that wonder somehow.
I dived into the ocean and drew the promised path
Grew the orchids and ripped them off my skin, organized the dead stars and ripped them off my eyelids and the half dead butterflies were buried because I ran out the shivers down my spine that they used to feed on. The taste of disappointment is bitter and has a very strong aftertaste. Enough of the nonsense and more of sanity.
I am the seaweed, but I am the ocean as well.
I'm not what belongs to you. Never did. Happily never will.
Jul 2017 · 279
Huda Jul 2017
يقولون صبرٌ جميلٌ
صبرت و سوف اصبر
يقولون الصبر مفتاح الفرج
صبرت و لا زلت اصبر
أمطرت صبرا
شربت فنجاناً من الصبر
غرقت ببحر من الصبر
نمت و ما أيقظني الا الصبر
وجده يعدد لي ههمومي و يقول لي انا حلولها
صبر جميل؟
نفاذ صبري لا يرى الجمال
ولا فنجاني يقرأ لي حروفه
اني اغرق بوعود الصبر الكاذبة
سأجد بقعةً دافئةً تواسيني
فالصبر مجرد وهم
كذبة اشبعتني دقّاً على كتفي
و اكْتفيت بها لسنين
فهي ليست لي الان
لا ارى كلمة تواسيني
ولا سحابة تمطر
فبدل الصبر و الحروف الهائمة
سوف أخطو خطواتِ العمى
Jul 2017 · 440
Let Go
Huda Jul 2017
I stare at the sun until it partly blinds me, it shows me almost every way of letting go but every other way calls me.
"Let the light go, let it die, don't let it **** you."
I stare at the sun and it sends away a burning scent
"Replace this with the scent that dances along every song you listen to, you're making it harder on yourself. Let the scent go."
I light everything with that scent on fire, where's the burning scent?
It declines fire with a raining cloud that I recognize the scent of.
The scent of comfort taking over my hands and cheeks, in every page of The Catcher in the Rye, on the only rock that holds magic, on our house, on the colors of our dark cloud.
What did you do to Odd? Odd told you when we first met that we're ruiners, we warned you about the unknown, we'd ruin you.
How did this end up by him disappearing and self-ruining?
How am I left alone thinking of all the ways I ruined this and all the noises around reminding me of every mistake you did that lead me to taking every step I'm taking? I didn't plan for this to happen.
Do you know what it means to fight for something? for nothing?
I fought for nothing.
There you stand
accusing me for being one of them humans we despise.
your scent dances along every song I listen to
I relate to nothing
Nothing replaces my wondrous, wonderful and full of wonders 'human being'
Thank you for misunderstanding.
May 2017 · 266
Huda May 2017
I walked into an empty room with a handful of everything I wanted to leave behind, there was a reaching hand that promised me comfort and little tiny piece of hope for exchange. We exchanged with no words.
People noticed a different face on me but not on her.
I promised myself I'll use the piece of hope on her.
It'll take time, a lot of time. Maybe years?
Time was not it. Maybe words?
Lots of words, words are not it.
Maybe nothing?
Yes, nothing.
Nothing never needed hope, time or words.
Nothing never needed anything and maybe that's why it handed everything it had to me, hoping I'd realize being nothing is better.
I realized nothing it is, nothing for me, nothing for her.
So I lose nothing.
Words are ****.
Hope is just an illusion.
Nothing it is.
Apr 2017 · 409
Huda Apr 2017
The End
Apr 2017 · 436
Soul Vacation
Huda Apr 2017
Are you there?
Are the bells ringing?
Are you smiling as if you've never faced the bad days and swept to save the bees?
Show them you're a superhero with and without the cape, you saved the bees.
Have another two cups of the latte, keep your book company, I'll be there soon.
Are the bells ringing?
Are you singing the song?
Are you answering the questions?
I can tell the sun over there is treating you well, let's hope you'd still be smiling in the presence of the sun here as you are over there instead of keeping it a memory.
Climb higher
Walk slower
Treasure this
Sleep well, there can be no monsters there that you cannot defeat on your own.
Remember me in every passing cloud,
in every raindrop,
in the taste of the coffee you're having right now, in the slow steps,
while singing the songs,
while you climb higher,
in the sound of the bells.
Are the bells ringing?
Mar 2017 · 522
Huda Mar 2017
I might be out of words when it comes to you, welcome me into the world of nothingness.
Mar 2017 · 456
Twenty two and counting
Huda Mar 2017
Twenty Two and I'm already quitting reaching for the stars and making wishes on all the ridiculous, woundrous myths in case one of them worked. Fully believing that at least one thing, one thing, one thing must be real enough.
On a shooting star
On spesific hour or even a minute
On a ****** up dream means you have hope
On a coin
On a prayer
While throwing a butter knife in the middle of your ******* twenty 2nd birthday cake for the first time, because this could be it that I missed wishing on, this ******* butter knife!
When karma takes place
When a shooting star
After prayers
After your mother's prayers
After your ******* hands grazed expecting something inhuman but found orchids underneath all these hideous layers and picked a few ones to leave the others envious, your what? After what? What was it the thing you just said? Afterlife? Yes, afterlife.
I had a point, I started writing this for this point but I can't ******* remember it.
Oh, twenty two
Twenty two and I still think I havent felt everything that could be felt, but I'm not curious anymore. I've had enough for a lifetime.
Twenty two and I'm still foolishly hoping for world peace and gloomy weather.
Feel lost, be lost, losing.
I have a hard time tracking my thoughts.
Twenty two is supposed to be nice, I'm supposed to be young and happy?
Twenty two
Mar 2017 · 460
Mar 2016 · 712
Last but not least
Huda Mar 2016
I'm writing this just in case you're reading
Which I know you will
You're fading away like a moon when a sunrise
You're the reason I stopped writing
Keep yourself company
The thought of us is enough
I'm giving the fading moon my back
Sunrise is prettier
Dec 2015 · 816
A Secret Thought
Huda Dec 2015
I found a way, where the sunlight stolen kisses wakes me up and stars share their thoughts to put a different face on me and the unrhymed songs makes my life better, I sure found a way to be a little happy a way where everything that makes me a little happy is always there and it's satisfying.. But I don't completely want it, I miss you.
Dec 2015 · 500
Go ahead and try
Huda Dec 2015
Try to grab hold of the ashes again but you'll find nothing but a small tiny piece of dust when you open your hand this time, but it's okay.

Try and reach the sky to grab a star once again, it'll be too far and you'll give up too easily this time, but no, no it's okay, it's okay.

Try and swim, you won't drown, you won't even try to dive deeper, not even sink in for a second but you'll float and you'll like it, and it's okay.

Try to crave, give it a try, it'll probably not work but it's okay, at least you tried. Eh?

Try, but you'll never find what you once felt, you're not going to experience anything like it but it's okay because this may be close enough.
Dec 2015 · 472
Huda Dec 2015
Don't look at me, let's not talk.
let's not fall, we'll both **** up.

But I'll write this one for you and only you
I don't get it
but I do surely understand

I don't need you to talk some sense into me
I felt your words crawling under my skin
when you try and hold my hand
when you try to kiss me
after breaking eye contact that barely lasted a second
We shall forget what's forgotten.
Oct 2015 · 577
Haunting Ghost
Huda Oct 2015
Waiting for me at my bedroom, in my mirror
In the car, right out the window
Talks to me through music
Haunts me through scents
Through distractions and coffee beans
Lives in me
In my brain
In my veins
In my bones
In order to **** it, it could **** me
Oct 2015 · 463
Huda Oct 2015
I wash my hands seventy five times trying to get rid of your invisible fingerprints on my hands, I walk hundreds of miles trying to beat the record of walking the path to reach at least a thought from your head, a glimpse of your imperfection, but I fail miserably.
Sep 2015 · 507
The End
Huda Sep 2015
It does not matter the amount of words I try to write to make a little sense out of you, we had the perfect nonsense. You took in the ****** up and I took in the craziness. The amount of words that come out of the mouth that tries to make me feel better about this doesn't matter either, I knew I was drowning while still trying to make you experience flying for the first time. I knew you were the stubborn one.
So stubborn it can be the reason of what ends us.
It was.
Well, maybe.
The nonsense is what woke me, saving me from every horrible nightmare
Injected potions of green colored little shapes of happiness
And tiny rainy clouds where wildfires went mad
Sang me to sleep and tucked every bad thought in some black hole to never come back
Yet again it was the nonsense that gave me rocks as gifts, tied a couple on my rists and feet to help me drown and hoped I would not.
My brain presses on what's left of the last potion and blooms up and blows up, I'm one of the crazy ones now.
Karma will be nice to me this time.
Sep 2015 · 633
As Advised
Huda Sep 2015
Taking a sip of the clear sky with a mind that's full with everything but clearness
Want a cup of happiness your highness?
No, dearest stars, keep hiding away
Maybe tomorrow we can play
Today I'm okay with just glaring at the greyest sky, maybe today I'll stop looking and find a way to finally have a taste of freeness
Or maybe I'll take a puff of something to clear my head for it's jealous of your rested grey sky
Loveliest sky, teach me your secrets
How can you be so messed up yet so clear
Why do you choose to hide the clouds and stars and be quiet and quite alone?
I'll listen carefully, I'll do as advised
Sep 2015 · 467
What's That?
Huda Sep 2015
I felt everything and nothing all at once and thought this is it, hope, lots of hope.

I bet this is what a mother feels like when she holds her new baby born for the first time, or a struggling person leaving the doors of a rehab behind forever, or every kid seeing a rainbow after long rainy days

But this is happiness, not love
I've felt lots of happiness
Not a lot of love

Whispers in my head repeating what they said: There's nothing wrong with you, it's not your fault and you don't deserve this.
This is not what they call love.

I've had my definitions of love, for a movie or a song. For a mother or a sibling.
But this is not what they call love.

I'm breaking my brick wall and building it all over again but I'll make sure I'm doing it all by myself with no love's help

I'll add colors to my own skies
Black is not my color

I'll learn music and poetry
And plant new trees

This time, at least for once
I'll be there for me

Love has not yet proven its existence
Sep 2015 · 480
One Sun
Huda Sep 2015
Lots of stars and human beings
Songs and stories to tell
Thoughts and deadly potions
Pills and cigarettes
Nothing's intersting enough
Distracting enough
Be my sun
Light me up, sing me songs
Tell me stories about your past
Love me less, burn me up
But always be there
It's been always enough
Aug 2015 · 780
Getting Rid of It
Huda Aug 2015
Getting rid of reminders, my own thoughts and yours, memories and you.
I keep a tight grip on my eyes and try to rip them off for I see you on painted walls, different shapes of clouds, music and daydreams.
I burry my face in a pillow: "no, that's not your smell. I'm going crazy. I'm losing it"
my tongue burns when I accidentally call someone by your name
my ripcage holds nothing hostage anymore.
I bet this is worse than..
I'm not going to, no.
No, no my sun will hide the clouds
and my coffee will hide the scent
I refuse to bury my face or harm myself
my ripcage can hold songs, blood and smoke.
I will learn to unfeel this
even though you'd be so good to me, you'd unintentionally be very, very dangerous.
Aug 2015 · 66
Short Story As A Reminder
Huda Aug 2015
Few years ago back at school, I remember this girl crying so hard like she's the first I've ever seen crying I remember getting her a glass of water and not wanting her to talk about it at all, I did not want to know the reason she cried and I felt sorry for her that I almost cried. After a couple of hours a girl came to us and asked me if I knew what's wrong with the crying girl and if not she'd tell me, I told her that I didn't want to know but she insisted that it's actually funny and I'd like the story and didn't shut up she kept talking and talking until she said the reason of all that poor girl's tears, which is "A broken heart" I hated knowing that, I walked back to the girl and she was still crying. I was standing about fifteen feet away thanking God that I'm not that reckless, I promised myself to never fall in love to never feel what that girl was feeling, I hated the story and the girl with the broken heart thinking how childish everything is, I went back to my class and napped with my earphones on, I only did that when I used to get really upset. When I woke up the girl was perfectly fine and I was so stunned, was everything just happened a dream? no, no I can swear it wasn't and I feared to ask.
The girl now is getting married at 21
And I'm suffering of a broken heart
I am that girl at the age of 21
I'm everything I hated
And that's just the broken heart part
staying at the safe side damaged me more than actually taking the risk or the chance, I was happy though. I was really happy.
Aug 2015 · 407
Black Holes
Huda Aug 2015
Only where you've been loved you feel the emptiness afterwards, you never realized you had this black holes inside you until it started to **** out all your loved ones and little parts of you, a couple of memories as well to elsewhere you never existed.

Let it go, close the black holes.
They're never coming back.
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