you're a lovely twit, i see you there,
sat up high
day n night
in the twit
twoo tree.
years fly pass.
Hungrily devouring those
precious stolen morsels, you sigh,
longing for the tastiest dish
lost in the long grass.
tw oo.
Spanning wide, spreading high, strength from the roots, honest sap in the bark, all that you are
a beautiful, wonderous, lifesource
evil lurks
amongst the whispering green.
Pretty owls who are pecking all the pie, when
eye cleansing rain reveals them, as painted little crows on haunches;
Greedy selfish birds, only feathering their own nests, trying before they buy.
So wait, you will, for the phoenix of your dreams. Soon. She'll emerge so bright
as the smoke becomes her, perhaps with a flame for you, to burn the grasses of her hiding place.
Some nonense from a wise old owl ... for a dear and true twit twoo !
.... with a promised phonenix for Melissa :) x