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Amanda Starr Sep 2018
As close as we may stand, our Relationship, it’s been ******
The mother I want you to be, a mother I will never see
Emotionless and emptiness, is this what you wanted
All our memories, all our thoughts, our dreams have been haunted
Opinions and comments are more than just said, we get it breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Constantly fed
You tell us to be ourselves, speak up when things are not right
As long as it doesn’t upset you that is, or prepare for a fight
Unless you are happy no one else can ride high
Everyone in your path, ripped right from the sky
When I got older I thought it would be better, live my life my way
Right to the letter
As much as I hoped that’s not the case is it
My person, my being who I was, bitten
I hold back what I want so you will be pleased
Because everyone knows it’s all about what you need
Two children you birthed, you gave us life
Just to play our strings, and boy don’t you pull tight
You tell us you love us and that you truly care
But when things don’t go your way
To you we are just people, dog eat dog world
Seems only fair
You said you did all that you should, never you abused us
Never you would
But the memories they haunt us, they eat us up
But I think you know that, you’re just as messed up
From the moment you wake up you look for a fight
You’re more than just a bark, you have a mean bite
You’re nasty, you’re cruel like a devil inside
Who is your victim, how do you decide?
Your children they hide, yes we avoid as we need
Because when we are around your anger it feeds
You are my demon my monster under the bed
As a child it wasn’t shadows that scared me
But rather you instead
As I get older I have emotions I cannot tame
You emotionless without reason
I feel it’s you to blame
I’m not the only one who feels this way
Sadly it’s true
Tonya ran away all because of you
As much as I love you and as much as I care
I have so much anger that around you I’m scared
I can snap at any moment you know that it’s true
I’m sorry to say my first victim would be you
Amanda Starr Sep 2018
A purple place, walls bleeding blue
Pink grass, talking animals
Honey filled with glue
Abandoned gardens, glowing eyed flowers
A hamster with magical powers
Laughing bushes, crying trees
Bees serenade songs of Christianity
The sky grows a face, and frowns at the sea
The sea takes form of a screaming banshee
A tornado twirling around
Makes a hole in the ocean and ***** out the ground
The cat dives into the water
Fish follow directly behind
And the world completely submerges
Seeping in and out of my subconscious mind
Amanda Starr Aug 2018
As the snow flakes settle down my cheek
i get a glimpse, barely a peak
i see your face those eyes on mine
i think of our connection so smoothly entwined
i feel your presence it brings me down, my baby
my gravity to touch ground
like a broken record to be forever played
memories to deep to fade
i remember you now, i remember you then
my angel from above, my heavenly sent
my tears remind me of the memories i lost
unfortunately my heart was the cost
we fought, we battled, the hostility filled
but for the both of us, i could feel the thrill
all that was said, all that was done
it was an act of pleasure, for us it was fun
a life without you is bitter and sour
like the limp of the earth,ineed a sad flower
your my water to grow, your my food to carry on
i'm withering, away while your still gone
Amanda Starr Aug 2018
As the rain hits the ground, a repetitive sound
   Things become clear, when there’s something to fear
Lightning strikes, flashing bright
All I can think, I don’t want to blink
A rumbling noise from up in the clouds
Scary and loud
Powers disarm, eyes widen with alarm screams begin to start
I always do wrong, in the eyes of the strong
A devil comes out, in the dead of the night
She’s not herself, this can’t be right
Still I sit, hit after hit
My eyes are swollen, my lip is split
I go to bed against the wall I place my head
Constantly checking to see
waiting to make sure, I was left be
in the morning I awake, my mind plays tricks
it was a dream, it was fake
upon my mirror I see my face, black and blue is what’s been placed
I turn to her, those eyes of fire, they calmed since last night
I think to myself, I know it’s my fault
The drugs she consumes, the toxins
The fumes
My future is spoken, my home life was broken
What I wouldn’t give, for a life worth to live
But my life’s been forsaken, the good deals are taken
So I sit, remembering hit after hit
And still I stay, to take care
To obey
The golden child disappears
In your eyes, I see your tears
The on that always took care, never got respect
But tare
Remember darlin’ who stayed by your side, and who took off to hide
Who was there to listen, and the one in the back
Purposely missing
Who ran the first chance they got, turned on you when caught
You stole my childhood, my thoughts
But with my life that’s not all I fought
Still I was always there, even when times were hard to bare
Empty stomach, torn heart, If only we could restart
Would you try, or do you like barely getting by
Did you think, when it wasn’t just your life to sink
A normal life is all I wanted, in my dreams my memories haunted
Do you care, with the heart break you share
Trappt to your side I’ll always be, someone who has to take care of thee
But yet trappt or not, your all I got
Amanda Starr Aug 2018
My heart starts to race, my eyes start to blur my mind feels like it might explode
Yet here you are
Swaying so delicately in the busy lights, my eyes rest upon your memorize dance
Not one time can I just glance
As soon as your eyes start to come around, I set my eyes to the ground
For a beauty like yours, I am unworthy of even just a glance into those crystal eyes you call home
As the days grow long, those nights don't last near enough
Her beauty beyond compare, in a mystical place
She belongs there
For a beauty so bright, with a smile so tight
She deserves to be anywhere
Yet here she is placed, to remind us
Beauty as if an angel is still very much alive
That true beauty isn't but a dream
But when the music fades and the light turns on reality snaps, waking me back
As I watch you grab your things an share a laugh
I think to myself, the whole night my courage I lack
A smile that can make any rejection an easy one
But the night is over. Done
'Til next weekend I wait
never to open my mouth, bitter taste
Amanda Starr Aug 2018
I love you forever and A day
  But I cant be with you
There's no way
  You broke me in two
With all your games
  And all the pain
You feel no shame
  While driving me insane
To you it's fun
  Like the power of frying ants in the sun
Cruel and unusual
  Painful and brutal
To you it's a joke
Not a care in the world what you provoke
  To you it's a game
You hold no shame
  Its the shots you call
With no fear to fall

— The End —