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933 · Jan 2021
Deep Hush
Gypsy Jan 2021
In this poor hour of ease
Dark and cold
As soft as a prayer
A road unplanned
In the shadow of a dream
Comfort and oblivion
On which fate has smiled
Grant me to see and touch
Before the ruining waters fall
For the last sight of her face
The useless anguish of a kiss
Pondering on a rune of roses
Beyond the reach of time and chance
In the serenity of this place

437 · Feb 2022
Misbegotten Warrior
Gypsy Feb 2022
Free flight into the wordless
Away from art
The day erased
Inflamed with a special longing
The search begins
Through mystery and madness
You linger in the lowlands
In the primal sympathy
To become an echo of someone else's music
This infinite wisdom of the ages
Older than the flow of human blood in human veins.

362 · Aug 2023
Dead Inside
Gypsy Aug 2023
The jumbled froth of life
A frayed tapestry of ruin
Made sodden by the rain
Concealing a malignant thought
Those ancient instincts
Become my own tormentor
Filled with the reek of forests in decay
Merging dark in the webbed greasy darkness
Singing for the road
These levelling times
A brainless mechanical automation of jangling discord
Within the silt of memories
liquidated to the transitory currency of destruction
A drowsy chaos of reasoned passions
written on the passing wave
Dawn - hints at the shape of things - flexes
Through the struggles of our ancestors
Forever haunting the abbreviated memory of flesh
In our braided stream of citizenry
We are all the dead and dying..

261 · Jun 2022
Oozed And Sweated
Gypsy Jun 2022
This mute and motionless despair
Living in musty shadows and dismal, oppressive silence
Slowly germinating in the furrows
Of a human race,
Greed - clamouring from the depths of its abyss
The futility of everything
Festering in their middle-class refinement
Weeping for truth which was dead
It was the end
The act was silent and brutal
In this waste land
An ancestral outcast
In the triangle of earth, fire and water
The uncomplicated soul of trees
Dying of hunger
In front of mans last masterpiece
Lurid and spattered with blood
In the warm silence,
In the peaceful solitude

Gypsy Jan 2021
This ******* - Me - Slave,
Your kind seed, barefoot and ragged
An impartial sense
This spider love
The Eagle and the Dove
To my waking soul, the serpent brought
Wild civility, a sweet disorder
Our common fate of time
So dull and mute
Underneath this marble stone
Love's death -
Both the wind and the sun
Make a final conquest..

Captivate my mind
In a soft dream

236 · Dec 2020
A Constant Quantity
Gypsy Dec 2020
The sensitive soul
Fated to journey
The blinding dust of earth
Through the spirit unseen
Like a porcelain angel
A stargirl cries
Tears of light
The noble language of eyes
A pearl of wisdom
The blessing in every curse
A long dark dream to a sun-filled day
Must hope die here
In this land of tears
To water our future gardens.

228 · Mar 2021
Gypsy Mar 2021
Drifting on their waves of unawareness
Suffocating in their caves
Unpredictable and rampant
Fading into oblivion
217 · Aug 2023
Veils Of Illusion
Gypsy Aug 2023
Obscene whining - of infernal discordant music
Worn, with a strange lust
Whilst the floods menaced Earth
Like A Tibetan Mandala
All colours dazzling
Seeking the formless fire......   For Lust's sake
                                                     Let us Lust
                                                     For smoke's sake
                                                     Let us Smoke,....
The leeches of boredom
The pythons of poverty
The born and the unborn
Flamed up into mania's nameless Nature
Pure being - unveiled from the Matrix
The four walls of our Prison
Part of the Veils of matter
The ultimate reality appears out of oblivion
One super-subtle whisper
Slipping back to the Ancients
Like Faust to the Brocken
For ever driven darkly onward

There is nothing higher
There is nothing more
What is lost
Eternity can never restore...

205 · Sep 2023
Unsung #1
Gypsy Sep 2023
Born -
Here on Earth - Into the glow of the firelight
Close to the end
Of doctrine and teachings magical nectar
Sunlight - shadowy glens
Drinking Mountain tops
Chill winds from the forest
The moonlit deserts - darkness swallowed
As the low thunder sounded
Bloomed on the Canyon walls
Died cursing existence
Fire spit - from off in the dark
Swallowed me up - froze me solid
Wailed and howled
Like a banshee coming for the Dead
Lost in the shuffle
The shattered Spirit of Mankind...

162 · Dec 2020
Already Lost
Gypsy Dec 2020
Send me an guide me
As I search for the words
To mold a dream
To her heart's desire
Like a lotus flower in full bloom
Her poetry, danced upon the shore
Welcomed, into the Earth
She could slip
Through your fingers like water
To breathe no more
Love no more
Hurt no more
Find peace again
Her light within the darkness

160 · Oct 2022
We are
Gypsy Oct 2022
Pathetically inadequate  
at being - Humanity
Idiotically primitive
In our destructive urges
Pathologically incapable
Of simply getting along -

We are - Humanity
The Doomsday Machine
Gypsy Jan 2021
The greater your spirit the more you are alone
This power of love can spread magic to the world like nothing else
What a wonderful soul so bright inside you
Has the power to heal the sun’s broken heart
Power to restore the moon’s vision  
To conquer
Machine men
With machine minds and machine hearts

150 · Feb 2022
River of Silence
Gypsy Feb 2022
Mythology is our drug
The black thing
The dark water
Inhabiting the mind.
A universe of cause and effect
Neither creed nor allegory
Not to liberate but to limit
Deny the infinite
The dream-built ship of the god Yoharneth-Lehai
Above the River of Silence
Listening to the universe in motion
Lost in the weaving music
Until death meets us on the path

149 · Apr 2022
Falling Into Ruin
Gypsy Apr 2022
Serenity of light, of translucent ice
I can’t tell anymore
The beginning, past these moments
So much to lose.- lost
Our immortal inspiration of love
A 'graceful exit
Pains end of a melody
The bleak blackness of passions
Closing circles
Tossed into the seas
Like a novel
The end of The End
The tightrope we walked
The drama of the last awful word
Never unsaid  
Smell your absence on my skin
The aftertaste  
Still lingers
A placid silence
This winter day
Echoes long into the silver-blue
Of loves empty room
God, upon thrones of marble..
Crying for this love
Mountains and Rivers
A husk, rustled by the occasional sigh
It ended sadly
Holding hands and weeping
Love slowly dies
Falling into ruin..

148 · Dec 2020
Chamber Of Wounds
Gypsy Dec 2020
Here she comes
There she goes
She'll twist your bones
She'll turn your mind
You're callin out
One last time
One last time you call her name
Then you twist and turn 'n' bleed again

Lets dance awhile....

The spirits come
The spirits go
Shoutin' from the mountain
They all seem to know
You're the woman within
For this man of sin

You're  miles away
I feel your here
Deep within' I feel you close
I'll walk you through this mind of mine
Help you see
The blindness come
The blindness go

In the chamber of wounds
I'll shout your name
In the chamber of wounds
I'll dream your touch
In the chamber of wounds
I'll go insane

In the chamber of wounds
I'll learn to bleed
In the chamber of wounds
I'll have no chance...

145 · Jan 2021
Gypsy Jan 2021
from a nightmare to come...
Purged of all human hope
Rats gnaw at their rifle butts
They've smothered us in blood
Laid our children down in mud
Their wars
Breathe the air of crime
The tricks of madmen
a call to arms
The idiots frightful laughter
You will always be hyena,
Attain death with your appetite
- For -
Your selfish capitalist sins

145 · Oct 2022
Gypsy Oct 2022
A long cortege of shadows
Slipping past like water
In that groove of purpose
Blind and deaf and dumb to all save gold
Pawns to its deceptive power
Nursed into existence
Tunes of decadence
A brittle dream, a wilful violation of the actual
Streamed into the midnight currents of culture
Membranes of memories
Pathways between ages
Rotating on the planet
Life - Mankind
Nothing but an editorial cartoon
Bouquets Of Barbed Wire
Dazzled by lithium
Cheap chemical tricks, its secret melancholy
Attempts to outwit mortality
A haunted, vengeful lover
Spent the night in my bones
Simply spoke with her skin
Feasting on the void
Beneath this sand shroud
An incubus upon the heart
A shadow upon the brain
Stung the tongue like poisoned air
Burned the lungs without fire
Revelled in its own illusory nature
Doomed to choose
When to choose and when not to choose
A wild impulse  
To protest,
To demand

143 · Jan 2021
In Between
Gypsy Jan 2021
A door into the dark
The bright rim of the extreme
Raking at dead fires
The fury of indifference
Like a deacon at prayer
Money mingled with man's divinity - inflicting pain
The anaesthetic for the sceptics side
In this furnace fire she slept
Where the light wind lives
She hangs between the thoughtless world
Created half to rise, half to fall

140 · Feb 2022
Quantified and Eroticised
Gypsy Feb 2022
Somewhere in this paradoxical space our imaginations are free....

Quantified and Eroticised

The sacred cow of the community
Drooling on doorsteps
Sleeping on sidewalks,
Looking into our silent world, sheathed in ice
Like exotic minarets and baroque domes
These brilliant and exotic creatures
From an innocent world of contentment, drunkenness
To a state of chronic edginess
The perpetual scanning of the great twentieth-century delusion
Micro doses of madness
Strychnine in a nerve tonic
Stuffed inside our heads
Commercial and nasty
An ideal marriage of function and design
Intelligent sensibilities with no possibility of escape
Hoarding every morsel of life
Between the burial mounds
Our famine of peace
In a deep dream of war
A truly free psychopathology...

136 · Sep 2021
Unique The Form
Gypsy Sep 2021
The secret of our seed
The thousand children
The storms endured
The world rustles
Lived out the secret of her seed to the very end
Every step is birth
Every step is death
All the suffering
Every grave is mother, our eternal mother
Reveals her naked death-wound to the sun
Undeterred by particulars, this ancient law of life
Home is neither here nor there
Home is within you
Home is nowhere at all - escaping
A longing to wander the  tears our hearts

135 · Sep 2022
I feel
Gypsy Sep 2022
Dispossessed from some crystalline reality
Inexplicably irrelevant
Quickly dissolving from memory
A forgotten tale of  the retro-coded catalysts
The collective unconscious substrata
A living history of shadows
Seasonally infected
Still inanimate and naked
Gliding downward into the trenches -

134 · Mar 2021
A Slow Cloud Drifts
Gypsy Mar 2021
Lucid whispers in the static
Forbidden knowledge beyond pharmacy
Tortured by never an end
It is potent, stimulation unsubtle
I savour the damaged
Cities of tribes
Graveyards of ambition
Exceptional magic
Between mania and melancholia
It overflows my experience vault
Fragments, cloaked in mystery
Crystallized in one's philosophy
It seems an Empire has fallen in my empty city
Cradled by vibrant melodies.

130 · Jan 2021
Liberty, Truth and Justice.
Gypsy Jan 2021
Smoother me in blood
In the air of crime
And all the capital sins
Masters - Peasants - one and all
Lazier than toads
The new nobility - Progress
Idle and brutal
Weariness and anger
Scorn and charity
Like a treasure in the forest
Greedily I await freedom
Like Jeanne d' Arc...
Reason is born to me
The hope of escape
Begging the solace of innocence
Freedom in salvation
For an age of tender hearts

129 · Jan 2021
Endless Allusion
Gypsy Jan 2021
On some imaginative plane
Accidents and limitations
Ethical and aesthetical
These strangely passionate poems
The honey from these lips
A kind of spiritual artistic sense
Giving life and reality
A drawing - The picture
A thing of any value
The truth of the theory
Faith - Martyrdom
The artist and his humanity
Delicate minions of pleasure
A trail that leads nowhere
This mystery of the modern
The tragedy of desertion
Of art and of the strange
Dream of the creative
Reality and its ideal form
Immortal children of undying fame
Barren and profitless

126 · Dec 2020
Invisible World
Gypsy Dec 2020
This Truth within silence

A prophecy in the middle of geometry
An oracle of inquiry
The deity in this soul
The seed of your God Self
Your fragrance swirling
Eerie in the dark root
The invisible guides us
We are bound to acquiesce.

This would be mine —
my mask,
my shield —
my persona.

121 · Dec 2020
Goddess of Gothic
Gypsy Dec 2020
Once upon a moment,
Not so far from this mortal coil
A tale for the telling
Thrown into the arena...

The wishing well
The wish
The guessing game
In the distance,
Rags in trees
The old fool
A life lived
In a moment frozen...

She lies dying,
The truth on her lips
Those red ruby coloured lips
The words tumbling in a motion slow
It all seemed so much easier
The not knowing

120 · Nov 2021
The Insect Tribes
Gypsy Nov 2021
Our sinless souls
That form of faultless symmetry
This spirit of nature
The depth of the unbounded Universe
Peace - Happiness - Harmony
In darkness, that bursting bomb
That fearful calm
The wail of widowed love
Lifeless warriors, In deep silence
Spirit - Love
For a desolate society
The apology
From King's and Statesmen
Their spirit of politics
Life's smallest chord
Man's evil Nature
Sanctifies the sword
No shade, No shelter
For the stranger-soul
From sweeping storms
The statesman's game
Their hired Assassin's trade
With a nations rage
With the currency of..
Famine - Frenzy - Woe
Then sealed in gold and blood
Torn from a bleeding world
The Insect Tribes
Those generations, all germs of promise
Scattered across the forest soil
Youth - Integrity - Loveliness
Lie level with the earth
Destined to decay
That suicidal selfishness
Ceased to wage unnatural war
The cause and effect of tyranny
Poverty - Wealth
Dead to all love
Yields -
To the harmony and happiness of man
leaves nothing but the sordid
Lust of Self.

119 · Feb 2022
Points On A Circle
Gypsy Feb 2022
First silence
Then darkness
In my limited realm
The deep end of my heart
This bone-beaked loneliness
You - my stream in the desert
I ask you again
You who watch
In these pure moments of loss
Before you drift
To believe that love could last
To let solitude be dispelled forever
To where the cream and dappled unicorns had fled
To become the absence of sound at the end of the world
Pray for the spirit in the wind
God’s mysteries to find
The whisper in loves music
Of the dreams of ancient warriors..

119 · Oct 2022
Gypsy Oct 2022
All mortal man would tell -

In darkness did she dwell
Born in the nowhere between galaxies
Of the cognitive metaphor tree
The play of conceptual possibilities
Wafting in the smoke - Survival of the fittest spoon
Destroyed by the slightest twitch of air
And we are all strangers again
Caught in the traffic jam
Movement could ***** it to a distant innermost
In this nation of nowhere -
I crawl back inside me
Everywhere at the same time.

117 · Jul 2022
Gypsy Jul 2022
There are angry ghosts all around us,
Dead from wars - Sickness - Starvation
We live in the era of the curse.
We are all cursed.
We love the black hole  
The centre of all things
Pandora's Box can not be unopened,
No one can return to Eden.
I remained silent,
Adrift in a torrent
Curled in this curse embrace
Dangling from the threads of existence...

113 · Dec 2020
Falling Into Ruin
Gypsy Dec 2020
Serenity of light, of translucent ice
I can’t tell anymore
The beginning, past these moments
So much to lose.- lost
Our immortal inspiration of love
A 'graceful exit
Pains end of a melody
The bleak blackness of passions
Closing circles
Tossed into the seas
Like a novel
The End of The End
The tightrope we walked
The drama of the last awful word
Never unsaid
Smell your absence on my skin
A placid silence
This winter's day
Echoes long into the silver-blue
Of loves empty room
God -
Crying for this love
Mountains and Rivers
A husk, rustled by the occasional sigh
It ended sadly
Holding hands and weeping
Love slowly dies
Falling into ruin

112 · Apr 2021
Cocooned Ideas
Gypsy Apr 2021
Heavy shadows
Draped in perception
The twinkle ruin
Framed in dark charcoal
This - the art of  dream world
This quivering world
Bloated like a vein
To be -
Insect -
A Zen of clouds
A crumb of eternity
That was once art
In some
Unspeakable obscurity
In the edifice of infinity
Crumbling on your tongue

112 · Oct 2022
Sleepwalker Orthodoxy
Gypsy Oct 2022
The prejudiced beneficiaries
The product of diseased minds
Quietly -
Anonymously -
They crawled through the walls of every social taboo
That sinister current
Forms that would still invoke the inquisitions
The fears,
The bigotries
Dense and dark
Their stupid lust for power
Endangering all that is good
The well-disguised myth of Nobility....
Utterly pointless and unbearable.

109 · Jan 2021
Consumed By Shadows
Gypsy Jan 2021
Deep down
In the dark rooms  
There is no perfection - only,
Beautiful versions of brokenness
Consumed by shadows
Lost in the same horizons
Captains of our mystic ships
We are beautiful
We pearls of grit -
The embers of everything
Deep down in the dark rooms
The eyes
The antiquity
The soul.

108 · Sep 2022
Today I Am Mostly....
Gypsy Sep 2022
Today I am mostly drifting aimlessly on the turbulent stream of idle discourse

Locked in this ideological echo chamber
Forever traveling on a digital sea of conforming tranquillity
Fossilized wholly in a great renaissance of public shaming
Becoming scarecrows to frighten away natural reality
While we peer out at existence
From inside our digital caverns
Serfs - Digitized
Persecutors and persecuted,
Hunters and hunted
In the grip of the powers of darkness
Artificial rainbows
Systems of highly organized ****** and oppression
Susceptible to all manner of lies
We succumb to the most reptilian of our fears.

106 · Jan 2021
Daughter Of Dreams
Gypsy Jan 2021
Dark is Your church..

Where the altar stands
Illustrious without light
Perfect and complete
Within deepening eyes
That old tenderness
Love and desire
Moon kissed roses
The caged universe
Star-crowned solitude
Dim nebulous lands
Sever for ever your soul
From this ultimate night

105 · Dec 2020
Persistent Reluctance
Gypsy Dec 2020
Forlorn like children
Harbouring illusions
Juvenile and arrogant
The unsolvable puzzle of forlorn souls
Dragged into a pit
Illuminates the darkness
In the presence of dimness
In the twilight of silence
You tasted like fire..

105 · Dec 2020
In A Matrix
Gypsy Dec 2020
Acting like sheep
In our search for truth ..

The ridiculous and the sublime
The glory of the setting Sun
The driest land
The infinitesimal seedlings
The promptings of available light
The trees constructing a moderate zone
Tempering the climate
Mourning something that never was
The shadow of a caress
Standing at the gates of heaven
As the moon
Moved all the  heavens to music

103 · Jan 2021
A Slight Touch
Gypsy Jan 2021
Absinthe and *****
Coffee and cigarettes
A strange theory
A slight touch
So many personalities
The strange and the rare
A parallel instance
A philosophical allegory
The secret attraction
Spirit - Beauty
Always alluding
Life and reality.

100 · Dec 2020
Nonphysical Energy
Gypsy Dec 2020
The horn of plenty
The allure of inexhaustible gifts
Cheap optimism
The bones of antediluvian monsters
The soul, summoned out of its body
Partly dream,
Partly fear,
Partly despair
The fundamental urge to slay, to ravage, to plunder
This moaning pessimism
Amid luxury and security  ..
This com-modified universe is our boredom..

99 · Jan 2021
Gypsy Jan 2021
From your perfumed dream-land
Into the oblivion of lost things
To the flames that never die
Burning, Yearning
Despising the world's desire

98 · Dec 2020
Pensive Wanderer
Gypsy Dec 2020
Ingenious, by its own massy weight
The invention to a priest
Relaxation, the languid frame
The new machine, some youthful grace
Has slackened to a pause
Then dwelt upon the scene
Penniless and far from home
These gifts of a squandered life
The dream -
Of distant floods
Upon loose pebbles
In matted grass
Betrays the secret -
In still repeating circles
That hails the rising Moon
A foliage of such dark
This poet's treasure
Waters from the crystal well
That miner of your Soul
That mimics works of art
Visions prompted by instense desires
This constant revolution
A mere pretender to the name
Philosophy - the eagles eye
Holds out to all ancient barriers
Unexampled, unexplained
While God performs
Within the trembling cities
With rigors of restraint
We the righteous
Counterfeit the motions of old achievements
Defective and unsanctioned
To a God yet not revealed
Humble learners
Of grace, knowledge, comfort
This last poor pittance
In this prison-house the world
That holds mankind  masked
Preparing for our ruin
Exposed - Peace, that memory
Crooked and twisted and deformed
Broken and decaying, society mourns

96 · Feb 2022
Analytic Activity
Gypsy Feb 2022
Remake the world
Release the truth
Into instantly appealing forms
Enlist the confidences of renaissance madmen
Rubbing the human race in its own *****
Sleepwalking to oblivion
With corporate logos on it's shroud
They are illusions
A poet
A dreamer
A species extinct
Bowed to the influence of Disney
Assimilated and homogenized
The ultimate *******
*** and paranoia
Dreams that money can buy
Like instant cameras and space spectaculars
Pre-packaged emotions
Secondary narratives with very different meanings
Overrun our planet like the plague
Concealed within a set of political conventions....

95 · Dec 2020
Black Wing
Gypsy Dec 2020
Whispering winds in cypress caverns,
Huddling trees that moaned...
My fields of Dreams
Submits to the unknown
The abandoned towers of the Supernatural
Bodies blacken under the electric current
The terror that dwells in those secret places
It's magic!
It's God's love!

The Demon Trapper's Daughter,
The most delicious feeling there is,
This measure of the everlasting dance
Atoms of diamond dust
The green ray's rhythmic death
MY daemons of unplumbed space
Of contact with unknown spheres - powers
The beating of black wings,
On the known Universe's utmost rim.
It is mine..
Mine the taking.

94 · Dec 2020
Gypsy Dec 2020
Softly, in the shadows
Alone in the gloom
The supreme theme
The crumbling Moon
The harmony of trees
Here, it dies
Man's pride and all its sorrow..

91 · Jan 2021
Heart Fire
Gypsy Jan 2021
Wet with tears
Little collected mumblings
This heart fire....
This ruin, made of each other
Reaches out to you  -
Like a coat, too heavy and too tight
This void of sound
This pain
This spice of life
The pleasure of its warm embrace

Once familiar elements
Looking into your eyes
Breathing your air….
Touching your skin
In this heart fire
Of would never.. could never...have never

89 · Nov 2021
Earth Born
Gypsy Nov 2021
These are her spells
Which hope thinks infinite
To love and bear
Her disentangled doom
Whose power awakens oblivion
Spirits whose homes are flesh
Her Earth born spells
Her Nature is that universe
This pyramid of love
This harmonious soul
Her language - a perpetual orphic song
A solid frost and sleep
This sea like forest
Around, within, above
Like spokes of some invisible wheel
Quivers, helms and spears
Ruin within ruin
Her mocking orbs harmony
Her spirit of the Earth, laid asleep
This gentle darkness
Music and light
Through empty space..

89 · Dec 2020
Ape Or Angel
Gypsy Dec 2020
Our homes are the prisons...

Our home is the Workhouse..

Far from the longest pleasures
Rancorous hatred - Industry and Energy
That great dust heap economy - a shuttered mansion
Nations and Governments
Tragedy as a farce - for Blood and Plunder...

Between education and catastrophe
The terrorist and the policemen
These bloodthirsty guttersnipes..

For pleasure and palaces
Evil can always find a home
All us abstract lovers - inorganic to the universe...

Humanity - an ingenious machine for being
An ape or an angel
A sentiment artfully assumed
Guinea pigs - in a laboratory of gods
A chain of injustice and oppression
Outlawed - exiled
To the past age of this Earth..

89 · Dec 2020
Earth Born
Gypsy Dec 2020
These are her spells
Which hope thinks infinite
To love and bear
Her disentangled doom
Whose power awakens oblivion
Spirits whose homes are flesh
Her Earth born spells
Her nature is that universe
This pyramid of love
This harmonious soul
Her language - a perpetual orphic song
A solid frost and sleep
This sea like forest
Around, within, above
Like spokes of some invisible wheel
Quivers, helms and spears
Ruin within ruin
Her mocking orbs harmony
Her Spirit of the Earth, laid asleep
This gentle darkness
Music and light
Through empty space

88 · Dec 2020
Gypsy Dec 2020
Heap of ashes that I am
Phrased in terms of burning

I hunger
For your taste
Your smell
The feel of your soul touching mine..

Aimless in this sexless foreplay
I have nibbled so long at the table of the your world
It turned to dust in my hand..


The next sunrise -
To touch the one you love
To try again.

To live ..
Her stalking beauty
Her theatre of expressions..

In this moment
The gesture of the amorous
The longing for consummation
All desires are abolished
By the plenitude of their satisfaction....

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