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Amanda Starr Dec 2019
They say you have to love yourself before you can love someone else
Well i got a story to tell
Love for myself i don't think i have ever had
But being in love, i got that bad
Thinking of myself and what i need is not my first thought
When it comes to what gets done, for everyone else i have brought
At the end my hands are empty but everyone else is fine
Blistered and bruised, but yet still no cry
They say you need to love yourself to be free
But that coincides with the first, see when i am with her i am free
Free of having to love myself because she loves me enough
Free of having to go on without her, because god knows that would be rough
Free of all the world has to offer
Nothing can compare, don't even bother
They say you need to love yourself to keep on keepin' on
But as long as i see her there is no fog
As long as she is by my side i don't need me
As long as she is by my side, life is let be
This story may not make sense to most but its whats on my mind
Trying to get my feelings out, writing is how i search and find
Amanda Starr Nov 2019
bro for life
ride or die
those words repeat in my mind
the truth in those words i need to find
Once upon a time maybe
before you went crazy
trying to be something you are not
trying to be someone else's robot
the fall guy
you're better than that
this last fight
that's my last time
you've lost yourself in the tornado or popularity
where is your clarity
where is your back
i leaned but fell, you slacked
i looked for my bro
i needed a tow
i looked for my neighbor
you i could not find
to busy on your grind
to busy to find time
when did you lose yourself?
do you even know you need help?
18 years i have stood strong
walking by your side, road is long
18 years just to get a slapped in the face
i cant keep up, i don't know your pace
18 years, you were my bro
together we were suppose to grow
in the dust you have kept me
when things got tough... you did what you do
i hope your boys were worth all that has to come
because as much as i love you i am done
this is something that cant be fixed
i needed you, i needed a lift
i needed a hand
because on the ground i could not stand
you showed me what you are all about
lets me know i need to go down a different route
i wish you the best, i hope you find what you are looking for
because this friendship is what got torn
Amanda Starr Oct 2019
The withering flower on the unspoken tree
The queen at her castle begging on her knees.
The sky is loud and the waters calm
The birds no longer sing happy songs
The animals in the forest no longer explore
There is something slithering that much is for sure
Behind all the shadows in the dead of night
no where to be seen, out of mind out of sight.
children laughing with no thought to fear
but the monster is lurking
He starts to get near
The laughter grows louder it echoes the trees
The branches start shaking, down come the leaves
As the children skip playfully down the long grass road
Not knowing their laughter is selling their soul
The monster gets closer eyes glowing in suspense
The moment is closer his body gets tense.
He looks to his right, he looks to his left
The thoughts put to action Get ready get set
The laughter no longer, the playing has stopped
The voices have seized, the noise now has dropped
The souls have been lifted then drove into the ground
No more laughter, no more playing around.
No more skipping for fun, no more running for joy
no more warm beds to sleep in, or a favorite toy
once a stupid adventure they not knew to make
Not knowing there lives what was at stake
Amanda Starr Sep 2019
Drowning in the oceans of time
Like i'm in place while everyone is flying
Like i'm bleeding the sorrows of tomorrow
no one to help, no one to follow
The depths of time is everlasting
Harder than i thought, barely grasping
like a broken clock has been replaced
Bitter life is what i taste
The oceans surround me in a whirl of deception
no life jacket, no protection
Water sprays in the crystal eyes of my past, present, and future
feelings of my lungs puncture
Holding onto every breath like it's my last
Water fills my lungs, everything is so fast
Drowning in the oceans of time
trying to forget life's crimes
Amanda Starr Aug 2019
Hard to believe, all the anger i achieve
In my mind, you will find
Heart ache and misery
On my face, a smile i place
Hidden from the rest
My thoughts kept secret seems best
for you to see my real side, horror ride
I hide behind a smile, upon miles and miles
I hide my frown, cries making no sound
Emotions i don't share, act as if i don't care
Really i'm scared, never fully prepared
Adding to the list of sins, depths of my anger releases
Burst into a million pieces
My eyes become dark stricken, throat thickens
Body shakes, in control
here comes the overtake
my heart starts to slow, mobility starts to go
It comes alive, striving to survive
Taking over my being, gone forever
no longer seeing
All these times i have over come, ability not there for some
i awaken to the sorrows of my eradication
wondering who's creation
Its me.....
Amanda Starr May 2019
Where your imagination beams
Where you get what you want, and you want what you get.
Where everything is fun
Get ready, get set
Where dreams seem real, with all that you feel
Where promises are kept, cancellations wont except
Where you are who you are, no words to leave scars
Where everyone's there, and everyone cares
A place to call home, your mind is your beautiful own
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