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You were glad to-night: and now you’ve gone away.
Flushed in the dark, you put your dreams to bed;
But as you fall asleep I hear you say
Those tired sweet drowsy words we left unsaid.

Sleep well: for I can follow you, to bless
And lull your distant beauty where you roam;
And with wild songs of hoarded loveliness
Recall you to these arms that were your home.
One for the worries
Two for the woes
Three for my wrongs
Four for my foes
Five for love lost
Six for lost cause
Seven to hell with those

who look down on the solitary loser drinking to fog up a lousy day spent watching a pair of morons in black do a bad job of groping each other’s private parts
Please attribute back to the author (me) if you share this in any form with others.

I had change the title of the poem to "Ramblings of a poet stuck in a corporate hell". But after a day of watching it on screen, it didn't feel right. So I changed it back to the original title- "Lament".
To-night retired, the queen of heaven
  With young Endymion stays;
And now to Hesper it is given
Awhile to rule the vacant sky,
Till she shall to her lamp supply
  A stream of brighter rays.

Propitious send thy golden ray,
  Thou purest light above!
Let no false flame ****** to stray
Where gulf or steep lie hid for harm;
But lead where music’s healing charm
  May soothe afflicted love.

To them, by many a grateful song
  In happier seasons vow’d,
These lawns, Olympia’s haunts, belong:
Oft by yon silver stream we walk’d,
Or fix’d, while Philomela talk’d,
  Beneath yon copses stood.

Nor seldom, where the beechen boughs
  That roofless tower invade,
We came, while her enchanting Muse
The radiant moon above us held:
Till, by a clamorous owl compell’d,
  She fled the solemn shade.

But hark! I hear her liquid tone!
  Now Hesper guide my feet!
Down the red marl with moss o’ergrown,
Through yon wild thicket next the plain,
Whose hawthorns choke the winding lane
  Which leads to her retreat.

See the green space: on either hand
  Enlarged it spreads around:
See, in the midst she takes her stand,
Where one old oak his awful shade
Extends o’er half the level mead,
  Enclosed in woods profound.

Hark! how through many a melting note
  She now prolongs her lays:
How sweetly down the void they float!
The breeze their magic path attends;
The stars shine out; the forest bends;
  The wakeful heifers graze.

Whoe’er thou art whom chance may bring
  To this sequester’d spot,
If then the plaintive Siren sing,
O softly tread beneath her bower
And think of Heaven’s disposing power,
  Of man’s uncertain lot.

O think, o’er all this mortal stage
  What mournful scenes arise:
What ruin waits on kingly rage;
How often virtue dwells with woe;
How many griefs from knowledge flow;
  How swiftly pleasure flies!

O sacred bird! let me at eve,
  Thus wandering all alone,
Thy tender counsel oft receive,
Bear witness to thy pensive airs,
And pity Nature’s common cares,
  Till I forget my own.
 Dec 2012 J Christmas
naily abdo
Through the illusion of looking for you and see you between mirage ..
Call you in my dreams .. And scream in my days ..
I accept my friend to happiness and happiness ..
I accept to the days remaining .. And the age of melting ..
A hundred d...rink after thirst .. You illusion and mirage you ..
Do not see you in the hands .. You are no longer as you ..
No longer a player Game of life .. you life ..
And you hope the rest over time .. What do I do tears have retained
Almost **** me and my heart would break when ... sad, my veins explode in blood ..
I depart .... My Spirit through space ..
Perhaps the star had seen you in night .. or a planet may pull off the wings ...

And spend nights and days in the search for you .......... ..
Contemplate the blue of the sky and the waves of the sea .. .. .. and stillness and the silence of the jungle night ..
In the nap and fresh ... and the revolution of whining .... and winds. .. Securities and swish
Dawn with the moon .. and the beam slips through the branches of trees ..
.. Dispel the darkness .. And hope in the hearts of lovers ..
Awaken the heedless .. Blessed are you, O moon .. You are in your heaven moon ..
In Lilac moon.. Published charm quiet ..... over deserts and wasteland
And rivers and seas .., handing him the hearts of the lost Perplexed ..
In Lilac creatures you feel comfortable ... and sleep filled eyes
Home to their young happy in her dreams .. and miss the light through the clouds that inform your
And looks forward to you .. tortured hearts of loving stares unaware of them run away sad tears on your absence ..
Counting O Bright Moon .... and sent to the light lost in the mirage of illusion .. sad
I have reached the point where I
don't want to sleep.
It's not that I can't sleep - I
really am so very tired, and it's
rather late, the clock jumps in
leaps and bounds. As if
the halves of hours and the
chunks of ten
are swallowed by that easy
StumbleUpon button or maybe by
my brain.

This is the point of tired when
all the nightmares and daymares and
scary, lonely dreams-to-be
come lurking in strange
ways. When I
can't place the reason for this
uncanny loneliness eating at my soul.
I keep searching for something -
for anything, if I'm honest -
that will make me
laugh once more, then I
will surely sleep. But I
can't focus. And I can't find it.

I see my old friend, the one I
miss so much it hurts, but who
I haven't talked to in a while. I see
those phantom arguments that I
always win in the shower, and which I
would surely lose in reality. I see
all those moments in which pangs of
pain struck me, the ones that are
so easily ignored throughout the day,
and now they've piled up and I am
an insomniac.

I can't sleep.
Why not envision a new eco-poetics grounded in a heritage thousands of years old which upholds that everything in the universe is sacred?
    Francisco X. Alarcón

Space, time and Borges now are leaving me …
    J L Borges

The progress of an artist is a continual self-sacrifice, a continual extinction of the personality.
    T S Eliot

One does not often think of the tripartite goddess who gave her blessed name to Ireland -  Éire, Banba, Fódla - not to mention other goddesses who have left their trace on the landscape, Danu of the Paps of Danu for instance.

Devotional poetry in India goes by the name of bhakti. In the heel of the hunt, a bhakta does not really adore or pine for any god or  goddess; as with Mirabai’s love affair with Krishna, or Muktabai singing her own glistening Self; what is sought and what is praised is the brightness of eternal brightness, our shared Self, knowing neither birth nor death.

Some words in this poem sequence are ‘shaded’ to allow for another reading of a line, or a faint echo, a game much cherished by the Celtic poets of yore. Thus, the reader sees the word as the world when written as world and encounters  bhakti invocations such as ma (mother) hidden in the word mad!
 Dec 2012 J Christmas
Holding on to you is like grabbing onto the smoke that I exhale while thinking about you,
The smoke slips through my fingers like my life that slips away without you  
These truths are ever present but whose fault is it? Yours are mine?
Is it your fault for doing something you have to do?
Or mine for holding onto something that was never mine?
As I exhale the smoke I once tried to grasp and hold onto, I relent and stop fighting the inevitable
And in this moment I truly love you…..
 Dec 2012 J Christmas
Little Girl walk
-little age not
little shape.
Her hair black
-was blonde. Not
beauty queen blonde
She think
she beautiful.
-maybe she is
No one sees
-she doesn't show.
am I beautiful?
 Dec 2012 J Christmas
Last night I dreamt that we were dolphins
swimming in a crystal blue lagoon.
Diving deep to chase a school of fish,
leaping high to kiss the moon.
The waters wrap us in a loving embrace
and we respond with a beautiful ballet.
With gentle eyes set on a smiling face
forever frolicking with my lifelong mate.
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