It's like being resurrected from the grave ........with a ravenous appetite
For life........
Drunken on bravery......
With no yearning to fight......
it's like learning to fly ...
For the first time......
Everytime you fall in.....
I love love as much as falling in......
But it's the fall that I crave .
im a slave to it.
Its that sudden stop at the end
That's what I'm afraid of.......
Although ........
You know.. .
When your on the verge......
Reluctant dragon....
First time going down a slide.......
Feet out front.....
All the warnings.....
Grasping for something....
All those memories
Fat lips scraped knees. ......
Wait what's gonna happen .......
When. .....
Then the push ....
The rush ....
All that could happen.......gone.....
Running cutting in line.
Giggaling climbing the ladder.....
Love ........
It's a funny thing....
If you've never been .....
Then I guess your probably fine.
It only takes one time .....
You've lost your mind......
Falling out......
Lilliput Glumb.....
Bummin everyone .
Sad sack Sarge
Oh woooez me....
Falling in ....
Knight .....
Full of chivalry......
Righteous in your own mind .....
Once you've been
Oops I meant smitten......
A bit of advice......
If you are young .....
Listen .....
Chase the girls .....
There gonna run from you...
Put all that energy into you......
Build your dreams...the girls will eventually chase you.....
If your a girl.......
Same thing but double......
If your old ......
Hair of the dog.....
Oops meant to say
It's a definite maybe.....
I need to get life........
Yah I said it right....