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Amanda Starr May 2019
Where your imagination beams
Where you get what you want, and you want what you get.
Where everything is fun
Get ready, get set
Where dreams seem real, with all that you feel
Where promises are kept, cancellations wont except
Where you are who you are, no words to leave scars
Where everyone's there, and everyone cares
A place to call home, your mind is your beautiful own
Amanda Starr May 2019
You probably can’t see
That you’re breaking me
You probably can’t hear the sound
Of my bones cracking against the ground

And you probably don’t know
What you want
Or who

Because right now, she’s everything to you

And I’ll wash her smell off your clothes for you
I’ll kiss the lipstick off your lips for you
I’ll drown myself in her sweet resin, every night
For you

Because right now, you’re everything to me

And I may not be what you need,
Neither is she.
This is not an original of mine. A friend of mine started sharing their poems with me and does not feel they are up to the standards to be on sites. I am trying to show them love and educational criticism!
Amanda Starr May 2019
​​​​​​​Enemies of the past
Wondering how long it will last
The fear of you I do not have
For you to think that is rather sad
You do not pose a threat to me
Someday finally you will see
The violence I have overcome
Apparently has not gotten there for some
We seem to be at different levels
With different scores, different settles
With no thoughts of friendship
Let me let you in on a little tip
The level of my maturity
A level where you don't seem to be
Where only now matters, forgetting the past
Because everyone knows the future is coming fast
Where being myself means more
Where i'm happy right down to my core
An acceptance of what i cant change
Seeing what i can at full range
Where bills are more than a task
Letting me know I have my own back
Where life isn't a game and people are not pawns
Where life is living with all the rights and all the wrongs
A mind I can control, A mind I can call home
Because being mature is about understanding not just being grown
Amanda Starr Apr 2019
A pawn I will always play, ‘cause no matter what I will always obey
A grasp; I can’t seem to be released, if anything
Feelings of increase
Choking, gasping for air. She looks down
All she does is stare
She lifts me long enough for one big breath, then puts me back for the test
I see an opening by the door, I can run and grab it no problem
For sure
Then I look upon her face, I see the emptiness to her space
She needs the feeling to be needed, so her hunger
I feed it
‘cause no matter what I’d like to say, in her mind I want to stay
‘cause no matter what I’d like to think, without her I would sink
It’s her I crave, so for her I don’t dare misbehave
Amanda Starr Apr 2019
to old for this *
i feel grown, your stuck in a pit
everyone acts like your someone to be afraid of
all i see is an over sized cream puff
your a joke
you want to be happy but your smoked
bringing people down because you don't want to be alone
you wont catch me silly rabbit, that drama *
, i'm overgrown
say what you want, get it out quick
when tomorrow comes, i will be flying, even if you cant quit
cant bring me down
i got my baby, got my crown
i don't need people to like me for me to be okay
i don't need people to listen to what i have to say
i know who i am, who i will be
i got my family

silly rabbit, rabbit hole bound
mad hatter, i am Alice on the ground
when will you learn, words have meaning
even while you say it i can see you bleeding

silly rabbit rabbit hole bound
mad hatter, i am Alice on the ground
But your body, it won't make a sound.
'Cause your body's far beneath the ground

the * you talk goes right over my head
while you stay up being computer tough stuff
i sleep like stone, with my baby in my bed
your alone, i know your pain
but the things you say, they don't deserve any positive gain
eventually you will see
being alone isn't all its cracked up to be
maybe one day you can say you wont be the same
but for today, that some fake *
you claim
you say your 100, like nothing can touch you
but we can see lies, we know what you been up too
you try to keep up with all that you say
but you slip more than children at play
your contradictions, they are confliction
the stories you tell
as you talk all the believers start to melt
the truth comes out yet you still play the game
that's why everyone goes with it, they see your shame

silly rabbit, rabbit hole bound
mad hatter, Alice on the ground
when will you learn, words have meaning
even while you say it i can see you bleeding

silly rabbit rabbit hole bound
mad hatter, i am  Alice on the ground
But your body, it won't make a sound.
'Cause your body's far beneath the ground
Working progress. I still feel like i need one more verse. I went a direction i never go. A friend of mine read what i had written and she found a tune in her head as she read it. This is the first time I have tried to make anything in a music like way. Please give me, all advice you can. Should I continue on?
Amanda Starr Sep 2018
Two years, two months, six days
I can say "i love you" A thousand different ways
With your tweaks and twists
About you i could make more than a list
I know you inside and out, what you're all about
I know your thoughts, all the battles you have fought
I know why you are the way you are, the story to every scar
Your mind changes sporadically, in your mind thinking erratically
Feelings of no where to turn, attention needing to be earned
But when its all said and done, when the games are no longer fun
When your entertainment disappears, when there are no more tears
You move onto the next, no matter the ***
Your in it for you, you know that it's true
With all that i have said, all you have read
I want you to know, I will never let go
When i said your my only one, that was it
i was done
My soul mate for life, i will make you my wife
I know you inside and out, what you're all about
You know that it's true
When i say " i love you"
Amanda Starr Sep 2018
I’m sorry she never existed, saw reality but missed it
Lost her eyes, stuck in her lies
The dream that has been created stands strong
Can’t be faded
Her “ I love you’s” were a mistake, her smile was fake
She said she cared but she can’t, her memories in my mind they plant
A dream I wish I could never wake from, pick up every piece
Every crumb
But reality I need, it’s true
I need to grasp on… starting with yo
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