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Zee Jan 2022
And now that it's dying, we'll ******* to space
Instead of ever trying to fix up the **** place
Like a careless land lord, exploiting the slums
All that matters are our buildings' incomes

We'll go to school and learn to be better
Do our best to earn an award from a debtor
Then enter our sector with these older wage setters
And realize we were tricked by a scarlet letter

I don't know, maybe we're all just ******?
Tired of pushing our luck?
You pushed a gun up to our heads

There's people always dying out East
To look and listen really is just the least
******' thing we can do for them, ain't it?
If only the domestic Nazis would quit

"We ain't got a problem with guns," we got a problem with killers,
Police, race, wages, gender, ***, and the community pillars
Blame drugs and depravity 'stead of the system that ****** us
Like a date-***** co-ed sent home on the last express bus

I don't know, maybe we're all just ******?
Tired of pushing our luck?
You pushed a gun up to our heads

I don't know, maybe we're all just ******?
Tired of pushing our luck?
You pushed a gun up to our heads

Trigger finger, now we're dead
Zee Jan 2022
I waited so **** long
That I forgot what I wanted to say
Something about the beauty in her face
The deftness of her grace
Or the little sighs that she would make
I fear I won't remember
That I'll forget more each day
But some day I won't remember forgetting
And that's A-O-******'-K
Zee Jan 2022
She's on her knees and in our hearts
No time to waste, so let us start
A smile sweet and laugh to last
And three young men she has amassed

She sees us there and knows our pain
These three young men that have been slain
With blooded blade and razor'd mace
We're put to ground and then encased

Her God is dark, her God is deaf
Her God refuses to give us breath
In gardened plot we shall decay
Through our eyes the worms will play

She prays for us, three sinners lost
Across her chest she signs the cross
Yet we still burn forever more
And when she dies we shall be four
Zee Jan 2022
Great scott's *****, we're coming apart at the seams
Don't know why I'm still dr-dreaming
Of a whiter christmas lost to witness-
ing the death dance of all time
Maybe it's just that I'm losing my mind
Or it's the drugs I haven't yet imbibed
Time after time will tell
If it's working or it's hell
Zee Jan 2022
Baby watch me, no touch
Ain't got so much to lie
She wants me in four-wheel
With a head like drive

Where you'd go, now no fear
We just ain't got time
Taste and touch my insides
Baby, that ain't no lie

Too weak to speak right
Too much to lie
Double back and get ******
Three holes if got the time

Words don't work
Lick, swallow pride
Following wagging dog now
Tail beside its hind

She ain't all that so tough
She ain't got soul to hide
Daddy dearest beat me
Eat up, watch me die
Zee Jan 2022
I need you,
But you **** me up
And I loved you,
But you ****** me up
And I'd love to,
Love to ******* up
But that won't do,
Cause we're too ****** up
And the world's doomed,
Cause we all ****** up
So we'll consume,
Cause it ***** us up
Lost in the gloom,
Now that it's all ****** up
Our new hecatomb,
Entombed and all ****** up
Just like us too,
All ******
Zee Jan 2022
There's a murderer down the block
Oh wait, I guess that's just a cop
Ain't see the difference there, can you?
But I mean, what the **** can we do?
That doesn't get us beat along the head
Another statistic of the dead
Only they don't report those, do they?
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