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Gypsy Dec 2020
You -  
Like an immortal
Golden and glistening in the candlelight
We kissed and caressed
Silk and song
Our souls intertwined
This pure mystic sensuality
Dripping with love
An ecstasy beyond words
Let it consume  our phantom hearts
As sky and forest scroll past
The green-eyed angel
Fell docile as a lamb
Our love for each other was seen
Where there was no world,
No land,
No god
Heaven or earth
Two bodies
The act of love
Our passion
Cannot be quenched.
Should never be feared
For love can never be cured

Gypsy Dec 2020
The sensitive soul
Fated to journey
The blinding dust of earth
Through the spirit unseen
Like a porcelain angel
A stargirl cries
Tears of light
The noble language of eyes
A pearl of wisdom
The blessing in every curse
A long dark dream to a sun-filled day
Must hope die here
In this land of tears
To water our future gardens.

Gypsy Dec 2020
Further from the truth

Than a whisper can carry

Than your screams can travel

Death waits


In the wings of your lives

In the gutters of your dreams

Knows no mercy..

Gypsy Dec 2020
I Only Speak in Blood
Seven times cursed
Seven times sealed
Murdered by my God
Turned my dreams to dust
Streets were dark with rain and harmful ideas
Its culture slowly fading in the dismal
A dark factory, its heart glows hollow
Strange and haunting
Eyes like little metal studs, pinned
Amplifies my strangeness
At the heart of all beauty lies something inhuman
The threads of cause and effect
The primitive hostility of the world
It was not a dying state
It was a state of living
Haunting the places in my mind
Be with me always
You - lover, who was never mine
Take any form
Drive me mad
Somewhere between tomorrow and a thousand collapsing suns
You will always be the sound of anguish echoing off my calm
Invisible in the darkness
The darkness of our blindness.

Gypsy Dec 2020
A *****
Vague wars
For the body
For the soul
Medicine and philosophy
A vision of numbers
Without pagan words,
The lies upheld
This pastime of our princes of politics
What a fool am I
My impulses towards perfection
This marvelous charity
A witness to the glory
the reason
A *****
Seated among profane phantasmagoria

Gypsy Dec 2020
******* was restricted
With pathetic erectness
Amenable to advances
The timid defences
Arrested by my strangeness
This aspect of shabby gentility
Nervous delicacy, refinement
A secure juxtaposition
Grovels on the floor
Then promptly devoured...
I must be at the theatre
This dingy place
Near the sky
That faint fragrance of art
Unstrung and jaded
Mocking shadows
This confusion of tongues
Seduced to society
Enigmatical and notorious
Like the malice of the world
Ushered into the vague
Forlorn old age.

Gypsy Dec 2020
******* was restricted
With pathetic erectness
Amenable to advances
The timid defenses
Arrested by my strangeness
This aspect of shabby gentility
Nervous delicacy, refinement
A secure juxtaposition
Grovels on the floor
Then promptly devoured...
I must be at the theatre
This dingy place
Near the sky
That faint fragrance of art
Unstrung and jaded
Mocking shadows
This confusion of tongues
Seduced to society
Enigmatical and notorious
Like the malice of the world
Ushered into the vague
That forlorn old age.

Gypsy Dec 2020
In the empty spaces between stars
Painfully visible
Entirely ignored
Nothing to escape from
Nothing to escape to
A life
Lost - Alone

Gypsy Dec 2020
Send me an guide me
As I search for the words
To mold a dream
To her heart's desire
Like a lotus flower in full bloom
Her poetry, danced upon the shore
Welcomed, into the Earth
She could slip
Through your fingers like water
To breathe no more
Love no more
Hurt no more
Find peace again
Her light within the darkness

Gypsy Jan 2021
Farewell to the shade
The whispering sounds

My fugitive years
The perishing pleasures
The nightly visits
Your constant flow of love

In an empty sound

The hearse
Turning from my nursery window
Such cause of terror
That seem by tongues
From Earth or Hell
Those dreadful yells the soul can hear.

Gypsy Dec 2020
Farewell to the shade
The whispering sounds
Sing in the leaves
My fugitive years
The perishing pleasures
The nightly visits
Your constant flow of love
A momentary dream
The hearse
Turning from my nursery window
Such cause of terror
In an empty sound
Of demons uttered
That seem by tongues
From earth or hell
Those dreadful yells the soul can hear.;

Gypsy Feb 2022
Remake the world
Release the truth
Into instantly appealing forms
Enlist the confidences of renaissance madmen
Rubbing the human race in its own *****
Sleepwalking to oblivion
With corporate logos on it's shroud
They are illusions
A poet
A dreamer
A species extinct
Bowed to the influence of Disney
Assimilated and homogenized
The ultimate *******
*** and paranoia
Dreams that money can buy
Like instant cameras and space spectaculars
Pre-packaged emotions
Secondary narratives with very different meanings
Overrun our planet like the plague
Concealed within a set of political conventions....

Gypsy Dec 2020
God made the Machine

His illusion

Bombarded with pseudo-realities
Manufactured by the media
By governments
Big corporations
By religious groups
Political groups
Sophisticated electronic mechanisms
Universes of the mind

I have a malformed public-duty gland
I must have a Guardian Idiot

On the surface
I was calm
In secret
I was waiting for something
His return
That measures the passage of time
This age-old faith of lovers and poets

A drunkard
Relives ancient torments
Feeds coins into the jukebox
He breathed
Hoped for nothing, yet, lived in expectation
The time of cruel miracles was not past
The dark blue outline of the crescent moon
Branded me with a mark of wildness
As if I belonged to ancient times

For a moment — an instant
I forgot about the horror of not belonging
While deep inside of me
The matrix, unfolded across that colorless void

In this age of rust
Reality, shaped by the forces that destroy it
Walked in dark places no others will enter
There - Souls
That never got weaned from the universe
Became an extension of it...
We are the same people our ancestors were
Lumbering across this landscape scooping up and eating everything in sight
Here on the edge of forever
Truth is a matter of the imagination
Wallpaper to our children
We -
Gods who echo how mortals behave
Gods, a perfection to be emulated
Yet we share their flaws and foibles
We are humanlike
We are divine
Slowly fading in the narrow zone between fire and ice
With all our tenderness of heart
Lying naked in the palms of love.

Gypsy Dec 2020
Early - in a strange bed,
On the other side of the valley,
Wrapped in leftover shadows
The truth,  so deep
In a puddle of sunlight
That sprawled naked on the housetops.
The frozen sea within us
The act of surrender
The need to understand
The ceremonies we perform
God knows what bones I've been gnawing in my sleep
The ******-fingered dawn
Bends to earth another false beginning.

Gypsy Dec 2020
Our homes are the prisons...

Our home is the Workhouse..

Far from the longest pleasures
Rancorous hatred - Industry and Energy
That great dust heap economy - a shuttered mansion
Nations and Governments
Tragedy as a farce - for Blood and Plunder...

Between education and catastrophe
The terrorist and the policemen
These bloodthirsty guttersnipes..

For pleasure and palaces
Evil can always find a home
All us abstract lovers - inorganic to the universe...

Humanity - an ingenious machine for being
An ape or an angel
A sentiment artfully assumed
Guinea pigs - in a laboratory of gods
A chain of injustice and oppression
Outlawed - exiled
To the past age of this Earth..

Gypsy Dec 2020
Flower of my days
Song of my soul
Fierce was the flame
Of love, wine and beauty..

Gypsy Jan 2021
Absinthe and *****
Coffee and cigarettes
A strange theory
A slight touch
So many personalities
The strange and the rare
A parallel instance
A philosophical allegory
The secret attraction
Spirit - Beauty
Always alluding
Life and reality.

Gypsy Dec 2020
Absinthe and *****
Coffee and cigarettes
A strange theory
A slight touch
So many personalities
The strange and the rare
A parallel instance
A philosophical allegory
The secret attraction
Spirit of beauty
Always alluding
Life and Reality
Children of flesh and blood

Gypsy Mar 2021
Lucid whispers in the static
Forbidden knowledge beyond pharmacy
Tortured by never an end
It is potent, stimulation unsubtle
I savour the damaged
Cities of tribes
Graveyards of ambition
Exceptional magic
Between mania and melancholia
It overflows my experience vault
Fragments, cloaked in mystery
Crystallized in one's philosophy
It seems an Empire has fallen in my empty city
Cradled by vibrant melodies.

Gypsy Dec 2020
My artistic desire
The distress of poets
A strange passion for beauty
Voyages from a distant land
The secrets of art
All rare and costly
Dark-veined onyx, pale poppies, this holy oil
Smoke curled blue wreaths through my mind
A marvellous mystical light
Misery, -
Wake me in the morning
Cast anchor, haul down the sail
Some forlorn Adder hissed
As death laughed
Out of the slime - beautiful poisonous flowers
To fill the winter of this days
This world's sorrow
Made misery wiser
Still, chained to this reality
Creeping poverty with dark woodland eyes
Then fell upon my knees
Tugged at this coarse rope life
Or some thing of horror
As joy broke from silent lips
Sank down into my deep human soul

Gypsy Jan 2021
From your perfumed dream-land
Into the oblivion of lost things
To the flames that never die
Burning, Yearning
Despising the world's desire

Gypsy Dec 2020
From your perfumed dream-land
Into the oblivion of lost things
To the flames that never die
Burning, Yearning
Despising the world's desire

Gypsy Dec 2020
A cruel wind the Coldest and Harshest of all
I foolishly surrender my mind
I will roll the dice
In the blackness of these skies.

Gypsy Dec 2020
The moments of silence are gone
We run from them into the rush of unimportant things
Unspoken painful whispers
Dwelling on all that we fear
Unwilling or unable
To be free of this modern machine
To part ways with all that is toxic
Hundreds and thousands of betrayals
How far we have veered from our primeval purpose
Turned and stayed sour
Cynical and judgmental
We widen this web technology
Race through our days
Increase the pressures
Stimulants to an exhausted nervous system
Between us and the immediate
A fire inside the charred heart of a burned-out teacher
Cut off  
From life's blessings
From our neighbors
From the wonders of nature
Slowly forgetting how to smile
Our silence has become a figure of speech
Hissing above the echoing vacuum.

Gypsy Dec 2020
The moments of silence are gone
We run from them into the rush of unimportant things
Unspoken painful whispers
Dwelling on all that we fear
Unwilling or unable
To be free of this modern machine
To part ways with all that is toxic
Hundreds and thousands of betrayals
How far we have veered from our primeval purpose
Turned and stayed sour
Cynical and judgmental
We widen this web technology
Race through our days
Increase the pressures
Stimulants to an exhausted nervous system
Between us and the immediate
A fire inside the charred heart of a burned-out teacher
Cut off  
From life's blessings
From our neighbors
From the wonders of nature
Slowly forgetting how to smile
Our silence has become a figure of speech
Hissing above the echoing vacuum.

Gypsy Dec 2020
In the interval between reach and grasp
The absent presence of desire
The boundary of flesh and self
Between you and me.

Gypsy Dec 2020
Between her lips and mine
Beyond the reach of hands
In some ulterior land
Love lingered a little while
And all our desire
Of dreams and days, and things unsaid
Smile for courtesy
Where the shadows and darkness meet
Love turned from us to die

Gypsy Dec 2020
Mother's fingers
Life's first gladness

I have crept back to see
The mother that smiles

When darkness wandered
Her strange heart beating

The cruel immortality of love.

Gypsy Dec 2020
Whispering winds in cypress caverns,
Huddling trees that moaned...
My fields of Dreams
Submits to the unknown
The abandoned towers of the Supernatural
Bodies blacken under the electric current
The terror that dwells in those secret places
It's magic!
It's God's love!

The Demon Trapper's Daughter,
The most delicious feeling there is,
This measure of the everlasting dance
Atoms of diamond dust
The green ray's rhythmic death
MY daemons of unplumbed space
Of contact with unknown spheres - powers
The beating of black wings,
On the known Universe's utmost rim.
It is mine..
Mine the taking.

Gypsy Dec 2020
Like a thoughtless machine
The mystic chords of memory
The better angels of our nature
My heart, a throbbing engine
Like a wailing train
There's too much fuel,
Too much fire
A blessed provision of Nature
A few bad notes or vibrations
From the masterpieces of sages
Flickered into this dark night.

Gypsy Dec 2020
From the ages since time began
We lapsed into a kind of collusion with entropy
That eternal song over the waves
To the sound of his name in heaven’s mouth
We swim in the brightest and least ambiguous of elements
From the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmare
Born a child of light
To resurrect dreams killed by hate
To heal the sun’s broken heart
To restore the moon’s vision
Transform faiths agony into peace

Gypsy Dec 2020
A long walk
Through the darkness,
A long walk
Through the darkest shadows
The corners of your soul  
Those parts
You've created
Those parts within
You can choose to fear them  
Repress them
Refuse to shine
You fear judgement and rejection
Choose to look towards the light
That healing,  
The only source of true beauty and love
To find those words that touch the soul before the mind
Find the touch that warms the heart from deep inside
So tired of separation, of division
Beneath all that dust and darkness
That far away abandoned part
The light
That love and compassion
Surrounded by the ashes of all that you once cherished

Gypsy Dec 2020
Living in my head

On this interstate Earth
A brief moment of absolute truth
I have heard the languages of the Apocalypse
Embraced that silence
Emerged out of a depth-less mystery
In a pretense of understanding
Borrowed time
Borrowed worlds
Borrowed eyes
In the gray light the blind dogs of the dark
Our consumer culture slowly fading in the dismal sea
The rolling armies and the flames of battle
Cries of a hundred million souls
Like a black wing stretching over the Earth..

Everyone slides back into the Dark Ages
Adrift in the constant sea of trial & error
Yearning for ships to carry us home
When the world itself has ceased to exist
Crowned upon the ashen Sun
In a hangman’s noose
The darkness of the grave

Gypsy Dec 2020
Let reality be reality
Let things flow
We can grow
We can change
We can learn
Throw ourselves out into the open
We are exposed
No point in pretending
We,  outside our comfort zone
The space around us is beginning to grow vast....
Stored up for us like an inheritance
Have faith
This love is a strength
A blessing so large
You can travel far
Without having to step outside it
Cast a stone across the waters
And the Universe is on its way to being changed.

Gypsy Dec 2020
Here she comes
There she goes
She'll twist your bones
She'll turn your mind
You're callin out
One last time
One last time you call her name
Then you twist and turn 'n' bleed again

Lets dance awhile....

The spirits come
The spirits go
Shoutin' from the mountain
They all seem to know
You're the woman within
For this man of sin

You're  miles away
I feel your here
Deep within' I feel you close
I'll walk you through this mind of mine
Help you see
The blindness come
The blindness go

In the chamber of wounds
I'll shout your name
In the chamber of wounds
I'll dream your touch
In the chamber of wounds
I'll go insane

In the chamber of wounds
I'll learn to bleed
In the chamber of wounds
I'll have no chance...

Gypsy Dec 2020
These young flowers
Gazing on the earth
Our chosen brothers
Our chosen sisters
Of the spirit
They breathe their influences
With which the universe
Knows itself divine
Light of art or nature
The rainbows of the flowers
The mountains and the waves
The night that fears the day
Upon this trembling edge
Bound in such a way
Those imprisoned  
Where hearts once mingled
I dreamt I was that way
Dark buds and leaves
Where clouds are scattered
Where the spirit is mute
Innocence, our hearts devotion
Upon the surface, that wrinkled image
Will find us
Then as now
Under this universal Sun
Radiant - awake
Where the winter rains, the wild woods, sing
Where the earth and the oceans meet
And mourn
Us children of the hours

Gypsy Dec 2020
In the shadow of loss
In every waking moment
I am strong, electric, and alive,
I chose to dance, to laugh, to love,
To live again...

Gypsy Dec 2020
Take this with you, friend or foe,

We have no thoughts of our own
No opinions of our own
They are transmitted to us
Trained into us
I have fled this wilderness
For the light on the mountain
Red as the rising Sun with Heathen blood
Remember me
On the other side of dark
Alone into that shadowed land beyond death
Listening to the universe in motion
The unimaginable harmony
The genius of the composer
Lost in the weaving music

Jesus, half way to Golgotha
The weight of the world upon his shoulders
He, who would drag us all into this eternal night
Dream bound and rudderless, sailing a hundred sleeping tides
As far as the wind cries, the sea encircles
We seek other states, other lives, other souls
We are given to the wind and are scattered
A perpetual journey of cinder and bone
Towards the eternal
A bubble on the tide of Empire

Gypsy Apr 2021
Heavy shadows
Draped in perception
The twinkle ruin
Framed in dark charcoal
This - the art of  dream world
This quivering world
Bloated like a vein
To be -
Insect -
A Zen of clouds
A crumb of eternity
That was once art
In some
Unspeakable obscurity
In the edifice of infinity
Crumbling on your tongue

Gypsy Dec 2020
In the light of  truth
That sacred fire
Our  well of salvation
Penitent sinners, sincere, truthful  
Another satanic sucker punch
The spiritually dead, lost in a haze of words

Cherishing a deep desire for some lost paradise
Sinners with broken and contrite hearts
Weighing heavily upon the Body
Blind minds
Blind eyes

Love has grown cold
The mother of solutions
Wanders forlorn in your sacred lands

The path of light
Fall in pride
Rise in humility
As the Earth repents of mankind

Gypsy Dec 2020
A worthless idol
Propelled by hypocrisy and sycophancy
Into this abyss of sham,
The human creature
Selfish, abusive, vile
Society - cynical and ferocious
Traffickers in necessities
The mediocre and unscrupulous
The apotheosis of crooked politics
Imperfectly democratic
Greedy without end
Which refines the vices
Our souls corrupted in the days of Genesis
The pride of man's hopes
Has burdened itself with sadness

Gypsy Jan 2021
Deep down
In the dark rooms  
There is no perfection - only,
Beautiful versions of brokenness
Consumed by shadows
Lost in the same horizons
Captains of our mystic ships
We are beautiful
We pearls of grit -
The embers of everything
Deep down in the dark rooms
The eyes
The antiquity
The soul.

Gypsy Dec 2020
Softly, in the shadows
Alone in the gloom
The supreme theme
The crumbling Moon
The harmony of trees
Here, it dies
Man's pride and all its sorrow..

Gypsy Dec 2020
The wheel of karma
That half-mad bag lady
The austere, unsmiling mother superior
A mumbling, scarred janitor
Survivor of Auschwitz.
A haunted music teacher
Anonymous holy man
I bring them before my mind's eye
Your personal Obi Wan Kenobi
These old friends of my soul,
Awakening to dance their day
At home in this heart
It's an ugly woods
Infinite shades of neutral.
Contemplative acts
Honor this world
With the eye of love
A feast of being
A walk among bare oaks
The souls own meager feathers

Gypsy Dec 2020
The pain
The cutting away
The red flesh,  
That forsaken longing

The last thought
Comes and goes
The dying breathe,  
Beached, in a dream
Worthy of an encore
That sustainable wanting - more


Those dreams  
This coming together
Of all that makes a life
That easy chair of having
That greedy filled feeling
The lottery of birth
Laughs in your face

That cast off life you've worn
This hand me down existence
Past from generation to generation
All you've ever known
Never shiny Never new
The dead eyes of youth
Watch your every move
Covert your every wish

The king is dead
Long live the king

Gypsy Dec 2020
All beginnings conclude with the middle
This hole in the roof
And all that grass to roll
The poetry of life
If only these flowers could think
In this night so dark
Lend me your lantern
Along this road so dusty
The rain fell in torrents
Floating in a great pool of water
Consoled by the reflection
Then he wiped his eyes
A great loss to every one
Gave a whisk with his tail
Went back into his hole - in the roof
And the storm grew
Lost in its way

Gypsy Jul 2022
There are angry ghosts all around us,
Dead from wars - Sickness - Starvation
We live in the era of the curse.
We are all cursed.
We love the black hole  
The centre of all things
Pandora's Box can not be unopened,
No one can return to Eden.
I remained silent,
Adrift in a torrent
Curled in this curse embrace
Dangling from the threads of existence...

Gypsy Jan 2021
Dark is Your church..

Where the altar stands
Illustrious without light
Perfect and complete
Within deepening eyes
That old tenderness
Love and desire
Moon kissed roses
The caged universe
Star-crowned solitude
Dim nebulous lands
Sever for ever your soul
From this ultimate night

Gypsy Aug 2023
The jumbled froth of life
A frayed tapestry of ruin
Made sodden by the rain
Concealing a malignant thought
Those ancient instincts
Become my own tormentor
Filled with the reek of forests in decay
Merging dark in the webbed greasy darkness
Singing for the road
These levelling times
A brainless mechanical automation of jangling discord
Within the silt of memories
liquidated to the transitory currency of destruction
A drowsy chaos of reasoned passions
written on the passing wave
Dawn - hints at the shape of things - flexes
Through the struggles of our ancestors
Forever haunting the abbreviated memory of flesh
In our braided stream of citizenry
We are all the dead and dying..

Gypsy Jan 2021
In this poor hour of ease
Dark and cold
As soft as a prayer
A road unplanned
In the shadow of a dream
Comfort and oblivion
On which fate has smiled
Grant me to see and touch
Before the ruining waters fall
For the last sight of her face
The useless anguish of a kiss
Pondering on a rune of roses
Beyond the reach of time and chance
In the serenity of this place

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