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Luke Jul 2017
The Lizard came to find one day;
That he had gotten Stuck;
For the Ladder seemed longer than ages of Heavens;
And the Bottom was plagued with Muck.

Many a Skin had he Reluctantly Shed;
By falling to the Bottom;
And for each rung he Grovelled up to;
No notice had he gotten.

One day, exhausted, he fell upon;
The second Holy rung;
“Climb up, for paradise awaits!”
The familiar voices sung.

And then it seemed a Lifetime after;
He had Climbed unto the Promised Land!;
But pleased as They were to see him there;
He found it horribly Bland.

And so after having a brief look around;
He got back on that friendly Ladder;
And as every step he took pointed down;
He felt himself grow Madder.

Another Skin came tumbling off;
But determined to climb he still looked up;
And Poised upon that Ladder still;
He thought about the Drop.

— The End —