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Aug 2018 · 246
Hideous XIII
Giddy Crowley Aug 2018
I often wonder if you've seen me, an' in which form,
- throughout these various apps and poetry forums.

Was it Aegidious you met? Or perhaps Phillip?
Nay; - thy hath not read from any o' them, I would bet.

Are these words but some unheard and meaningless hiccup?

Are they to be scribbl'd out through my blood an' my sweat -
- only to be fallen upon by thee most deaf ears
- and thee most visionless eyeballs of all the Earth's land?

Nay - for: if my words can bring but one person a cheer,
- should I aquire even just one anonymous fan,
- only then I'd say I had done an alright job here.

To write with all o' your soul - or to left unwritten?
I feel not the need to give you my opinion.
August 2nd, 2018
Jul 2018 · 243
Chaos (IV)
Giddy Crowley Jul 2018
You're online but you won't answer me;
- when all I want from you is to
-                     respond to my plea
-                regarding your safety.
Jul 2018 · 234
About Your' Old Beau (II)
Giddy Crowley Jul 2018
Don't expect to hear my voice
- if you do make the choice
- of visiting him.

For: if you should choose
- to visit him,
- it's me that you lose.

Don't expect to see my face
- if you choose to reside in space
- around him.

Don't expect my smile or laugh,
- if you choose him from the past.

And- remember to forget me
- before you go to see - him.

Don't expect to hear from me again
- if you do decide that you'll visit him. 

I will not take a stab like that to my heart
- from such a cold and jagged shard;
- especially since you know how I feel,
- especially since you know it's a deal-
-breaker that will leave me alone.. 

I'd say, "leave us alone," but no.. 
I'm sure you might once again find a home
- in that ***** you call Jon's heart.

An' I'll be left - to die an inevitable death
- one which is planned - by my own hands.
Jul 2018 · 579
Chaos (III)
Giddy Crowley Jul 2018
Oh - what it'd be like
- to not be awake
- before the break of light
- before the dawn of day.

If only I didn't slave away
- for each waking hour of my days.
Jul 2018 · 450
Chaos (II)
Giddy Crowley Jul 2018
No! My woes won't go,
- much as I may hope
- they are passers-through.  

No! My woes won't go
- 'way, not tomorrow or today..
- regardless o' how much I hope
- that they do.
Jul 2018 · 192
About Your' Old Beau (I)
Giddy Crowley Jul 2018
If you choose to be - by him, from the past,
- it may be the last - you'll e'er see of me.

Ay! If you should go - to look 'pon his face,
- you will be eras-ing me: this, you know.

If you decide to, - I cannot stop you..
- just keep in mind: I won't make it through.

So - will you say, "Bye?" - I guess I will see.
Jul 2018 · 464
Chaos (I)
Giddy Crowley Jul 2018
The days, now, are so strange
- and I cannot manage
- these thoughts within my brain.
Jul 2018 · 454
Inevitable (II)
Giddy Crowley Jul 2018
"Last pack," written on the previous twelve;
- though, it never seems to be the truth.

I am locked in this never-ending realm;
- one where the carbon clouds are abused.

My mind does not wish to inhale the smoke
- but my body needs it so severely.

It causes me to hack, cough, and to choke;
- ay - it is killing me slowly, clearly.

All the people around keep telling me
- "you haven't a reason to be stressed,"
- an' "can't you see you've been nothing but bless'd
- as of late?"
Jul 2018 · 812
Inevitable (I)
Giddy Crowley Jul 2018
Cancer of the lung
will, surely, be brung
unto this body,
caused by such shoddy
decisions to smoke.

Ay - as I do choke:
I seemingly know
how I will leave, go,
away from this world.
July 27th, 2018
Jun 2018 · 155
Giddy Crowley Jun 2018
"You are every star in existence to me, Sam;
- each planet that orbits them - as well."

I'd go as far as to say, "You're each moon too."

Earthly words may not, accurately, describe how much you
- mean to - me. Even still, I'll attempt and see
- if I can display half that's portrayed
- within the depths of my brain.
Mar 2018 · 169
Thursday Morning
Giddy Crowley Mar 2018
On such a wonderful morning,
- while my future wife is snoring:
- I break beads on the tires o' semi's
- so that she may live a good life,
- so that I may provide my dear
- with gifts and shelter in the coming years.
March 29th, 2018
Mar 2018 · 165
Giddy Crowley Mar 2018
May even I, who has slandered your name,
- find love in your embrace?

For all I've done, I feel a great shame;
- these things I've done
- while lost in the maze of life.

Lord, forgive me for my wicked ways;
- for: I knew not what I did.

Though, I know now:
- that I have lived full of sin..
- and have succumbed
- to temptations of the flesh
- far too oft.

Lord, give me a fresh start;
- I will give you my heart.

I felt you there last night;
- while the bottle of wine fought
- with my body.
You were looking down, frustrated,
- over me.
You desire more and better for me
- and I wish to live as you intend me to.

I feared for my life that night,
- feeling my body fight
- with an overindulgence of your holy blood.
Should I have died,
- I fear what would have become of me.

For so long, I have been lost.
Please, Lord, save me;
- for: I am yours to keep.
Mar 2018 · 261
S.O.S (Solitude On Spirits)
Giddy Crowley Mar 2018
I sip spirits, attempting to lift mine;
- even still: you see that I am not fine.

It seems like you have been distant with me;
- I've been feeling this way, all o' this week.

It seems: the last thing on your mind is me;
- it has been tearing up my heart, you see?
It has been breaking 'part my thoughts & brain;
- from on my cheeks, falls down a constant rain.

I find a cigar in my lips and teeth
- and, again, begin to hate the man seen,
- staring back at me from, in the mirror;
- my future and wellbeing are unclear.
Jan 2018 · 190
Giddy Crowley Jan 2018
The smoked cigarette
- 'pon the snow is still smoldering,
- silently, as I pull another to my lips.
Jan 2018 · 170
Giddy Crowley Jan 2018
Smoked the nights' last cigarette
- dreaming of an oak home
- that I, so dearly, wish ta' get.

Where in which: I can spend time
- with a woman who've I fallen for
- drinking whatever, coffee, wine;
- the others' interior mind, we'd explore.

One in which: we could raise young
- and teach them compassion, love,
- teach them how to walk among
- their fellow humans with courtesy.

Alas, these are all but dreams that do pass
- through the foggy and blue skull o' mine.

Smoked the nights' last cigarette
- dreaming of an oak home
- that I'll likely never get.

Ay - tis' not likely
- something that I'll see
- before I die.

— The End —