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Hiba Mubashir Feb 20
The only one who knows what we feel inside
The one who knows the pain we hide
The one who knows the tears behind smiles
No one but Him, who knows everything even what's away miles and miles

He's capable of doing the great
He's written the best in our fate

And they say why should we bow to Him
And they say there's no existence of Him

And they are those who have made their names at the hell
They've made themselves fall into dark and deep well

Do you know who has painted the sky so blue?
Haven't you seen the sun with its golden hues?

Haven't you seen the sparkling moon?
Do you know how do flowers bloom?
Repent till it's too late, because the end is coming soon!The only one who knows what we feel inside
The one who knows the pain we hide
The one who knows the tears behind smiles
No one but Him, who knows everything even what's away miles and miles

He's capable of doing the great
He's written the best in our fate

And they say why should we bow to Him
And they say there's no existence of Him

And they are those who have made their names at the hell
They've made themselves fall into dark and deep well

Do you know who has painted the sky so blue?
Haven't you seen the sun with its golden hues?

Haven't you seen the sparkling moon?
Do you know how do flowers bloom?
Repent till it's too late, because the end is coming soon!
Hiba Mubashir Feb 17
If they say crows are white
Just nod and say you're right

They aren't worth it
Not even a bit

You don't have to explain
Just bear the pain
That you feel inside
That you try to hide
Just fight your inside

Everything would still be fine
Plus, you're born to shine
                                        By Hiba Mubashir
Hiba Mubashir Feb 11
In history so vast, a story unfolds
Of suffer and strife, clear and bold
But still is untold

Far from our eyes
There a land lies
Where sun of joy used to arise
Where everyone was living their lives

But one day
Their fate was changed
Parting the ways
Their name was exchanged

Jews took their land, ruined their lives
Named it theirs, concealed these lives

Open your eyes
There a land lies
Where happiness no longer lies

There souls pass by
As bombs explode by
Children cry
As their loved ones die

It's been many years
But cries we still hear

No one notes
Bombs their explode
No moment they seize
Which's of peace

Open the eyes
There's a land named Palestine
Which you haven't recognized

Palestine, a land lost in time
With no life, it's lost in time
They strive, but always collide

Join your hands
Islam shall prevail in that land
Even when no one stands

As this story unfolds
We know
No on one knows
What in Palestine on goes
But though
It hurts to know
That no one stands
And offers their hands
To the people of that land
                     See the Poetry by Hiba Mubashir✨ channel on WhatsApp:
We offered them a helping hand
And they took our land
Showed the world they are heir to that sacred sand

Who deceives the one who helps?
Isn't there anyone who hears our helps?
Our deep wounds hurt so bad
They have killed our every comrade

In our beautiful souls
They've made deep holes
Cracked our hearts
Have torn us apart

We never find peace
War at our place is never ceased

All the tears in our eyes,
Do you think are just silly lies?
All those sobs and desperate sighs
All those screams and loud cries
Are more than just silly lies

My peaceful home no longer exists
At here it's hard for us to resist
Stars of peace and hope we chase
Humanity in the world doesn't exist
Are we a different race?

You love happily in your homes
We live in rubble all alone.
  By Hiba Mubashir.
They say there is "end" word in friend
So, friendship doesn't last
But our friendship would never end
Even when we'd be side by side when bombs blast
Because we are best friends

Our friendship would last
Even when we are far apart
Far away even when would we be, always would be friends
Whose friendship would never end
Forever we'll be each other's
"Best friends!"
                  Hiba Mubashir

For my best friends: Minal, Mahum, Maryam, Meerab and Yusra
I won't be able to see this again
That would be an unbearable pain
Why does the time pass so fast?
We blink and everything becomes past
It is a great pain
Will we ever have a visit again?

Today is the end and finale of this scene
When will this be again seen?
Heart aches! Tears yet kept inside
Who knows how many I hide!
Who knows the tears which want to flow?
This is what I can't show
In my heart as heavy stones they glow

But, a soothing tone whispers, a little hope
You will see that anew, keep up the hope

By Hiba Mubashir
Written when was leaving Makkah literally left my heart there.πŸ•‹
Let's welcome the best month of the year
With happiness and joy, without any fear

The moment for us to shine bright
The time for blessings to glow some light

Before it arrives let's begin
So in the end we may win
And free our soul from daily sins

Let's start before
By praying more
More than before
To welcome the best time
To get us ready before that time
Count down is started, only few days left
For the time which is the best
Let's join our hand and say
Ramadan a month of the joy is on its way!

  By Hiba Mubashir
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