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Hewasminemoon Nov 2014
This place
knows my body.
All my bones
may they be broken.
They don't long
to be shaken again.
My heart knows
these sheets and wooden floors.
I stand sobbing.
Won't you stop my suffering?
You hold me here.
You say you are
in fear.
If you only knew
the way my blood boils and aches.
Would you relinquish
your heavy hand ?
Hewasminemoon Nov 2014
The sea separates our skin.
We feel closer to moon
then begin to bleed again.
Pulling ourselves in two.

Hearts and minds,
I promise you
I won't resist
or turn away in time.

You remind me of a place I knew
With no street lights
or signs.

Who knows where we are going?
Who knows what we will find?

Take a deep breath in.
Try not to drown yourself.

I hate to see you scream.
Your pain turns to suffering so quickly.

I am trying to help you here.
But you see me as ghost.
A darkened figure in the night.
Who holds you like a rope.

You live in constant fear.
Claim what’s beneath your bones.
Aim for his heart with a sharp arrow.

All we have in the end is our spines
and sternums.
The rest we leave to an exhausted sun.

What moves your body,
may not move mine.
Hewasminemoon Nov 2014
A rose pedaled room with double doors.
Smeared red spirits to be bleached away.
Cradle me.
I will cradle you.
Until we part.
Then cradle me no more.
How devine.
How wretched.
Yet not abandoned.
Heavy eyes. Heavy hearts.
This brush of your finger on my lips now
will wreak havoc on my soul
when you are abroad.
What a decadent thing.
To cling to a man who consumes you.
My beloved.
He loves me.
He loves me not.
It does not matter.
As long as I am not forgotten.
But if I am forgotten,
A wisp of air passed through your ears
A whim, now less cared for
A corner dweller
A shadow behind your eyes

Where am I to go?
You have already consumed me you see,
My existence does not exist without your existing affection.

Overripe raspberries.
Hewasminemoon Nov 2014
Wrap me in crinkled paper. In cotton and leather. Feed me the finest fruit.
Give me Magnolia. Lilies. Anything but a rose. Build me something with wood. Something I can keep close to me. With iron legs and copper hands. Sour candy and wool. Woven with fingers covered in clay. A willow tree watching. Standing still like a tin man. Turn him to steel. He will ask you for silk. Lace too. He is more than a man. A beast. He is crystal clear. Like China, covered in a thick layer of dust. On a silver screen. A woman in pearls. Hidden deep under the sea, surrounded by corral. Paint me ruby red, dip me in sapphire.  
We were golden. Diamonds were supposed to be forever. Look at us now. We still play games. What if? Regret. Resent.
There's nothing here. Just you and I. And I'm air. So really, it's just you here.
"You are worthless my dear. There is not enough liquor in the world to hold me to you. Even with a heavy grip around your wrists."
Slip. Disappear.
Hewasminemoon Nov 2014
She smells of sugar
Scrapes at my skin
with long black cat nails
Asks me to stay
With a white dress
Clawing ever so sweetly
Its entrancing
Pointing indirectly
Kissing my cheek
I'm not sure where she's looking
Or living
Somewhere in between dimly lit and too bright to see
Touching everyone
Feeling everything
Hewasminemoon Oct 2014
It wasn't the first time, nor the last. But as you laid against him, feeling tiny puffs of haggard breath against your eyelashes. You thought of this:
"You are always worth the wait"
Any other man would have just stared. Like a poster that reads 'MISSING' on a small town bulletin board. Jaw dropped and eyes wide. But he just smiled, and you  smiled back and then he kissed you.
Not for the first time, and not for the last.

Why is this so much easier now? Why does this feel so much better now? Because it's so new and new is so good?

No expectations: NEW!
No Strings Attached: NEW!
No *******: NEW!

This time, you weren't holding back. You weren't holding out. Hoping or harboring. Waiting or putting in. You were brand NEW! A NEW woman!! And in that moment, where you laid next to him. His back to yours, his hand rested on his neck, between his shoulder and his ear. In that moment: he was new to you too. A stranger. But someone you could see knowing you intuitively. In every haggard breath.
"Don't think past those haggard breaths." You reminded yourself. "Like the way they sound, the way they feel, but remember, haggard breaths will turn to deep, calm, relaxed breaths."
Breaths that say:
"Your body was busy... and"
As if it's a surprise.
But it was so onset.
I guess NEW was the surprise.
And it didn't suit him.
For some men, it's easy to flip the switch. But that man would be far too familiar, far too old. recycled.
You scoff at the words;
"would" "could" "should"
"We might as well just say what we really mean."

You ******* failed me.
I'm ******* disappointed.
I'm ******* sad.

And then you thought back to today's trip to the local Grocery Store.
You thought of white suburban mothers in yoga pants, walking down rows and rows of frozen dinners.

And you thought about what YOU wanted.

A NEW man who will stare at you blankly while he ***** you? Almost catatonic?  
Or someone recycled? Someone who looks in you, instead of at you. Someone who falls asleep afterwards? Someone who can flip that switch?

It's worth it. It's worth having someone capable of really seeing you. Into your bones & your blood. Someone who really gets you.

Whatever that means.

It's worth the wait. The lack of sleep.
You may be ******* miserable at times. You may never know where you're going or where you've been or where you are or who you are to him. But at least you'll die knowing someone saw all of you.

This doesn't mean he loved all of you. Or even that he loved you at all. But for that recycled man, you shed every skin. You open yourself wide. You let him climb inside.
Your heart isn't uncharted.
It's just unmapped.

You don't know what he wants. And sometimes it makes your blood boil. But it comes to a cool when you're reminded that RIGHT NOW, he wants YOU. And the feeling, is mutual.

But who knows what tomorrow holds? Or what happens twenty seconds from now? There's always the possibility that he'll change his mind. Theres aways the possibility you'll change yours. There's always the possibility that it will destroy you. But you are addicted to possibly.
So no *******.
Now, "No *******" doesn't mean you get to pour your own insecurities into others. It doesn't mean smacking the word "honesty" over your opinions.
"I'm just trying to be honest with you-"
"I wish someone was this honest with me when I was your age-"
None of that condescending *******.
It means you're real. More than just skin and bones. You're a pounding heart & a thumping brain.
Yes. There's always that possibility that you'll be waiting forever. Sprawled out for your recycled man and everyone else to see.
But wouldn't you rather lay in bed awake next to the recycled man (even if it's for just one night) exposed?
Than to NEW man for the rest of your life? The NEW & exciting? The NEW and frightening? The NEW man who never really understood you. Who you could never really talk to. That never really loved you.


He picked me up in front of a family of statues under a green isling. The side of his car reminded me of crinkled paper. Or mashed potatoes. I stepped inside with this pie eating grin on my face.
"Good morning" he said, smiling back.
It was afternoon, almost evening now. I closed the door behind me and he started down the street. We hadn't picked a place for dinner yet, so we drove aimlessly around in circles for a bit.
"What happened to your car?" I asked.
His smile was quickly wiped away. I could tell it was a sensitive subject. Which meant it was his fault.
"Ran a red light" he responded, in a mumble.
I bit my lip and looked out the window for a long while. He clicked on the radio. Drum and bass blaring, I could feel the vibrations shake my feet. We pulled into a parking spot in a part of town I wasn't quite familiar with, and stepped out. Locking the doors, he made his way around the car, paid the meter and headed down the street, motioning at me to follow.


What else was I to do? I was two steps away from fully falling in love with this man. I did what any sensible woman would do: I ran for the hills. I wasn't going to be "that girl". The girl who got her heart broken, again and again and again. I had been down that road (many times) and all it did was make me look weak. I refused. I refused to be the weak one. I refused to be the one on her knees, begging, pleading. Pathetic.
I packed up my things. They fit in a small paper sack. Tooth brush, comb, respect. I wouldn't let him keep any of it. It was my turn to be strong. My turn to leave. I knew he wasn't broken hearted, and he wasn't going to be. But that would have been something, wouldn't it? To be the heartbreaker, just this once? That would have been a sight to see. A thing to feel.
I rehearsed what I was going to say. Said it aloud. In the shower. While making breakfast. Over and over. But when it came time, I put it in a text message like the heartless, cowardly ***** I was. He deserved better. We both did.
Hewasminemoon Oct 2014
I thought I was prepared.
But who could have known?
You did this to yourself.
You put me on a shelf.
And sowed me.
A dress.
Showed me
who you really are.

In the dark.

When your fears come true
it is who is near to you
that you let out into.

You don't want to be
the man in front of me.

I don’t want to be
just another dolly.
Drinking tea.
With button eyes that do not see
what you are doing to me.

When you're angry
will you break me?

I am fragile.
Even at arms length.
I am porcelain.
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